Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 885 Who allowed you to make your own decisions?

Bai Siyu looked indifferent, and looked at the old man very calmly.

"Grandpa, what's the matter?"

Seeing his grandson like this, the old man felt a little displeased, but he endured it and didn't scold him.

"Hurry back and go to that half-desolate star to participate in the assessment of the First Academy. There are still 20 days left, and I will greet the higher-ups." A grandson lost such a big face, he naturally hoped that another grandson would find him return.

However, Bai Siyu was no longer the person who put the family first. He said flatly: "I still have to perform an urgent task. After I finish, I will hurry back and the assessment is over."

"What task? I asked someone to cancel it for you!" Mr. Bai frowned.

Bo Siyu's lips curled up in a slight mocking arc, "I'm afraid this grandpa won't be able to do it. I've already applied to join the federal special warfare training camp, which is under the direct jurisdiction of the war department. Once the mission is accepted, it will be fatal if I fail." Not dead."

He will still fight for the position of commander of the second battle regiment, but no one will be able to control his life anymore.

Since he is going to practice it, then he should directly practice it thoroughly.

As long as he has time, he will watch the live broadcast of the recent assessment, or watch the replay.

The more he watched, the more he admired Xia Ruo, and he couldn't help but gradually expand his liking, but he also saw Feng Yan's excellence.

He knew that he was inferior to Feng Yan in many areas, so he could only suppress that throbbing and liking.

Some time ago, the old man revealed to him that he wanted him to marry Miss Ye's family. If it was changed to the past, he might not care about it. After all, whoever he marries is the same to him, but now he only feels disgusted.

He likes Xia Ruo, and he can't tolerate other women for the time being, so marrying someone else is also harmful, why hurt an innocent woman, so he refused.

This also strengthened his determination, and he directly participated in the selection of the special combat regiment training camp, and was successfully selected.

Only after entering the special warfare training camp can he have the opportunity to enter the Federation's No. 1 Dragon Soul team.

If you can't pursue love, then put all your energy into your favorite career.

Mr. Bai and the members of the Bai family were all shocked. They never expected that Bai Siyu would make such a decision behind his family's back.

"Bastard, who allowed you to make up your own mind?" Mr. Bai almost fell down angrily, "Get out of here immediately, and I will go to the battle group to help you exit the special warfare training camp."

The Bai family has always wanted to marry the Ye family, and the second wife of the Ye family, who is more favored by Mr. Ye, also expressed her love for Bai Siyu.

But he said that if they get married, the partner will only be Bo Siyu, so he is going to use the reason of the three schools to call his grandson back.

But he didn't expect that the grandson who had always valued him and thought he knew the general situation would start to rebel and be disobedient.

The arc of sarcasm on Bai Siyu's lips deepened, "You can only withdraw from the special warfare training camp if you apply for it. Grandpa should understand this. I won't apply for it."

"Grandpa feels that I lack experience, and I also feel that I lack a lot since I came here, so let's continue to practice."

"You don't have to worry about me all the time. With Sihang in the assessment, I don't have to make trouble anymore!"

"My task has not been completed, so I can't talk any more. Goodbye, Grandpa!" Then he cut off the phone without hesitation.

Mr. Bai almost didn't faint, "Asshole, asshole, this is also an asshole!"

Not letting him worry about one or two made him mad.

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