Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 891 It doesn't matter how high-profile it is

Xia Ruo's words baffled many students present.

Especially the elites of the first and third colleges, they have been drilling deep into the mountains for more than a month, but they have never found any energy fluctuations.

Could it be that Xia Ruo had hallucinations?

Bo Ming's warm and smiling eyes rarely showed surprise, "Can you perceive and capture that energy fluctuation?"

Xia Ruo knew that she had guessed right when she saw him like this, she said truthfully: "I only felt it for a moment, but I didn't feel it after careful perception."

The conversation between the two shocked the people present.

Looking at the general examiner's appearance, there should be some energy fluctuations, but none of them felt it, but Xia Ruo felt it?

Isn't this perception too keen? Is there such a cow?

In addition to Xia Ruo's mental power of s, there are more than a dozen people from the three schools in total, all of whom have s-level mental power. Why didn't they perceive it?

Bo Ming also thought of this question, he looked at Xia Ruo and asked, "You only have S-level mental power now?"

Xia Ruo smiled: "In the past, I didn't test it after my mental strength recovered, so it should be true."

Bo Ming suddenly became interested, "It's not necessarily true. I heard that sometimes there is a problem with mental strength, and there is still a small chance of improving after recovery."

"Why don't you test it, just according to your mental strength, I can also assign tasks."

The chief examiner said so, Xia Ruo naturally couldn't refuse, "Okay!"

After her body recovered, her spiritual power and spiritual knowledge were integrated into one, coupled with continuous improvement in practice, she knew that her spiritual talent level should have improved.

Anyway, there is nothing to hide, since this assessment is already so high-profile, it doesn't matter how high-profile it is!

Bo Ming is a space psychic. He used to be the leader of the special team. He often tests the mental strength and body of the team members to prevent excessive wear and tear. Therefore, there is a relatively advanced tester in the space.

He took it out, "Xia Ruo, come up and test it."

Xia Ruo was not nervous, and walked forward gracefully.

She hadn't been tested before, but had the memory to know how.

Released the mental power to the receiving top of the instrument, and soon the instrument flickered, and the original gray was beating continuously, and it was soaring upwards rapidly.

The people present watched this scene curiously and nervously.

Has Xia Ruo's mental power improved? It's not enough, it's already an s-level mental power, so it's possible that it can become an ss-level?

There used to be people with ss-level spiritual power in the entire federation, but that was just a legend, and now there is none, including the most powerful commander of the ninth-level supernatural war department, who is only an s-level talent.

Everyone can believe that Xia Ruo's mental strength may have increased a little, but they don't believe that she can grow to SS level.

Everyone in front of the live video was also staring at the big screen intently, feeling unspeakably nervous.

After receiving the news, the top executives of the Federation also clicked on the live broadcast to watch.

Quite a few of them held a slim hope. If Xia Ruo could break through to become a ss, it would be a good thing and a big event for the entire federation.

It also means that the SS class is no longer a legend, but achievable.

But just thinking about it, deep down in their hearts, they also felt that the possibility was not great.

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