The monkey rode straight to the scrapyard, while Yang Hongwei sent the things home.

After eating, the two of them appeared in the area at the same time.

In the afternoon, there are several miscellaneous yards to be cleaned up, although the probability of finding treasures in this is a little smaller, but it can always let the monkeys learn a little bit of shopping skills, and also let the monkeys get a car of scrap back to sell.

As soon as the two of them reached the gate of the courtyard, several women standing on the opposite corner stopped laughing and walked towards this side.

"These two waste collectors look quite young, and you don't accept one of the chrysanthemums. A

woman dressed in bells and whistles said to the crowd.

"This is good, looking at the fine skin and tender meat, it is quite a match with the chrysanthemum sister-in-law. Another young woman also took the opportunity to help.

"Don't talk nonsense, see if I don't sew the two of you in the mouth. A

handsome young woman blushed and chased after the two women and tore them together.

"This relationship is good, can I still pick up a wife today?

"I won't leave today!" Yang

Hongwei guessed that this beautiful woman was probably a dead husband, otherwise she wouldn't have joked with her alone, so she joked with them.

"Chrysanthemum, look at the people who can't leave

!" "Why don't you go to the house and clean up, it's better to put on a new cover!" another

woman quipped.

Several women scuffled together and smiled very brightly.

"Don't talk to you, just bully me, I'll go back to the house first.

By this time, his face was already red and dripping blood, and he covered his face and ran towards a room.

"Young man, you really haven't married a daughter-in-law yet?" The woman dressed in bells and whistles approached Yang Hongwei and asked quietly.

"Where's the guy?"

"Do you want me to help you two match."

"Of course, do you think I look like a married person?" "I

have one thing to say and two to say in Henan. Yang

Hongwei's face does not change color and his heart does not beat, and the most important point is that his face is not red.

The monkey threw the car on the side of the road and hid and snickered.

"I really can't see this. The

woman said with a smile.

"Chrysanthemum is a well-known beauty around here, but it's a pity that her husband was stoned to death while working outside after being married for a year, if you really want to, my sister will help you match.

"Let's not laugh at it, go to the yard and help us clean up the yard." "

There's almost a scrap collector who hasn't seen it in months. The

two men followed the women into the courtyard.

Yang Hongwei walked next to the side of the house, when he first walked to the middle of the yard.

The woman named Chrysanthemum just now suddenly rushed out of the house, probably thinking about pouring out the water in the basin, and came out in a bit of a hurry, but unfortunately she didn't expect Yang Hongwei to come over, and before the water was splashed, people rushed towards Yang Hongwei.

Yang Hongwei didn't realize that he would rush out at all, and before he could react, his subconscious could only open his hands to meet him.

The two of them happened to collide across the car, and the chrysanthemum's whole upper body was attached to Yang Hongwei's body, and the water was completely sprinkled on the two people.

Yang Hongwei suddenly felt soft on his chest, and his two hands were on Chrysanthemum's waist without knowing what was going on.

A very standard hug!

Yang Hongwei's heartbeat was about to stop.

Everyone watched from the sidelines, unbelievably on the sidelines.

Could it be that Chrysanthemum really wants a man to be crazy, and she has to have a story with this man or something.

The two hugged tightly for twenty seconds, Chrysanthemum suddenly felt that something was wrong, and her body quickly stepped back, who knew that her uncompetitive foot tripped on the threshold again, and the whole person leaned back.

Yang Hongwei's eyes were quick, he stretched out his hand and grabbed Chrysanthemum's hand, pulled it back, and the two hugged each other again.

What's going on?

Everyone was stunned.

They all looked at their "life and death" hug in amazement.

The most important thing is that both of their clothes are soaked.

This scene really seems to be a bit lively.

Everyone was watching them, and the two separated with lightning speed.

Chrysanthemum's face was once again extremely red, and even Yang Hongwei's face felt hot.

Chrysanthemum quickly picked up the basin from the ground and ran towards the house.

Yang Hongwei froze in place, still reminiscing about the taste of holding it just now.

This was his first physical contact with a woman other than Meng Wanting.

But he quickly came back to his senses and shook the water on his body slightly.

Fortunately, the weather was not cold yet, and the wind was able to dry the clothes quickly.

After regaining his composure, he continued to push the cart inside, involuntarily separated a little distance from the house, and walked to the middle of the road.

"Young man, are you in the mood to work now? "

Big sister, it's a joke again.

