Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 902 The meaning is different

The students of the Third College returned to the small town by car, and Zhai Hao took his people to the car rental shop and rented all available cars.

Xia Ruo went to the boss of the logistics company and asked them to help bring back tents and other field equipment.

The other party was grateful for their kindness, so naturally they would not refuse, and promised that the things would be delivered at dawn tomorrow.

Then Xia Ruo took people to arrange the work in the small town factory, arranged the rest of the work plan, and handed over the work.

Hearing that Xia Ruo and the others were going to end the urban construction task, both the workers in the factory and the residents of the small town felt a sense of reluctance.

They know that this group of people has changed their lives, allowing them to live a life of freedom and prosperity.

Especially for Xia Ruo and Feng Yan, the people in the whole small town are most grateful to them.

Therefore, on the second day, when Xia Ruo and others got their tents and were about to leave the small town, people from the whole city came to see them off and brought a lot of food for them to go on field missions.

"Team Feng, Team Xia, and students, this will always be your home, and you are welcome to come home anytime in the future!" This is what the residents of the city mean.

No one expected that all the residents of the city would come to see him off and say such things.

All the students who participated in the construction of the small town couldn't help being moved, "Okay, we will come and take a look when we have time!"

Why is this a small town that everyone developed with their own hands for the first time? It has a different meaning to them. I will definitely come to visit it when I have time in the future.

Feng Yan and Xia Ruo also nodded with a smile: "We will come sometime, don't worry everyone!"

Reluctant to let go of the residents of the small town, everyone boarded the car and left the small town.

This kind of situation only happened in the third small town. When the students of the first college left, some people from the factory came to see them off, but only a few.

When the students of the third college left, not only did no one come to see them off in the small town, many people showed expressions that these people had finally left.

Looking at the people in the other two small towns, the days are getting better and better, especially the rapid development of the third small town, they are envious in their hearts.

The other two cities are developing well, but their side is in a mess. It is impossible to say that there is no resentment.

But no matter what, the students of the third academy also solved the evil forces here for them, and they were grateful for this, and they couldn't feel any emotion.

The comparison of the departures of the three academies is obvious, and the live broadcasters can also see that they are doing well.

As a result, the impression of the Second Academy in the minds of everyone in the alliance has reached a new level.

Xia Ruo and the others drove into the forest. They ignored wild beasts and mutant beasts along the way, and only went down to pick herbs when they saw them.

Feng Yan held a palm-sized instrument in his hand, looked at the fluctuations on it, and pointed in a direction, "Go over there!"

This is the detection instrument sent by the assessor this morning. It has the function of capturing the fluctuation of the energy core crystal, and it will display the approximate location.

Otherwise, everyone will look like headless chickens, and it will be even more difficult to find people who do not have SS-level mental power in the First Academy and the Third Academy.

So this thing was released, one is to solve the problem of finding, and the other is to be more fair.

Feng Yan's car was the lead car, and they drove in that direction.

When it got dark, everyone set up tents and took out the stone pots and bowls they brought to stew meat.

At dawn the next day, we continued our journey. After three days of driving like this, the car finally arrived at the deepest part of the forest, the approximate area displayed by the instrument.

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