Rebirth: I’m Lv Bu

Chapter 988: Surprise

Ai Lang couldn't help but think of what Yan Shi had said to herself. She discussed marriage with the trainer, but the younger sister of the trainer vehemently opposed, and even said that she wanted to become a nun? What is going on here? And just as Ellen was thinking, the step trainer was secretly looking at Ellen from the corner of his eye.

Ellen couldn't understand it, so he simply stopped thinking about it. Looking towards Bu Lian Shi, he saw Bu Lian sitting still kneeling beside Zhao Chuancheng, looking like a gentle wife with a worried face. Ai Lang couldn't help getting a little jealous, but felt that Zhao Chuancheng was really out of **** luck, and he was able to get the favor of the little sister of the trainer, even if he died immediately now, he should be able to look down.

Withdrawing these messy thoughts, he jokingly said to the step trainer: "I said the little girl, he is just drunk, so don't worry so much!" The step trainer said, but his eyes never left. Zhao Chuancheng.

The corner of Ailang's eyes jumped, only to think that his two feelings have reached this point, so what is the time wasted? So the trainer said to the step: "I think Zhao Chuancheng is not bad, at least handsome and worthy of you! I think you will be married during the Spring Festival this year, so that you two will not be like Cowherd and Weaver Girl. Worrying about it!" Ai Lang said this, thinking that Bu Lian Shi would nod his head shyly, and then the matter was settled. However, the situation in front of him was far beyond Ai Lang's expectation. Not only was the Bu Trainer not shy or happy, but he was also furious, suddenly rising from the ground and glaring at Ai Lang. Ailang saw her look like this, but felt baffled. The Bu Trainer suddenly seemed to be infinitely sad, tears like pearls rolled out of his eyes and rushed out of the room.

Ai Lang looked at Zhao Chuancheng and then at the door, confused, completely unsure of what was going on? Did you say something wrong? It shouldn't be!

Later that day, Ailang was strolling alone by the lake in the backyard. He happened to be passing by the nearby Diao Chan, and immediately ran over and said with a smile: "My husband is in such a good mood today! Even one person is enjoying the scenery in the backyard!"

Ai Lang glanced at the smiling Diao Chan and sat down on a large bluestone. He sighed, as if he had infinite troubles. Diao Chan was amazed. He sat down on the grass next to Ai Lang, put his hands on Ai Lang's thighs, and asked curiously: "Why did my husband sigh? Could it be that what happened to the state affairs?"

Ai Lang couldn't help holding Diao Chan's delicate hand, glanced at her, and said, "What can be wrong with national affairs? The internal affairs and military affairs are done in an orderly manner. There are so many advisers and generals to do it, and I don't need to bother! I am now a troubled dead trainer. Little girl's business!..."

Diao Chan pursed her mouth and glanced at Ai Lang, and said, "The husband really is just like Sister Cao Ying said, he's a big carrot! Now seeing that the trainer's younger sister has grown up, she can't help thinking. !"

Hearing her words, Ai Lang couldn't help thinking of the appearance of the foot trainer he saw today. The youthful and childishness seemed to have disappeared completely, the charming attitude between the eyebrows was moving, and the alive and well had grown into a peerless beauty who turned all living things upside down! Especially the figure, I don't know what she ate, it was so amazing! Suddenly he came back to his senses, and couldn't help cursing what he was thinking about. Immediately squeezed Diao Chan's delicate hand, and said in an angry manner: "Nonsense! Your husband and I am that kind of person? She is my sister, I am worrying about her marriage now!" Diao Chan was surprised and inconceivable. appearance. Seeing her being so naughty, Ai Lang was so angry that she couldn't help but bow her head and kiss her red lips. Diao Chan Xiafei's cheeks were flattering, and she groaned: "The husband will also bully the concubine!"

Seeing that Diao Chan looked like this, Ai Lang was clearly tempting herself, and couldn't help but feel an impulse. However, when he thought about the step trainer, the impulse filled with him disappeared without a trace. She immediately moved her heart and said to Diao Chan: "Chan'er, you are the smartest, come and analyze it for me!" Diao Chan smiled charmingly and said, "My husband is so praised, so don't you dare to be a concubine!"

Ai Lang couldn't help squeezing Diao Chan's Qiong nose, seemingly annoyed but infinitely affectionate and said: "You, you are simply a goblin who does not pay for his life!" Diao Chan smiled happily, and even took Ai Lang's words as compliments. Yes, Roumei said infinitely: "It is the greatest honor of my concubine's life to be able to charm my husband!"

