By the time he got to the second-hand furniture store, it was ready to close.

"I've been waiting for you for more than an hour, and if you don't come again, I'll be ready to go back. "

It's a little delayed for a while, and it's causing trouble for the boss. The

boss helped him move the table to the car, locked the door from the outside, and watched Yang Hongwei tie things up with a rope before leaving with confidence.

By the time Yang Hongwei returned to the hotel, the monkeys had fallen asleep.

He ate something indiscriminately.

I'm just lying in bed and getting ready for bed, and I still have a lot of things to do tomorrow.

But what happened that day really excited him.

It wasn't until about three o'clock in the morning that he fell asleep.

I also had a sweet dream in my sleep, Wanting snuggled in his arms and asked him for a kiss....

During this period of time, Meng Wanting's appearance frequently appeared in his mind.

He missed her so much

! It was time to go home!

The next morning, he was still on his way early.

In the morning, he was going to visit the one that was left yesterday.

The address on the note doesn't seem to be too far from the hotel, and it looks like it's seven or eight miles away.

It didn't take long for him to get to that place.

Yang Hongwei parked the car at the door, then walked into the yard and shouted at the house a few times.

No one responded.

A large yard is full of all kinds of collected scraps.

In addition to three or four simple houses in the courtyard, the rest of the yard was full of sundries.

Yang Hongwei parked the car at the door, then walked in and shouted a few times into the yard.

A little girl of four or five years old walked out timidly, staring at Yang Hongwei with her eyes flickering.

"Where's your adult?"

"My mom is out.

Yang Hongwei stood in place and glanced around the courtyard.

Everything is in order.

At this moment, a woman came in from outside the door, with her head bowed and a cart in her hand.

"Mom, someone is looking for you.

Only then did the woman raise her head and look at Yang Hongwei.

Yang Hongwei also looked at her for the first time.


you!" "It's you!"

both said almost simultaneously.

"How did you find me?"

Could it be that he had followed me here last night?

"Oh, do you have any old furniture for sale here?"

"Don't get me wrong, it was the second-hand furniture store owner who told me your address."

Yang Hongwei was afraid that the woman would misunderstand, so he hurriedly explained to the woman.

"Oh, I see!

" "Thank you so much last night!" "

By the way, there's no need to take it to heart.

"You say you're a collector of old furniture?"


"Take me to see your old things."

"It's not mine, I took it back, and I don't know much about it, so I want to find someone who knows how to take a look." "

Beauty, I'll leave this matter to me!" the woman's

face instantly flushed.

The word "beauty" is placed in 2021, and even ugly women will not be embarrassed.

But if it is placed in this era, it is strange if it is not embarrassing

! The times are different! The

woman led Yang Hongwei to a room on the very edge.

Push the door in, what catches your eye is a pair of rosewood round embroidered piers, which should be something from the three dynasties of the Qing Dynasty, very exquisite, no worse than the things of the palace.

"What's going on

?" "What's this called?"

and "What is it made of wood?"

"This thing looks okay, but it's a little bit broken on it. "

This should be the early Qing Dynasty red sandalwood openwork bird embroidery pier.

"Is it worth

it?" "It's okay!" "

Where did you get this, and do you have any other old furniture in his house?"

"This is what I received in Wangzhuang last year, and there seem to be other items at home, but this person was not very willing to sell it at first, I begged for a long time before they agreed to sell it to me." "

How much did you get it?"

"Fifty. Suddenly

feeling that he was talking low, he added: "One hundred."

"If it weren't for the damage on this embroidery pier, I could have given you five hundred, but now I will give you four hundred.

"Originally, I came out this time, I planned to only accept high-quality items, but this time I will make an exception for you, who made us so fateful!"

"For others, no one will give you such a high price."

"But you're not so bold that you dare to recycle these things without knowing anything!"

"I also looked really good, so I thought about taking it." "

Can you teach me how to judge the quality of old furniture?"

"It's not impossible to teach you, but there is too much knowledge involved in this, and I can't say it clearly for a while."

Yang Hongwei just gave her a little introductory knowledge.

"Well, I still have a lot of things to do today, and I don't dare to waste time here. "

Yes, he has to send the shelf bed and the set of chairs back to his place in Kyoto or to the old man's place today.

He put the two embroidery piers on the cart and tied them firmly with ropes, and put them up where they should be padded, and where they should be supported.

This is also a treasure that is very worth owning!

