Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 873 What Did This Woman Do?

The performance of Xia Ruo and others is not only known to those who watched the live broadcast, but Bo Ming and the examiners have also been watching.

In the supply city, Bo Ming stretched his legs, holding a glass of wine in his hand, and there was sliced ​​braised pork in front of the table.

"Xia Ruo and Feng Yan are very good. After the spies from the Second Academy were driven out, the rest of them seem to have a sense of team."

"Give them extra points today."

The three examiners all knew that their boss was more casual, "Then how do we add it?"

"Six points for Xia Ruo, four points for Feng Yan, and one point for the others."

"We usually do things together, count the outstanding people, and add one point." He added.

"..." Looking at the boss who was holding a fork and forking a piece of stewed meat with a face full of enjoyment, the three of them wanted to support their foreheads.

Is this called cannibalism? Give six points at once, but it has never happened before.

"Head, is it too much to add six points at once?" Someone couldn't help asking.

Bo Ming raised her eyelids, "Xia Ruo behaved so well, and even rejected those people, her plan is more suitable for the development of the small town, and she won't act recklessly, she won't pretend to understand, and hired experts to set up the farm , if it wasn't for the fear that it would be inappropriate to give too much, I'd just give her 10 points."

"..." Do you know it's inappropriate? A few people wanted to roll their eyes.

However, it is undeniable that among the three schools, Xia Ruo is the most thoughtful and capable person in terms of reform and development.

In the second academy, Feng Yan was in charge of the outside, and Xia Ruo was in charge of the inside, taking care of each other, which made them gain a firm foothold immediately and made progress so quickly.

Bo Ming said with some dissatisfaction: "Feng Yan's swift and resolute approach in dealing with the evil forces in the small town is also commendable. You see, the students of the other two colleges are still dealing with those people, and the progress is too slow. "

The three assessors also agreed with this point, and the students from the other two colleges seemed a little hesitant when dealing with this matter.

Although it is true that the Second Academy has dealt with the evil forces in the small town, the other party has been vigilant, but it will be more difficult for the other party to deal with it if they have enough time to prepare.

The first academy is okay, Xie Qian seems to have a plan, the third academy is a bit outrageous, Bai Sihang actually still has the idea of ​​cooperating with that force, and he is not afraid of attracting wolves into the house.

"Then do other colleges need extra points?" Another examiner asked.

If you keep adding points from the Second Academy, some people will definitely feel that the chief examiner is biased or something.

Bo Ming said nonchalantly: "The ones with outstanding performance can be added, and it should not exceed three points."

"I hate what Bai Sihang did, so I will deduct two points directly." He snorted.

The old man of the Bai family didn't know if he had lost his mind, but he actually exiled Bai Siyu from the battle group, and let other people compete for the position of heir.

In the entire Bai family, he thinks that only Bai Siyu is more powerful, and his three views are not crooked.

If someone like Bai Sihang is allowed to inherit the Second Battle Group, this guy will do everything for the benefit, maybe the Federation will be dragged down and endangered.

The three of them also didn't like Bai Sihang's approach, "Good!"

So in the evening, the new addition and subtraction information was sent to everyone's terminal, and everyone was a little surprised to see the result.

Xia Ruo directly added six points, which made people in the other two colleges a little confused. What did this woman do? There are so many bonus points.

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