Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 828 Always Surprised and Motivated

Fu Yibin talked about Ji Xuan's announcement of the medicated restaurant and Xia Ruo's appointment as a consultant.

"As soon as he announced it, it caused a lot of repercussions. It is said that there are too many people who want to get a card through the back door because of calling today. He couldn't stand it anymore and directly transferred the call to the assistant's terminal."

He continued with a smile: "The medicinal restaurant has already become popular before it is tested. It all depends on you, the boss, to evaluate the advertising effect of the live broadcast. He has already selected the store and started to decorate it."

Xia Ruo knows that Ji Xuan is very business-minded, "Go back and remind him, so that he can rent a few half-desolate stars from Ji's house and store them. The ones with more mutant beasts will be able to provide a steady stream of food for the medicinal restaurant. Meat."

She also came here and used the mutated animal stewed medicinal diet, only to find that the effect was much better than ordinary poultry.

Mutant beasts are very ferocious. On the half-desolate planet, they often go to human cities to attack and eat people, and they are not guilty of using them as food.

This is natural selection. Weak human beings accidentally encounter mutant beasts, and that is basically the fate of becoming the opponent's food.

Fu Yibin wrote it down in his heart, "Okay, I'll tell him when I get back."

"Then do we want to add medicinal recipes in our private restaurant? Those old men have been watching." He asked rather helplessly.

Don't say that Ji Xuan's phone has been ringing in the past two days, his phone keeps coming in. Just now when he came to sit down in the tavern, he kept getting calls, so he had to turn off the phone temporarily.

Xia Ruo said with a smile: "It's not interesting to directly add the recipe of medicinal food. After all, Ji Xuan and I are in a cooperative relationship and will provide many recipes of medicinal diet to his restaurant. If the old men want to eat it, they can go to the restaurant of medicinal diet."

"I believe that with their energy, booking a seat in the past will never be as difficult as booking a private restaurant."

Then she changed the subject and said, "But they are all regular customers. Didn't we do activities for these VIPs every month before, and we will add one more in the future."

"Every month, those who successfully book a table for a meal in that month can participate in the lucky draw at the end of the month, and release three medicinal diets specially designed for personal conditioning. Eat for one month, and change people in the second month."

"However, they need to pay for the ingredients and medicinal materials of the medicated diet. I will personally check the pulse of the selected person and match the medicated diet accordingly. If there is no effect in a month, the cost of taking the medicated diet can be refunded 100 times."

"At that time, interested customers will be allowed to draw lots themselves, which will be open, fair and just. However, those who have participated before will not be able to participate again. There is no limit to the number of places drawn by lottery, and they can be transferred to family members or something."

"It's roughly like this, you can just watch the operation when the time comes."

Now that I am going to make medicinal food, I have to spread my reputation no matter what, so I can give back to old customers, killing two birds with one stone.

She still hopes to continue to carry forward the things left by the ancestors of Huaxia.

"Okay, I understand!" Fu Yibin's eyes lit up, he liked this job more and more, which made him always surprised and motivated.

In fact, the Fu family is also in business, and its scale may be similar to that of the previous Xia family. It is inferior to the families on the Federation star, but it is indeed a first-class family on their planet.

But his grandparents valued his elder brother, and his parents liked his younger brother more, so he was caught in the middle and suffered from indifference, not lacking in food and drink but not much care at all.

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