After he left, his parents were forced to live on the streets because the creditors forcibly took away the brick kiln and the only remaining property.

Later, he lived in the ruined temple at the entrance of the village, lonely.

A few years later, the two elders died of depression and left this world full of resentment.

Of course, this was all that he learned later.

He looked at the room with four walls.

Suddenly, a sour feeling came to my heart, and tears flowed uncontrollably.

Meng Wanting just glanced at him and seemed to see him crying.

He quickly collected his emotions.

Later, he found a coal shovel and a hammer outside the house, and after working on the coal shovel for a while, he found a flashlight from the house and left the house.

Meng Wanting saw him go out with a coal shovel, and thought that he was going to find someone desperately, so she chased a few steps, but she didn't catch up, so she gave up.

Let him go, I can't care so much.

It was past nine o'clock in the evening.

The snow was still so heavy outside, and the snow on the road was almost ankle-high.

Counting nine cold days, it's surprisingly cold.

On the pit surface of the village, Yang Hongwei held a flashlight in one hand and a coal shovel in the other, digging the ice.

The ice is almost 20 centimeters thick, and it is not so easy to chisel through.

It took a lot of effort to chisel the ice open.

Immediately after that, he dug seven or eight more holes.

Yang Hongwei wanted to use this sharp coal shovel to fork fish down from the hole.

He clearly remembered that there were a lot of fish in this pit, and a high density meant a high chance, and he had forked it several times in winter.

However, the winter icebreaker spearfish can only be a matter of luck.

In the blink of an eye, he forked three times in succession, but failed to catch the fish, and he was inevitably a little disappointed.

The more night it gets, the colder it gets.

His hands were numb from the cold, and he could only rub them together.

The feet are also constantly moving.

First, it can withstand the cold.

Second, you can shake off the snow that falls on your body as much as possible.

But in the middle of the night, he was still frozen like an iceman, and the snow on his body was fused with a faint body temperature, and he was almost soaked.

The hard work paid off, and he finally forked two fish.

I have to insist a little longer, get as many fish as possible, some of which are used to make some fish soup for Wanting, and the rest will go to Aunt Wang's house to exchange a few eggs to supplement Wanting's nutrition.

After all, he was reborn for a lifetime, and he must not let his pregnant wife suffer the slightest grievance.

Having made up his mind, he picked up the speed of the spearfish, and he took turns forking down several holes, alternating operations.

He knew in his heart that if he didn't speed up the process, he would freeze to death.

Originally, he planned to make a fire, so he found some dry wood nearby, stripped the snow off the ice, and found a handful of dry wheat straw to start the fire, but the snow was too big, and he failed to succeed several times.

So he gave up on the idea.

It would be nice to hold on a little longer.

He thought of the little match girl in the fairy tale book.

If it weren't for the obsession in his heart, maybe he wouldn't have been able to persevere.

Think about God deliberately arranging yourself to come to this era, it's worth it to lick a dog once, as long as you can make the person you like happy.

He also thought about some trivial things in his previous life.

Am I hallucinating from hypothermia? He reminded himself.

It looks like I just experienced a hypothermic hallucination two hours ago.

Because in the world he lived in, he learned a lot of survival skills.

When people spend a long time in a low temperature environment, they will have low temperature fantasies, and they will even take off their clothes.

The snow is still falling, and it shows no signs of abating.

In the silence of the night, a few dog barks can occasionally be heard.

At about two or three o'clock in the morning, he forked a total of six fish.

He had already figured out in his mind what to do with the six fish.

Leave three for fish soup, and the other three go to Aunt Wang for a few eggs.

In addition, get some more meat, even if it's only a pound, and get through this year first.

After the year, he will be able to give full play to his business acumen and rebirth aura, and quickly let them live a good life.

But only if she lives.

Today is destined to be an extraordinary day, and I have to keep an eye on her all the time, every step of the way.

He originally wanted to go to the county market to see if he could make some quick money and use it to exchange for some New Year's goods.

But he immediately dismissed the idea.

There are many ways to make money in the future, but not today.

It was about three o'clock in the morning when he got home.

He crept into the house, not daring to make the slightest movement.

Seeing Meng Wanting curled up and lying on the kang, maybe it was because the quilt was too thin.

He felt sad again.

He brought some dry wood from the aisle and lit the charcoal basin.

In addition to warming up your body, the most important thing is to make the temperature in the house warmer.

He wasn't tired at all.

Looking at the flames in the charcoal basin, I was stunned for a while.

Maybe she heard some movement, Meng Wanting's body moved slightly, and her head turned over, maybe she was awake, but she was just reluctant to speak.

In this way, he sat around the charcoal basin until the sky was white, and he seemed to have taken two naps in the middle.

