Seeing that everyone accepted this implementation, Bo Ming was quite satisfied.

"Now I announce that the construction task will end ahead of schedule."

"The students of the Second Academy are very successful in their transformation and construction. Everyone will get 10 points. Xia Ruo has strong leadership skills, and he will add 10 points to each of them. Feng Yan's external ability and ability to control the whole are also very strong, so he will add 8 points..."

"Although the transformation and construction of the students of the First Academy is inferior to that of the Second Academy, they are generally developing in a good direction. Everyone will add 5 points, and Xie Qian will add 5 points..."

"The third college's student transformation and construction plan failed, and the points remain unchanged!"

The renovation and construction task ended ahead of schedule, and the points of each college would naturally have to be added and subtracted again.

The students of the Second Academy couldn't help showing smiles on their faces. After this extra points, their second academy has secured the first place in the total points.

None of them expected to have a day when they could overshadow the First Academy. Looking at the small town they worked hard to build and renovate in the video, they couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and accomplishment in their hearts, which they never had before.

It was Xia Ruo and Feng Yan who led them to success, and everyone admired them even more.

The students of the First Academy were all very depressed, so the First Academy has been the number one in the previous assessments for many years, should they send the number one out this time?

Didn't they become sinners of the First Academy? After I go back, I still don't know how I will be sprayed by the seniors and sisters.

But watching the third small city's video, they couldn't say with conscience that their side would definitely win, who would have Feng Yan and Xia Ruo, two powerful souls.

The students of the third academy were about to vomit blood and felt ashamed.

Not to mention being at the bottom, after all, it wasn’t that they didn’t finish at the bottom before, but this time, only their academy failed to remodel, and they were often deducted points. In this final key point, other academies gained points, but they remained the same.

This assessment was conducted through live broadcast, so one can imagine how many people watched it.

After Bo Ming waited for everyone to calm down, he continued: "The task of changing and building a small city is over, but your assessment experience is not over yet, and you can continue to earn points. The final ranking has not yet been fully decided."

"Next, the current leader in points hopes to continue to maintain the lead, and don't lose heart for the second and third place, you still have hope of catching up."

Hearing what he said, the students of the First Academy and the Third Academy all looked at him with their eyes lit up.

"I received a message here. A few days ago, an elite team from the Starry Sky Beast Alliance lurked on this half-desolate star. Your next mission is related to them." Bo Ming said.

All the students present widened their eyes, obviously very surprised by this.

Many people panicked, how could there be an elite team sneaking in from the Starry Sky Beast Alliance?

They have gradually overcome their fear of dealing with wild beasts and mutant beasts, but they are instinctively afraid of alien beasts in the space.

There is no way, the alien beast in the starry sky is completely different from the mutant beast. Not only can it transform into a human being, but it also possesses various innate supernatural powers, possesses supernatural powers similar to human beings, and is not only ferocious in battle, but also very resourceful.

Some were panicked and some were happy. Those who wanted to join the battle group cheered up. Did they finally have a chance to face the alien beast?

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