After making a few jokes with the eldest sister, Yang Hongwei began to load the things in front of her door into the monkey's car.

At the same time, put some collectible things on your car.

Within a few minutes, Chrysanthemum walked over in a clean and beautiful dress, holding a brand-new white shirt and a pair of brand-new pants in her hands, and walked in front of Yang Hongwei.

"This is the new clothes I bought for my husband a year ago, he has never worn them, and so are his pants, if you don't dislike it, go to my house and change it!"

"It's all my fault for what happened just now, I didn't see you coming." "

It's okay, it's hot, and I'll be dry in a while." The

woman dressed in bells and whistles just now ran over, pulled the clothes from the chrysanthemum's hand and stuffed them into Yang Hongwei's arms.

"If you want to wear it, you can wear it, ink or something!" "

What is a big man still ashamed of!

Yang Hongwei glanced at Chrysanthemum, so he had to run to Chrysanthemum's house to change his clothes.

After changing, he took out twenty yuan from his pocket and prepared to give it to Chrysanthemum.

But the eldest sister next to her walked up quickly and stopped Yang Hongwei.

"Chrysanthemum girl is not bad for money, but bad for men, if you really feel sorry for it, just buy a dress for Chrysanthemum and send it over. "

No, Chrysanthemum. Chrysanthemum

didn't say anything, but her face was flushed, and she turned around and ran into the house.

"See, shy, women are only shy if they want to. As

he spoke, he looked at the women next to him, meaning to ask, am I right!

"We don't know, you go and ask your family!" a

sharp-toothed woman blurted out.

A group of women next to him burst into laughter.

Yang Hongwei continued to clean up the valuable things in their yard, and even a container of water on the edge of the pool, he wanted to see if there was any knowledge.

There was a delay of almost an hour in this compound.

When Yang Hongwei was about to leave, he didn't forget to glance in the direction of the door.

When she walked to the gate, the woman with all the bells and whistles ran to Yang Hongwei's side again.

"Chrysanthemum girl is really good, don't think about it anymore. "

Remember to buy clothes for the chrysanthemum girl!" Yang

Hongwei walked out of the gate of the courtyard with the monkey.

"It felt good just now, Red Viagra. The

monkey said with a smiling hand.


he said, and was about to kick the monkey with his foot, but the monkey threw the car in place and ran away laughing.

By the time the two of them finished turning the other two courtyards, the whole piece would be considered complete.

It's just under four o'clock.

He thought about going to the nearby scrapyard to see if he could make any new gains, after all, there was nothing to be gained in the compound today.

I feel a little unhappy.

The two discussed it and went straight to the scrapyard.

After selling all the collectible items in the car, Yang Hongwei asked the monkey to go back first, and he couldn't help much here.

This is the benefit of being reborn in this era, and you can gain something from just going around.

Yang Hongwei began to writhe around the scrap yard.

Start by turning up the metal object at the door.

He picked up something shaped like an iron rake from the ground, and began to pull little by little, tossing and turning for more than twenty minutes, but found nothing good.

Today's bad

luck is not good! I have met a beautiful woman, and I have lost my luck

! He thought silently in his heart, it is okay to have a copper furnace or a bronze utensil

! Every day, we must let us pick up at least one leak!

The movements of his hands have not stopped, and they are still pulling there.

However, until he had turned over a large pile of metal objects, he had found nothing.

He was a little disappointed that he had always been able to find one or two or more good things in the metal objects, but today he found nothing.

Yang Hongwei turned his attention to discarded books, which was also the focus of his rummaging.

Although he is still not sure of the value of some old books, ancient books, rubbings, inscriptions, etc., which have been turned out in the past, he believes that it will not be long before he can get them.

Because, he is now learning this and the knowledge of calligraphy and painting appraisal, since he was able to enter Mr. Qigong's study and collection room to borrow and observe, he can read a book every three or five days, although some of them are only roughly read, but he has memorized all the key points.

Old Man Qigong also often encouraged him to finish reading the books in his study.

I am also very optimistic about this highly motivated young man.

He was rummaging through them almost one by one, and when he came across an old book, he had to take a look at the contents.

When you encounter a tablet rubbing, put it away directly, and then study it later.

If you come across the kind of book that you can use in the future, you can also put it away decisively, such as appraisal books.

There are also those celebrity albums and the like, and he will not hesitate to accept them.

Now there are a lot of rare books, tablets, rubbings and other books in a room in his small courtyard, and they haven't had time to select yet!

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