Rebirth: I’m Lv Bu

Chapter 918: Assassinate

Ai Lang returned to the study and sat down, picked up the report Huang Yueying had given him the other day and looked at it, frowning slightly. At this time, Dong Yuan in a uniform came to the door, looking at Ai Lang who was sitting behind the bookcase and bowed her head in thought. At the same time, in a secluded and quiet alley not far from the Qin Palace, a group of people in black were quickly approaching the Qin Palace with weapons. Before long, these hundreds of people in black came to the dark alley behind the Qin Palace. Because this is an alley between the Qin Palace and the palace, there are no pedestrians. The people in black hide in the alleys. A black-clothed man enthusiastically said to the black-clothed leader: "Seven brothers, do it!" The black-clothed leader raised his left hand and said, "Don't worry, wait for the lady to come over and open the back door!"

Ai Lang heard the footsteps, raised her head, saw Dong Yuan, was a little surprised, and then smiled and asked: "You are not in the backyard, why did you come to me?" Dong Yuan looked at Ai Lang with a very complicated expression. Mumbling to himself: "You, are my homicide to my father..." Ai Lang was taken aback and couldn't help sighing. He had no regrets about the killing of Dong Zhuo, but for the Dong Yuan in front of him. But he was guilty and didn't know what to say for a while.

Dong Yuan stared at Ai Lang for a while, then suddenly sobbed. A strong female general seemed to have suddenly become a wronged woman. Seeing this, Ai Lang quickly got up and walked over, wanting to comfort him, but he didn't know what to say. Immediately, a sense of doubt arose in my heart, I only felt that this woman hated herself in her heart, but why did she cry? Dong Yuan suddenly raised her head, her eyes spitting fire at Ai Lang! Ai Lang suddenly felt shocked by this scene. At this moment, Dong Yuan suddenly pulled out the sword from her waist and rushed towards Ai Lang with a scream. At this moment, without letting go, Ailang took a step back subconsciously, and at the same time stretched out her right hand and grabbed Dong Yuan's wrist, and then took advantage of the trend. Dong Yuan's body suddenly lost her balance and fell into Ailang's arms.

At this time, there were rapid footsteps at the door, and several guards at the door heard the sound and rushed in. However, as soon as he entered the door, he saw the lord holding General Dong Yuan in his arms. It was clearly a man being assaulting a woman, and he couldn't help but be stunned on the spot. Ai Lang hugged Dong Yuan tightly, and shouted at the guards angrily: "Watch the show! Let me go out!" Only then did several guards react and rushed out of the study room. The door was closed.

Dong Yuan struggled hard but couldn't help herself. She stared at Ai Lang with flushed face and shouted: "Let go of me!" Ai Lang smiled: "You want to kill me, how can I let you go?" Dong Yuan wrinkled. He frowned, suddenly stopped struggling, his expression relaxed, as if he was relieved, and muttered to himself: "Then you kill me."

Ailang can understand Dong Yuan's hatred towards him, but the sight in front of him makes him a little confused. Papa, the door suddenly rang twice, and the two men's thoughts were pulled back, and then a woman's voice was heard outside the door: "The lord, the slave and maid, following the orders of the ladies, specially sent the lord a supper. ." Ai Lang couldn't help but loosen Dong Yuan's arm. Dong Yuan took this opportunity to get out of his arms and retracted the sword in her scabbard.

Ailang subconsciously raised his voice: "Come in." The door was pushed open with a creak. It turned out that Zhang Lihua, who had befriended Diao Chan, came in with some delicate supper. Zhang Lihua saw that Dong Yuan was there, and the atmosphere in the room was a bit strange. He suddenly realized something and couldn't help Xiafei cheeks.

Zhang Lihua walked to the book table with the supper, arranged a few supper, bowed to Ai Lang Yingying, and said: "A few ladies thought that the lord was tired late at night, and the slave and maid sent some of the lord's favorite supper."

Ailang couldn't help but feel warm when he saw the steaming midnight snacks on the desk. Asked Zhang Lihua: "Is the banquet still going on?" "Return to the lord, the banquet is still going on. The ladies, ladies, and all the civil and military families are still very interested!" Ai Lang smiled and said: " Let them make trouble! The Spring Festival is only once a year. If you don’t want to have a good time, wouldn’t you let down the great time!" Zhang Lihua smiled slightly, and then said: "Lord, the weather is cold, these night snacks are personally made by the ladies The lord’s preparation will not taste good if it is let cool!"

Ellen happened to be hungry, so he went to sit down behind the bookcase, picked up one of the bowls of supper and was ready to start.

"Wait for the lord!" Dong Yuan called out suddenly. Zhang Lihua looked surprised and turned to look at Dong Yuan. Ailang stopped, cast a puzzled look at Zhang Lihua, and asked, "Is there something wrong?"

Dong Yuan glanced at Zhang Lihua, and clasped her fist towards Ai Lang, saying, "Master, I suspect she is an assassin sent by the enemy. How can the Lord easily eat the things she brought!" Ai Lang was surprised when she heard this. . Zhang Lihua didn't change her face, and said, "Why did General Dong say this? I was saved by the lord, so how could I become an enemy's assassin?" Dong Yuan snorted coldly and said: "You can lie to others but you can't lie to me! Those tricks are just to get close to the lord and at the same time deceive the lord’s trust!" Zhang Lihua sneered and said: "My loyalty to the lord can be learned every day! But the origin of General Dong has to be doubted! General Dong is Dong Zhuo. Her daughter, who has a murderous feud with the lord, but stays with the lord, what does she intend to do?"