He took the fish outside, disemboweled, cleaned it, and then took it to the house and stewed it.

It's just that there are no condiments at home, so I can only put a little salt dryly, and I guess I can't make any taste.

In the northern winter, the sky brightens very slowly.

By the time he had finished fishing, it was still not bright.

In fact, Meng Wanting, who was lying on the bed, had already woken up, and he kept watching Yang Hongwei busy there, and he didn't bother to talk to him.

It's just that there are a lot of questions in my mind.

It snowed so hard last night, did he go out fishing?

This was something she could not have imagined before, and she had never seen him so desperate since she married him.

Last night's snow was so heavy and it was very cold, how did he do it

? And, when did he learn to cook? What is even more incredible is when he learned to kill fish?

No matter how you look at him, it looks like a different person.

Yang Hongwei quietly walked to the kang, gently pushed Meng Wanting, and saw that she didn't move, so he pushed again.

Meng Wanting closed her eyes and turned her head over, she really didn't want to see the man in front of her again.

"Wanting, I know you don't want to see me, and I know I can't stand you.

"I'm just a brute. As he spoke, he slapped himself in the face a few times.

"But I already know that I am wrong, I will treat you well from now on, and I will try to manage this family so that you can live a good life.

"Please trust me this time. The tone of his voice was sincere and firm.

"Get up first, and drink the fish soup while it's hot.

"Now that you're pregnant, you have to keep up with your nutrition.

Meng Wanting sat up from the kang in an instant, and shouted hoarsely: "Take care of your body, let Zhang Laowu's old animal be ruined

!" "Today is the deadline for repaying the debt, didn't you say that you would come up with a way to solve it?" "

I see what you can do, don't you obediently give me away!"

After speaking, he lay back and cried loudly.

"You believe me, if you risk your life today, I won't let this happen.

He knew that it would be useless to persuade him again, so he decided to take a few fish to Aunt Wang's house for a few eggs and a little flour.

He picked up the fish, got up and walked outside.

His house was only a few steps away from Aunt Wang's house, so he didn't dare to delay and walked quickly to Aunt Wang's house.

"Aunt Wang, are you up?"

"I have something to tell you.

Aunt Wang lifted the cotton curtain, poked her head out, and saw that it was the unscrupulous descendant of the old Yang family, she was stunned for a moment, and then said coldly: "Come in, it's strange outside."

He knew that Aunt Wang must have this attitude when she saw him, and then counted him down, but in the end, he would definitely be able to achieve his wish.

Aunt Wang is a well-known kindness in the neighborhood, she looks pitiful to Wanting, and has sent noodles and eggs to Meng Wanting's house many times.

Aunt Wang has persuaded Yang Hongwei to do something serious many times, but if it really doesn't work, she will follow Uncle Wang to learn a craft.

Entering the house, Yang Hongwei first explained the situation, and then lowered his head, ready to accept Aunt Wang's lesson of splitting his head and covering his face.

But after waiting for two or three minutes, I didn't wait.

I saw Aunt Wang enter the kitchen from outside, holding a dozen eggs and two or three catties of white flour in her hand, as well as a small piece of meat.

"Hongwei, this girl is a good girl, I watched her grow up, kind, sensible and very beautiful, I wanted her to be my daughter-in-law at the beginning, but in the end she followed you.

"But with you, it's eight lifetimes of mold.

"She's pregnant now, you can't just beat her and scold her at every turn!"

"Forget it, I won't nag anymore, treat her well in the future, or you'll regret it."

"Pay more attention to her, I saw her a little weird yesterday, and I always feel like something is going to happen!"

"I know, thank you, Aunt Wang." Yang Hongwei agreed without hesitation.

Aunt Wang handed him the things in her hand, leaving only one fish, and the other two were dead or alive.

After she finished speaking, she picked up the fire pestle and poked it towards the fire hole, and suddenly, soot rose upward.

"I have to go back quickly, I'm afraid he won't be able to think about it when he's home alone.

After saying that, he rushed out, tears welling up in his eyes.

He hadn't experienced this kind of neighborhood affection for a long time.

He couldn't wait to get home, glanced at the kang, and relaxed.

The fish soup is still sitting there quietly.

He stirred up the coal fire a little more, then boiled two eggs and heated the fish soup again.

I cooked some corn paste and ate a little with the nest.

Then take out the fish soup, hold the fish soup in one hand, and walk to the side of the kang with two eggs in the other, and first put the bowl and two eggs on a small table on the edge of the kang.

He gently pushed Meng Wanting on the kang with his hand.

"Wanting, get up and drink the fish soup. He

spoke in a very gentle tone.

Then he pulled her up from the kang with both hands, then peeled the egg from the table and handed it over with the fish soup.

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