There is no oven or other equipment for sale in the small town, so Xia Ruo and Feng Yan went to the supply city, planning to order a few equipment for making flower cakes first.

The children were handed over to a few gentle girls in the logistics department to take care of them, and they took them to the supply city.

Yu Huai will prepare shower gel, and he will also be taken with him. By the way, he will first check in the supply city to see if there is any equipment that can be used, and decide first if it is suitable.

Zhai Hao and Xi Yu took the initiative to come together. The two of them dislike staying at the base the most. After fighting together during the day, the two of them are no longer so confrontational.

With the star coins, the few people did not feel wronged, rented a car and drove to the supply city.

The supply city here is also not peaceful, and it is also heavily infiltrated by the forces of the black market, but it is not as blatant and exaggerated as the three small cities, because occasionally war groups come to inspect.

Especially recently because the assessment site is on this half-desolate star, they have restrained a lot.

Entering the city, Xia Ruo and the others first went to a store that sells equipment. Although the price was a little more expensive than outside, it was still within acceptable limits.

After ordering the baking equipment for flower cakes, everyone went to the mall for the equipment needed for shower gel.

After looking around, Yu Huai said: "The price here is too expensive. I bought a set privately because I was interested, and it was only one-fifth of the total price here. If we want to open a factory for production, we must buy more , It’s too bad to calculate.”

Hearing what he said, Xia Ruo also frowned, "That's really too bad."

"It's just that if you don't buy them, you can't make them. I don't know if buying more of them can make it cheaper." Yu Huai sighed.

Xia Ruo smiled: "It's not much cheaper, but it's still expensive to buy in the end. I have a solution for this."

"My supermarket will open in three small cities in a few days. At that time, we can ask the manager to help us buy from the Imperial Star Belt, and then just pay for the travel expenses."

It won't be a secret in a few days, so don't hide it.

"Will the assessor allow it?" Yu Huai didn't expect to be able to play like this.

Xia Ruo smiled and said: "It's just a supermarket, we can buy things conveniently, and the price will not change. And it is also aimed at everyone in the small town. If there is a queue, etc., we also need to queue up to buy honestly, and we have not given us any money. It’s convenient, so it’s not a violation.”

Last night, she went shopping with Feng Yan and ran into the examiner by chance.

He conveyed a meaning to them, the chief inspector allowed Xia Ruo's supermarket to open, as long as there was no convenience or violation of regulations.

Then he indirectly expressed that the chief examiner was interested in Xia Ruo's stewed pork.

It happened that there was a lot of stewed meat, and Xia Ruo put the rest in the space, and gave a lot to the examiner on the spot.

After he took it, he directly transferred a sum of star coins to Xia Ruo, so there was no such thing as a private transaction.

Therefore, Xia Ruo is more familiar with the temperament of the chief examiner and the direction of this assessment.

Yu Huai breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good. If there is a supermarket, it will not only be more convenient for us to buy things, but also the residents in the small town."

There are also some residents in the small town who do small businesses, but there are not many varieties, and the forces previously charged them a lot of protection fees, so they can only increase the selling price, and everyone's life is difficult.

With Xia Ruo's supermarket settled in, the price will be much cheaper and the items will be relatively complete.

"I think so too!" Xia Ruo nodded.

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