Rebirth: I’m Lv Bu

Chapter 969: Unexpected

In a blink of an eye, a vicious wave of shock surged to the front of the Qin army! Immediately, it was as if the storm was hitting the shore, the fierce wave slammed heavily on the Qin Army's defense line, and the terrible impact seemed to destroy the Qin Army's defense line in an instant! The weather is magnificent, and the roar of the coalition forces rushes into the sky!

However, after the ferocious aura passed, the Qin army's front remained unmoved, and the fierce attack of the coalition forces overwhelmed the Qin army's defense line in one fell swoop as they wished. The 20,000 coalition forces crowded in front of the Qin army's front, making it difficult to advance or retreat for a while.

At this moment, the Qin Army uttered a huge roar, and the warrior in the front camp slammed his spear. The coalition officers and soldiers crowded in front of the line were unable to avoid or resist, and were immediately stabbed by the spear. countless! The coalition officers and soldiers who saw the blood roared frantically, screaming and rushing toward the Qin army line! The scimitar and spear fought desperately at the front of the Qin army, and there was a loud bang! Qin Jun defended the line with a shield, making the opponent's onslaught no effect! When the opponent's offensive weakened slightly, he slammed his spear again, stabbing the coalition officers and soldiers near him again!

The coalition army surrounded the Qin army regiment with a large number of people and attacked on all sides. For a while, it seemed like a raging wave, trying to engulf the Qin army in one fell swoop. At this time, the Qin army formed a huge circular formation, just like a huge tortoise, letting the opponent attack fiercely, he just stood still!

On the battlefield, the killing sound shook the sky, and the Jingjueguo officers and soldiers on the city wall looked pale with shaking hearts! An officer couldn't help but exclaimed: "So amazing! So amazing! With so many enemy troops besieging them, they, they can actually hold on!"

The coalition army was besieged for a long time, but was still unable to break through the Qin army's defensive front, and the momentum of the offensive was inevitably weakened. At this moment, Qin Jun's army suddenly heard a roar, and then Qin Jun's entire circle began to rotate! With this rotation, the scene immediately flew flesh and blood, and the dense spears protruding from the gap in the shield were like the dense spikes on the hedgehog, sweeping the coalition officers and soldiers to the ground one by one! The coalition's offensive was useless, but those who retreated slowly were torn apart by the sharp spear and fell into a pool of blood! The coalition forces were unable to attack for a long time, but suffered heavy casualties, and morale inevitably declined rapidly. At the same time, many people became frightened and retreated to avoid the attack of the opponent's circle formation, and their positions became chaotic! Facing the offensive and defensive battle formation of the other side, the coalition officers and soldiers only felt that they had nowhere to proceed!

Seeing that his army was unable to attack for a long time, Prime Minister Guizi couldn't help being very angry and roaring back and forth after the opponent's turn. However, his roar did not have any effect. The coalition forces kept retreating under the pressure of the Qin army's circle formation, and their positions became more and more chaotic.

At this moment, there was another roar from the circle formation. Contrary to the coalition's expectation, the three thousand trapped camps actually withdrew the circle formation and plunged into the middle of the coalition! All the tigers that were out of the box, instantly killed the coalition corpses and flew in panic! The warriors who fall into the camp stepped on the blood of the corpse, as if they were invincible like three thousand humanoid tanks! With roars and screams of exclamation, countless enemy soldiers fall in a pool of blood every time the spear is stabbed! A group of coalition forces quickly assembled and set up their shields to try to stop the Qin army’s fierce attack. Then more than a hundred warriors from the camp rushed up, and the coalition forces were smashed into pieces, and the warriors were immediately caught in the battle with their spears. When the film falls, the scene on the scene is like a one-sided massacre!

A coalition officer screamed and rushed towards a warrior who fell into the camp. The warrior immediately raised his shield and stepped aside to avoid the direct collision of the opponent. At the same time, the opponent's long sword slashed heavily on his shield. The boss sparked up above! At this time, the trapped warrior stepped forward with a loud shout, and slammed into the neck of the coalition officer's horse with the shield as the impact surface! The warhorse couldn't bear this strong force, and fell to the ground with a mournful cry, and at the same time threw the coalition officer off! The coalition officer fell to the ground, and immediately saw the terrifying warrior who was trapped like an iron tower strode up. He was shocked and hurriedly crawled to escape. The warrior who fell into the camp came up with three steps and two steps, stamping the officer to the ground with one foot. The officer looked up at the opponent raising his spear, frightened, and subconsciously raised his hands and shouted for mercy! At this moment, the sharp spear fell suddenly, piercing his chest instantly! The officer died with a look of extreme fear!

Qin Jun fell into the camp and fell into the enemy's line, all invincible! The 20,000 coalition forces became more and more chaotic, and the army became more and more panicked, and finally could not withstand the ferocious charge of the trapped camp, the army fell apart and the army was defeated! The army was defeated and retreated to the army's side! Upon seeing this scene, the Prime Minister Guci, Prince Gumo and others were so shocked that they couldn't say anything for a while.

