Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 882 Sprinkle salt on the wound

Seeing this, Xia Ruo restrained the supernatural aura and fierce aura she had released before.

Gently said: "That's right, Captain Bai thinks that I forcibly snatched you to the second small city, so I want to bring someone to rescue you back today."

Bai Sihang's original words are not like this, but the meaning is similar.

Hearing what Xia Ruo said, these residents changed their faces.

Someone looked at Bai Sihang and frowned and said, "Captain Bai may have misunderstood. We saw that the factory in the third small city was recruiting workers. Both the salary and welfare system were very good, so we came here to participate in the recruitment. Captain is fine."

"That's right! Before we came to the third city and entered the factory, we had no contact with Captain Xia. Captain Bai, you can't accuse a good person."

"We live a good life here, so we won't go back, and we won't bother Captain Bai to worry and trouble!"

"Yes, we will not go back again. We have already applied to join the third city and become residents here."

"Thank you, Captain Bai, for your kindness. We appreciate it, but I'm sorry. We all decided to stay."

What kind of life they lived in the second city before, and what kind of life they are living now, they are very clear in their hearts.

Only by comparing can they find the difference between hell and heaven. The current life gives them hope and hope for life, and they don't want to go back and continue to live that oppressed life.

This Captain Bai used to collude with the high-level officials of those forces, and they all went bankrupt after setting up some factories. It's not good in terms of character and ability. Although they don't have much knowledge, they have eyes.

Xia Ruo reached out to them when they were most desperate and in need, and let them enter the factory in the third small city. Not only did they provide food and meals, but they also vacated the houses in the old city to accommodate them. They are not revenge people.

What can I hope for when I go back to the second city? It must be a mess, this guy surnamed Bai is really not a good guy, he has been trying to harm them, but there is no way.

Although the people in the second small city didn't say anything on the surface, they had great opinions on Bai Sihang and others, and many people showed it on their faces.

Hearing their chatter, Bai Sihang's face darkened, how long have these people been here? This was bought?

"Captain Xia is really good!" He couldn't help but sarcastically, "For the points, you worked so hard!"

Xia Ruo smiled indifferently: "It's not as good as the Bai team's methods. We can build and develop the city honestly, but we have to work hard and fight with our strength. It's not as big-hearted as you, and you still want to use those It is admirable to use evil forces to fight for your use."

"It's no wonder that points are being deducted constantly. There are not many people like you who can be found by the three major colleges." Others sarcastically, of course she will not soften her mouth.

Recently, because of the turmoil in the second city, Bai Sihang was deducted several points by the assessment party.

Xia Ruo's words also stabbed him in the heart, and sprinkled salt on the wound.

His face was blue and black with anger, "Xia Ruo, don't think you are Feng Yan's girlfriend, I dare not do anything to you!"

This woman is simply too hateful.

"Then what do you want to do to my girlfriend?" Suddenly, a cold voice came from behind.

Everyone looked over and saw Feng Yan, who was handsome in a battle suit, leading people over with a cold face, and I was very unhappy all over his body.

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