From the time Yang Hongwei entered this courtyard, the man never said a word.

"Brother, you can probably see the color of these porcelains too!"

"I really can't help it now, so I made a move." The

man said in a low voice, as if he had been pondering for a long time before making a difficult decision.

"Big brother, you can make a price.

"I spent about 1,600 yuan on these things, so you can just give a cost price."

Yang Hongwei knew that this eldest brother didn't ask for much for himself.

He guessed that the eldest brother might have bought it in the antique shop of Panjiayuan, rather than picking it up at a roadside stall, and the price must have been a little higher, but at least it was genuine.

"Okay, big brother.

Yang Hongwei directly took out 1,700 yuan and handed it to the woman.

The woman checked, took out one, and prepared to hand it to Yang Hongwei.

"Little brother, a hundred more.

Yang Hongwei pushed away the money handed over by the woman and refused.

"The extra 100 yuan can buy a few clothes for the children.

"Think of it as making friends. The

woman glanced at Yang Hongwei gratefully.

Yang Hongwei carefully loaded these things into the car and walked out of the alley.

After walking a short distance, feeling unsecure, he wrapped the porcelain again.

Then, I compared the seven pieces of Ru kiln fragments, and sure enough, there was not a single one.

Although the price of these porcelains obtained today is a little higher than that of the past, there are so many pieces at once, and there are many fine products of the Ming and Qing dynasties.

I also got a remnant of a Ru kiln, which is also worth it.

You must know that in that lifetime, a fragment of a Ru kiln could reach up to 120,000.

However, after coming out of their house, Yang Hongwei felt quite uncomfortable.

After all, what he took away was the hard work

of that eldest brother for three years! If it weren't for the compulsion of life, people wouldn't have sold it!

When he entered that room, he could see that this eldest brother still had a certain degree of attainment in porcelain appraisal.


rode back cautiously, taking as smooth the road as possible, and he didn't want the whole thing to become a wreckage.

It was almost noon when he returned home.

After eating, I went to the hospital to visit the old man with my food as usual.

"Old man, you look in good spirits today!"

"It's really thanks to you, a young man, who paid for me and brought me food, I don't even know what to thank you for." "

I told the doctor that I was going to be discharged, and the doctor agreed.

"No, it's only been a day or two. "

I'll ask the

doctor in a moment, what does the doctor say?" At this moment, a young female doctor with glasses walked in.

He is about twenty-seven or eighteen years old, with a good face, just the right proportions, and an excellent temperament and image.

Dressed in a snow-white coat, she walked gently to the old man's bed.

"You still have to observe for a few more days! You can't

be discharged from the hospital in a hurry!" "I'll just say, how can I let you be discharged from the hospital!" Yang

Hongwei put up the small table and hurriedly said.

"Family, go to the front desk and pay some more.

"Okay, let's go.

Yang Hongwei walked out of the ward quickly and went to pay the bill.

When he returned, the female doctor was taking the old man's blood pressure.

"This is your grandson, isn't it?"

"No, it's not. "

I fainted at home, and he sent me here. "

That's a neighbor?"

"No, I don't know each other

" "This is a payment and a meal delivery, I thought it was your family!" "

Gu Dao is warm, I like it, if you have anything in the future, come here to find me." The

female doctor looked at Yang Hongwei and said with interest.


you from Kyoto?" "No, from Henan

" "What are you doing in Kyoto?"

"Scavenging, shouting at the streets, collecting waste. Yang

Hongwei deliberately said that his profession was very low, so as not to make people worry about it again.

"I don't think you're doing this. "

That sounds so familiar!

A little confused.

"This young man is different from them, he specializes in collecting some old objects and antiques.

Old man Zheng on the hospital bed explained in a timely manner.

"At such a young age, is it appropriate to play this?"

"I've heard people say that a lot of people end up miserable in this business!" "That's

them, not me."

Yang Hongwei said firmly.

suddenly remembered that the old man next to him was the one who broke up his wife, and quickly changed the topic: "Old man, you just have to live in peace of mind, it won't cost a few dollars."

"I'll have to go to the peace room today, so I'm not here with you. After

saying that, I said hello to the female doctor and prepared to go out.

"Can you delay a few minutes and help me look at this pocket watch. The

female doctor took out a pocket watch from her pocket and handed it to Yang Hongwei.

"This is a gift from my grandfather

, I want to ask you about it!" "I want to test me!"

"However, I advise you not to show this watch to others casually in the future, it is very expensive." "

Vacheron Constantin's 1907 18-karat gold Royal Observatory pocket

watch" The female doctor's eyes were surprisingly wide and surprised


"I really didn't see it, I'm still a master"

Yang Hongwei handed the watch to the female doctor, and turned around and walked away.

I couldn't finish the area in the morning, so I had to continue in the afternoon.

However, the dwellers in the north of the city were much poorer than those in the inner city.