The attacking coalition was defeated and retreated, and was gathered by Prince Gumo. All the officers and soldiers looked shocked. The battle just now seemed to knock them down.

Prince Gu Mo looked towards Qin Jun, and saw that Qin Jun had returned to the distance and resumed his formation. Prince Gu Mo couldn't help frowning, and couldn't help muttering with emotion: "It's amazing! I really don't know how such an elite army was trained!?" Kuz Cheng said, "Prince, what should I do now?" Prince Mo has always been known for his wisdom, but at this moment, facing the fierce Qin Army, he couldn't think of a good way. After thinking for a while, he said: "Qin army is difficult to deal with, even if it takes down the city, it will inevitably lose a lot! Why don't you use a siege instead of the siege! Then think of a way!" Prime Minister Kucha felt that this could only be done right now, and ordered nod.

The coalition stopped the offensive and retreated into the camp. Upon seeing this, Gao Shun did not attack, and led the trapped camp back to the city. When they returned to the city, the soldiers and civilians in the city cheered like welcoming heroes. It's no wonder that in today's battle, Gao Shun's trapped camp allowed Jing Jueguo's subjects up and down to see the powerful power of the Qin army! After they saw that three thousand Qin troops had defeated 20,000 enemy troops, their panic and uneasy hearts naturally calmed down, and Qin Jun was almost equal to a heavenly soldier in their minds! Everyone looked at Qin Jun's eyes, in addition to infinite reverence, there was also a bit of fear! Powerful force is the power of this kind of magic, which can make others awe at you immediately, and at the same time produce a strong centripetal force! I wonder if the benevolence and morality can have such power?

After the coalition stopped the offensive, they immediately divided their forces and built a camp on the north side of Jingjue City. The army was divided into two groups, stationed in the two camps respectively, and no longer attacked, with the idea of ​​sitting trapped in the city's defenders. The reason why Prince Gumo resorted to such a trick cannot be said to be a poor man, but because he had previously received news that the food and grass reserves in the city are limited. As long as they trap them for ten and a half months, the soldiers and civilians in the city should be Will collapse without a fight. Prince Gu Mo was not worried about the Jingjue city in front of him most, but the Qin army in Pu Changhai. But think about it, this worry is also let go, because in the eyes of Prince Gu Mo, although Qin Jun is strong, after all, he is a human being, and he cannot defeat this world! It is absolutely impossible for their army to cross thousands of miles across the vast desert and Gobi to reach Jingjue City! At least in the short term is impossible! Because the march of the army must have logistical support, in the situation of the Qin army, they are already very tired from Yumenguan to Pu Changhai, and the food, grass and other baggage they carry are inevitably consumed! If you want to continue to march, you must wait for the grain and grass from the rear to come up! In terms of the length of the journey and the dangerous conditions of the Gobi Desert, if the Qin army of Pu Changhai wants to continue to march, it must wait a month or even longer before it is possible! At that time, the Battle of Jingjue had already ended, and the coalition forces led by Wusun must have arrived at Kuruktag Mountain, ready to attack the Qin Army.

When Prince Gu Mo thought of this, his originally worried heart couldn't help letting go.

At this moment, a close friend of Prince Gumo rushed in from the outside and saluted: "Prince, the Prime Minister of Kumo has sent someone here!" After speaking, he stepped aside, and a middle-aged man who followed him immediately asked his aunt. Prince Mo bowed and said, "Prince, the Prime Minister has something urgent to call!" Prince Gu Mo nodded, and immediately left his tent and came to the tent of Prime Minister Guci.

The Prime Minister of Kumo was walking back and forth in the big tent with an anxious look. When he saw Prince Gumo coming in, he immediately greeted him and said: "Prince, something has happened! I just received an urgent report from Kumo, that Han Chinese. Qin King Lu Bu led the cavalry to appear under Qiuci City!"

Prince Gu Mo showed an unbelievable expression and couldn't help but said: "Why? Why did Lu Bu suddenly appear in Kucha? And how can they travel long distances?" The Prime Minister of Kumo frowned: "I heard that the Qin Army cavalry It was as swift as a violent wind. I didn’t believe it at first, but today I have to believe it! I heard that more than 10,000 war riders led by Lu Bu looted all the way to ensure their food and grass needs!" After a pause, "I just Upon receiving the Queen’s urgent order, I immediately led my army back to Guiz! I am leaving. Will the prince go with me?"

Prince Gumo frowned and said, "There are still 20,000 defenders in King Qiuci. How can Lu Buwan's warriors break the city?..." The Prime Minister of Qiuci shook his head and said, "If it were in the past, I would think so, but After seeing the power of the Qin Army, I don’t think so! What if Lu Bu breaks the royal city, the consequences are really unthinkable! I can’t take this risk! Prince, if you want to stay, stay, I’m leaving. !" Prince Gumo sighed and smiled bitterly: "If this is the case, I will join you to help Kucha!" The Prime Minister Kumo was overjoyed and exclaimed, "Great!"

I like rebirth, I am Lü Bu, please collect it: ( I am rebirth is the fastest literary update written by Lü Bu.

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