The people from the First Academy scolded Ren Mingliang inwardly, saying something bad is not enough for success.

Sure enough, Xia Ruo stood up and looked at Ren Mingliang and said, "Do you know the project that our Second Academy is going to carry out? The news is quite well-informed!"

The matter of the flower cake and the foundation, but she only brought it up when she went to the field today, so it was leaked out.

But the disclosure was good, she was still thinking about how to deal with the spies, and they wanted to thank this self-righteous Ren Mingliang.

"What don't you know? Not only our First Academy knows, but also the Third Academy!"

Ren Mingliang also wanted to show his abilities in front of the Third Academy, dragging the other party into the water, "You are going to open a shampoo and shower gel factory here, and they will also open it. Yu Anke is from the fragrance department."

"If you want to open a farm, they will also open it, but they don't know how to make flower cakes and bean products, but they have other similar plans, so you are actually the least advantaged right now."

Ever since they found out about the Second Academy's project, the students of their academy realized that they had gone in the wrong direction, because they all wanted to make changes on the original basis, and didn't want to start over.

Now that they had the plan of the Second Academy, they got a lot of inspiration, and the Third Academy almost copied it.

"..." The students of the Third Academy who were watching the play at the back twitched their mouths, thinking of killing Ren Mingliang.

This guy arranged for spies to be in their academy. After all, they also had spies from the other two academies, but they exposed it to the second academy in public. He was so stupid that he wanted to drag others into the water. The son of the principal Ren is really a crooked person.

In fact, Ren Mingliang would not have been so impulsive when he was a child, but now his status is different, and his family background is not deep, so he has only learned half of what he has cultivated.

Originally, he thought that he could be the leader of the First Academy if he soared into the sky, but the successive blows made him stunned. He was kicked and scolded by Feng Yan just now, and Xie Qian didn't help him, so his brain became hot.

Xia Ruo set her sights on the students of the Third Academy behind, "You guys plagiarized pretty fast."

Yu An was greatly affected by what happened to Yu Huai before. When he heard that the other party was going to open a factory, he was not to be outdone and went to the captain to recommend him.

Since he was a child, he was trained in perfumery, and later he was admitted to the perfumery department of the Third Academy, and his grades were also among the best. Unlike Yu Huai, he has a lot of recipes.

Not only does he know how to mix perfume, but he has also been taught by several experts who specialize in the development of cosmetics and skin care products since he was a child, and he has great confidence in himself.

He also wants to prove himself, as long as he defeats Yu Huai in terms of strength, the family will also recognize him, and it doesn't matter if those people babble.

"How can this be considered plagiarism? Our family is originally engaged in cosmetics and skin care products. This is something I am good at. It is impossible for Yu Huai to do it. I have to give up, right?" Yu An said disapprovingly.

Xia Ruo raised her eyebrows, "Really? Yuhuai is going to open a factory, and you are going to open a similar factory. We are going to open a breeding farm, and you are also going to open a breeding farm. What a coincidence!"

"But it's up to you." She said with a meaningful smile: "It's good to have the same ones, this will show your strength better, and you can tell the good from the bad with comparison."

Yu Huai sneered: "Okay! Let's see which school opens a factory that is more outstanding and makes money."

If he lost to Yu Huai after studying for so many years, he might as well jump off a building.

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