With a clang, Dong Yuan suddenly pulled out her sword. Ai Lang thought that Dong Yuan would pounce on herself like just now, but she did not expect that she pointed her sword at Zhang Lihua and shouted: "I will kill you first, and then slay yourself, so I am worthy of everyone!" Then she was about to do it.

"Stop it!" Ai Lang shouted sharply. Dong Yuan stopped subconsciously. Ai Lang asked angrily: "I said, what's your nerve?" Dong Yuan pointed to Zhang Lihua and said: "She is the enemy's assassin!" Zhang Lihua smiled coldly, and said: "You just want to say I am here. These late night snacks were poisoned.” Then I walked to the desk, picked up a bowl of soy milk that Ailang hadn't brought over, and drank it clean. Dong Yuan's eyes widened, her face was incredible. Ellen knocked on his forehead, secretly depressed: these two women! !

After Zhang Lihua finished drinking, she gave Dong Yuan a challenge. Dong Yuan still didn't believe Zhang Lihua, but at this moment she had nothing to say. Zhang Lihua said to Ai Lang: "Master, these are the wishes of the ladies. Please eat it while it is hot." Ai Lang has an appetite for this trouble, but he feels that if he doesn't eat some Fa let the woman feel relieved, she picked up the bowl and prepared to eat. Dong Yuan shouted: "Lord!..." Ai Lang sighed, preparing to teach Dong Yuan a lesson. However, at this moment, something unexpected happened suddenly. That Zhang Lihua fell to the ground with a plop. Ai Lang was taken aback, put down the tableware, got up and ran to Zhang Lihua's side, only to see that Zhang Lihua looked purple and black and unconscious, obviously poisoned.

Ai Lang was startled, and hurriedly shouted: "Come here!" The guard at the door came in immediately, seeing the scene in front of him, feeling baffled. Ai Lang shouted: "Call me Hua Tuo!" A guard promised and hurried away. Ailang hugged Zhang Lihua to the case table next to him, looked at Zhang Lihua who seemed to be dead, and couldn't help but frown, "What is going on?!" Dong Yuan said: "These supper must be poisoned! The lord eats it, and then he tried the poison!" Ai Lang frowned, and couldn't help muttering: "What kind of hatred do I have with her, she would kill me at all costs?!"

After Hua Tuo felt it, he immediately rescued Zhang Lihua. Ai Lang and Dong Yuan came outside the study with those supper. Ai Lang asked someone to bring a local dog, and then Ai Lang gave the local dog the supper he had just prepared. In just a few moments, the dog turned to the ground and convulsed more than foaming.

Ai Lang frowned and cursed: "What a powerful poison!" She couldn't help but look at Dong Yuan, and said with lingering fear: "If it weren't for you, I might have burped now!" Dong Yuan smiled miserably and said: " You are my enemy of killing your father. I should have killed you but saved you. What else do I have to live in this world!" Before she finished speaking, she drew her sword and cut her neck severely. go with.

When Ai Lang saw her talking like that, she realized that it was not good. Seeing that she suddenly pulled out the sword, she rushed forward without even thinking about it, and grabbed her the moment Dong Yuan cut her neck. "Let go of me! Let go of me!" Dong Yuan struggled hard and roared annoyedly: "Let go of me! Let go of me!" Ai Lang suddenly didn't know what to do, and an evil fire couldn't help it. She rushed to her heart and suddenly buried her head to kiss Dong Yuan's red lips. Dong Yuan was stunned for a moment, and she recovered her senses, struggling, but struggling to get rid of wherever she was, her body gradually softened, letting the other party be frivolous, not knowing where she was. The surrounding soldiers were stunned, and the leader of the captain reacted first, and then hurriedly stunned everyone to turn around with gestures.

Suddenly there was a huge hustle and bustle from the backyard. It was not a celebration of carnival, but it was clearly a movement of many people fighting. Dong Yuan suddenly came back to her senses, and pushed Ai Lang away. He held Ayron’s chest for a long breath, and then said to Ayron with a wry smile: "Have you heard this sound? That is the sound of my people rushing into the backyard from the back door! At this moment they must be killing your wife and Daughter!..." As he raised his head and looked at Ai Lang, he was surprised to find that he was not in a hurry, but there was a smile on his face.

Dong Yuan was stunned for a moment, and asked puzzledly: "Why are you not worried at all?"

Ailang laughed and said, "Listen carefully, where did the sound come from?" Dong Yuan couldn't help but tilt her ears to her ears. Suddenly she changed her expression. It turned out that the sound of fighting came from the backyard. It seems to be farther away than the backyard where the banquet is being held at the moment, seems to be near the alley behind? At this point, my heart suddenly moved, and he quickly looked at Ailang and asked: "You guys, you had expected it a long time ago?" Ailang said: "In fact, Yueying has noticed you a long time ago, and he has already found out your intentions. "

Dong Yuan smiled bitterly, and said with a mockery: "I thought I was hiding well, but I didn't expect to expose it long ago. Huang Yueying, no wonder she is called a woman who is not inferior to a famous minister!" Then she was puzzled. Asked: "Since you have seen my intentions a long time ago, why have you waited until now to take action?" Ai Lang laughed: "This is also Yueying's suggestion. She thinks it is inevitable that if you take the initiative to send troops to fight, you will inevitably miss the net. Just let you jump out and catch it all!" Dong Yuan couldn't help her expression change, and exclaimed: "She is really a terrible woman!" Then she looked at Ai Lang and said with a mockery: "It seems that I just made an extra effort. Presumably you have already discovered Zhang Lihua's problem?"

Ai Lang frowned and shook her head, "No. If it weren't for you, I would really follow her way." Then he asked angrily: "How do you tell me to deal with you?" Dong Yuan said flatly: " This is the end of the matter, what else to say, kill me."

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