A month passed quickly, and the third small town had undergone great changes.

Residents in the city have changed their once bitter faces, and now they have hope in life, eating well and feeling happy, and everyone is smiling and looking forward to it.

Anyone in the city who is not lazy has found a job, whether they are working in a factory, or going out to hunt and gather herbs, and their income is much higher than before.

Also because of the active encouragement of Xia Ruo and others, coupled with successful examples such as the logistics company, the people in the small town have gradually become active, and some people have started other businesses one after another, and the development is not bad.

Not only can they have enough food and clothing, but they also have spare money to save, which makes the people in the other two small towns extremely envious.

The Second Academy is on the right track, and its development is getting better and better day by day.

The First Academy and the Third Academy encountered a lot of trouble.

Under the leadership of Xie Qian, the First Academy cleaned up the evil forces in the first small city, but it took nearly half a month.

After the small town is completely stabilized, it will develop on the original basis. The previous processing plants will continue to be used after reconstruction, and workers will be recruited to continue working, but the wages and benefits will be greatly improved.

He also contacted merchants who specialize in purchasing mutant beasts and medicinal materials to enter the small town, and the purchase price returned to normal.

I also researched and planned to implement two projects, but neither of them has made any money.

Especially after learning how to open a breeding farm in the Second Academy, all the cubs caught were raised to death after only half a month.

They don't know how to make cured meat, etc., and finally they can only close the farm.

The main focus of the first small city is to develop on the basis left by the forces. Although it is inferior to the second academy, it is still relatively stable, and the overall income of the small town has been increasing.

The third college was sad, the same problem appeared in the breeding farm, and all the cubs caught died.

Later, some mature mutated beasts were caught, and there were incidents of wounding people. Not only did they not earn money, but they also paid a lot of medical expenses.

The cosmetics factory created by Yu An had invested so much that the students of the Third College had to go out and hunt for more than half a month every day before paying off the money for the fixed equipment.

Who knew it was produced, but no one bought it because the price was too expensive and the three-no product. They also thought of buying it online, but unfortunately no one bought it.

Later, the price was lowered a lot, but there were very few people who bought it. There was no way that everyone had been brainwashed by Xia Ruo.

Moreover, several people bought it and found that it was not easy to use after using it, so they directly gave a bad review.

In this way, the cosmetics factory not only failed to make money, but also lost all the costs, and added a sum of wages to the workers.

Yu An was also severely scolded by Bai Sihang and the others.

Bai Sihang wanted to take advantage of the evil forces in Xiaocheng, but the other party also had the same attitude. You came and I went back and forth for half a month, but no one took advantage of it, so they fell out.

When Bai Sihang made up his mind to clean up this faction, he had already made full preparations, so it took another half a month to clean it up, but he paid a considerable price.

Many of the elites of the Third Academy were injured, and at least a dozen people would have died if it hadn't been for the supernatural beings placed in the small town by the final assessment party.

After cleaning up this evil force, and the factory that imitated the Second Academy collapsed, Bai Sihang also restrained a lot, and started to change on the original basis like the First Academy, but it was too late.

Because they fought fiercely with the evil forces, the residents in the city were greatly affected, and everyone was panicked.

Although Xia Ruo and the others did not install spies, they could often hear a lot of news.

Xia Ruozheng was worried that the business was too good and the workers were short of manpower. She didn't expect that the Third College would kill herself, and the other party would send pillows as soon as she fell asleep. Good man!

Today's update is over, thank you for the rewards and votes, see you tomorrow at 12 o'clock~~

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