Yang Hongwei discussed with the innkeeper and rented a warehouse in the hotel as a place to store things.

Of course, the premise is to vacate the room and use it for the furniture that comes in.

After lunch, he ran to the house.

First of all, give the money you owe to others to make up for it.

Three or four more sturdy young men were found and the beds and chairs were carried to the rented car.

"Young man, I see that you are a cheerful person, and you can take these three pieces of furniture with you!"

the old man led him to the hall, and pointed to the table in front of the hall, the square table, and a kang table on the kang in the inner room.

The square table and the warped head case are made of Hainan Huanghuali material, and it is the most classic Ming-style one-legged three-tooth garo pot design.

Simple, natural, concise, elegant, and most importantly, stable structure.

In order to verify the stability of this table, Yang Hongwei also shook it vigorously, but the result was not moved.

His mood was extremely excited, unprecedented, these were things he never expected.

"I'll add another 3,000 yuan to you, make up a whole number, do you think it's okay?"

"Okay, okay." The old man couldn't close his mouth with joy.

This 10,000 yuan was a lot of money at that time.

At that time, a 10,000-yuan household was as rare as a giant panda.

A set of courtyard houses in Kyoto was only more than 10,000 yuan at that time.

After carrying everything to the car, Yang Hongwei still carefully padded each piece of furniture where it came into contact with the rope with rags.

These things are like his own life to him now.

Counting these three pieces, he had harvested eleven pieces of furniture in two days, and each of these eleven pieces of furniture was a treasure.

Just after he had done all this, he was about to go to the farmer's house that the monkey had asked about.

I looked up and saw the middle-aged man in Hebei who was collecting old furniture.

He was still in good spirits a few days ago, but at this time he was walking on the bridge in front of him with his head down.

Yang Hongwei knew that the person in front of him must have suffered a big blow.

Such a person can't do this business, if he lets go early, he can stop the loss in time, if he does it for another two or three years, it will definitely make it bankrupt, just like Old Man Zheng.

Let's enlighten him!

After all, he used to be a peer, and now he is a peer.

"Dude, wait a minute.

The man heard someone shouting, looked back, and saw Yang Hongwei waving at him.

"Brother, why are you here?"

"Come here to collect a few things

!" "Brother, I advise you to give up this road!"

The middle-aged man persuaded Yang Hongwei instead.

"The water in here is too deep, and if you don't have a certain ability to appreciate it, you won't be able to go far in this industry.

"I'm just a living example!" "

In the past six months, I have smashed in 60,000 or 70,000 yuan, which is almost all my belongings." The

middle-aged man said dejectedly.

"I wanted to persuade you to stop a few days ago, but I'm afraid you will misunderstand.

"A few days ago, I saw that the old furniture you collected was made of basswood, and it was not very old, although it still had a certain collection value, but it was of little significance.

"If you rush into this industry like you without knowing anything, sooner or later you will lose all your net worth." "

You're saying you saw last time that the furniture I was collecting was not collectible. The

man looked at Yang Hongwei in disbelief.

"I can only say that the collection is not very meaningful.

"Of course, I also remind you vaguely.

"So, you're still

an expert?" "I don't dare to be an expert, I just know a little."

"Then take the time to help me take a look, are all the things I collect rubbish?"

"Like you said, this line of water is very deep, since you can fool you into taking their things, nine out of ten are knowledgeable people. "

How much

do you think you will win?" "Ming and Qing dynasty furniture is the focus of the collection, especially the Ming Dynasty!" "

And most of your collection is estimated to be the late Qing Dynasty or the Republic of China, and when you collect it, it is a lot of money, so if you put it for another twenty Chinese New Year's Eve years, the room for appreciation will not be too large."

"Collecting old furniture is not to say that furniture has room for appreciation, only the Ming and Qing dynasties of yellow purple and other furniture, which itself is a problem of your lack of knowledge!"

"Therefore, for you, it is the best choice to stop in time and stop loss in time." "

Brother, it turns out that you are the master!" "

At that time, I thought it was just an old piece of furniture, what was the big deal?"

"So, I went crazy and collected, and collected.

"Finally lost all the little family property that I had earned in the past few years. "

Big brother, it's better to run your brick kiln than anything else. "

Give up

!" "But I'm not reconciled!" the

man hung his head and looked remorseful.

"I've already talked about everything I should say, brother, weigh it!"

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