However, but for Yang Hongwei, it is not a bad thing.

Because of poverty, they will sell some useless old things at home and exchange them for money to supplement their families.

Yang Hongwei walked and stopped, staggering those historical sites, parks and other places that were not inhabited, and went to the densely populated places.

"Come and have a look at our house, young man.

"How many jars have been out there for a long time, I don't know if they're worth anything?"

"Okay, I'll give you a look."

Yang Hongwei followed the fat woman into a large courtyard.

"Just a few, take a look. The fat woman pointed to a few broken jars in the corner.

Due to the long period of wind and rain, there is no dust on it.

Yang Hongwei looked at them one by one, they were all things from the end of the Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China or even later, with rough workmanship and dull ornamentation, even if they were taken to the Panjiayuan Market, they could be sold for ten yuan or eight yuan.

However, it should be regarded as that kind of big road goods, easy to sell.

Yang Hongwei didn't bother to load these things in the car when he saw them, and he really couldn't arouse his desire.

"Five cents one"

Yang Hongwei was reluctant to accept these things, so he deliberately kept the price to the lowest.

"Five cents, it's too low.

"Eldest sister, let's be honest with you, these things will be put on the market for a year, and it is estimated that no one will ask. "

I think you might as well keep the pickles for it!" The

other people in the yard ran out of the house when they saw that there were old objects coming, and gathered all the bottles and cans in the yard together, waiting for Yang Hongwei to check them.

Several women did their own work, and did not forget to chat a few words.

Yang Hongwei looked at the things they put on the ground, and picked out two official kiln pastel jars with models from the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty and a blue and white jar with models in Jiaqing.

The others are either some folk kilns that are not well-made enough, or some large road goods.

In Yang Hongwei's memory, if the kiln arrives, it will be able to make a lot more money than that kind of big road goods.

"These three pieces are eight pieces a piece, and the others are five cents. Several

women got together to discuss, and finally let Yang Hongwei load them into the car.

When Yang Hongwei was about to give them money, he happened to catch a glimpse of a piece of incense placed next to the door, and a plastic sheet was used to put it on.

Speaking of this incense table, to put it bluntly, it was used by the ancients to put incense burners when they burned incense.

Yang Hongwei was a little puzzled, you said that the ancients meditated, played the piano, and burned incense, which is understandable, even a bath has to be ordered.

This incense is yellowish-brown, has five feet, the feet are not touching the ground, it is placed on a round wood, the ancient people called it Tuo Ni.

The legs are somewhat similar to dog legs, but they are beautifully curved.

The relief Ruyi longevity peach pattern means auspicious and longevity.

"Who's got this incense

?" "Do you still use it?"

A thin woman walked over.

"My family's.

"How much can I give for this?"

Yang Hongwei took a closer look, it should be Nanmu, the workmanship is very good, there is a clear taste, it is estimated that it is something created by folk craftsmen in the middle of the Qing Dynasty.

If you buy it, you can sell it for at least fifty or sixty yuan.

"The material of this incense table is not mahogany, and the age should be from the Republic of China, so the value will not be too high. "

I can give you up to three dollars. "

Okay, three pieces are three, and it takes up a lot of space here."

Yang Hongwei settled everyone's money, and when he was about to leave, a woman came running over with a plum bottle-shaped blue and white flower.

"Wait, how much can I give for this one?"

Yang Hongwei took it and took a look.

Good guys, the shape is elegant and exquisite, the color is warm and elegant, and the decoration is exquisite and timeless.

Yang Hongwei only glanced at it, and he already knew it in his heart.

He turned the plum bottle upside down and glanced at the bottom, and sure enough, it was exactly the same as he imagined.

"Ming Chenghua Year" six-character double-line double-circle regular script.

"A little ahead of this era, fifty-one price. There

were envious glances from the women.

"I don't understand, don't be too cruel to us. With

that, he was ready to go back with the bottle.

"My husband said the bottle was a few years old.

"It's because it's been a few years that I've offered you a high price of fifty.

"The bottles in the car are less than a hundred years old, and some are only five cents.

"Fifty is fifty. The

woman thought about it again and said decisively.

Yang Hongwei hurriedly took out fifty yuan and handed it over.

He wrapped the plum bottle in three layers of cotton wool, put it in the car, and left slowly.

It took him an afternoon to finish the turn.

I ran through several large courtyards and collected a cart of various things, most of which were porcelain jars, and there were almost more than 100 pieces in total.

In addition to the Chenghua porcelain that belongs to the treasure level, there are five or six fine pieces, and a few others are from the late Qing Dynasty, a few are from the late Qing Dynasty, and there are also the Republic of China and near imitation.

Yang Hongwei knows that these residents have a very shallow understanding of these things, so the prices are pressed to the lowest.

If you dump these to Pan Jiayuan, you should be able to make a thousand eight hundred yuan.

He was thinking in his heart how much benefit this batch of big road goods could bring him.

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