Ai Lang's heart was shaken, and he couldn't help tightening the delicate hand in his hand. After rationalizing her thoughts, she then briefly explained what happened in Huainan Tower today, and finally said in a puzzled way: "I don't understand! The little girl trainer obviously likes Zhao Chuancheng, how come it comes to marriage? The reaction was so fierce? Didn't you see that she was as wronged as she was at the time, as if I was a big badass! Alas, I was completely confused by her!"

Diao Chan's beautiful eyes flowed, and she suddenly grinned. Ai Lang couldn't help looking at Diao Chan, and said with an angry voice: "You still laugh!" Diao Chan looked at Ai Lang, and joked: "I didn't expect my husband to have so many of our sisters, but it is still so, so dull!" Ai Lang blinked blankly, and then said angrily: "You asked you to analyze for me, but you came to tease me! Where is your husband? What does it have to do with me?"

Diao Chan looked at Ai Lang for a while, and sighed helplessly, as if he was helpless with Ai Lang. Seeing her like this, Ailang couldn't help but said in an angry manner: "Don't try to talk to me, just say what is going on? I think you already understand it!"

Diao Chan glanced at Ai Lang, and said with some emotion; "It seems that the husband completely regards the little trainer sister as his own sister!..." Ai Lang blinked and asked inexplicably, "What's the matter with this? Is it a problem?" Diao Chan thought for a while and smiled: "Husband, you can leave this matter alone and leave it to your concubine. The concubine will take care of it properly!" Ai Lang couldn't help but listen to her. I was very happy, but asked with some worry, "Are you sure?" Diao Chan smiled and said, "My husband, don't worry! My concubine will definitely be able to handle the matter! If it fails, let my husband punish!" Ai Lang listened. At this point, my heart suddenly shook, holding Diao Chan's delicate hand tightly, with a look of eagerness and authenticity: "Chan'er, you said last time that you made a tight leather jacket and leather pants according to my requirements. It is better to hit the sun if you choose a day. Let me see it today!"

Diao Chan gave Ai Long a charming look, and said, "No way today, eldest sister, and other sisters are waiting for her concubine!..." Ai Lang suddenly felt as if he had been poured cold water on his head. He looked depressed. Diao Chan stood up, couldn't bend down and kissed Ai Lang on the forehead. Then he gently patted Ai Lang on the cheek and smiled and said, "Don't be sad, my concubine will come to my husband's bedroom secretly tonight!..." Ai Lang's eyes brightened. Diao Chan giggled, as if a colorful butterfly had already flown away, looked back and smiled. Seeing her like this, Ai Lang couldn't help but feel itchy, and then couldn't help but wonder if she was teasing herself?

He shook his head, cleared up his mood, and headed to the study. Although it's nothing big, there are still many things that he needs to decide.

Ailang came to the study and just sat down when he heard rapid footsteps. Looking up, I saw Chen Gong hurried in. Seeing him like this, Ai Lang couldn't help but mutter in his heart, and put down the bamboo slips in his hands.

Chen Gong walked straight to the book case and clasped his fist toward Ai Lang, saying, "Master, the news that I just received is that the Huns were defeated in the battle of the Xianbei. The Huns took the opportunity to kill King Youxian and regain power. He has led the Huns to arrive. Near the border of Xiliang, I hope to be able to defect to us and get our asylum." As he said, he presented the bamboo slips in his hand, "This is an urgent report from Xiliang."

Ai Lang took the bamboo slips and unfolded them and read them again. He laughed and said jokingly; "King Youxian is called self-inflicted and cannot live!" After thinking a little, he frowned and said, "But this Xiongnu tribe must be too. There are not many people left. What use do I want them to do?" Chen Gong clasped his fist and said: "First, it can be used as a model. When the Northern Expedition in the future, it will inevitably reduce the resistance. Second, although the Huns have suffered heavy losses one after another, However, his subordinates estimated that there should be 100,000 men, women and children in total, and it is still possible to select 10,000 or 20,000 knights to serve as the lord. The Huns have travelled across the northern grasslands for hundreds of years and have traveled to the extreme west. Their surrender will be of great benefit to the future Northern Expedition and the Western Expedition. Thirdly, the Northern Huns were destroyed before, and many Hun tribes scattered in the Western Regions and more to the west. If the Huns surrendered to us, it would naturally be useful for us to rule the Western Regions. Very good. In summary, the subordinates suggested that the lord not only accept the surrender of the Xiongnu King, but also greatly appease it so that it can be fully used by us."

Ailang chuckled, and said, "Well said! You have said so many benefits, what do I have to oppose! Immediately send Xiliang to accept the surrender of the Huns, and temporarily place them in the lower reaches of Lu Shui. Tu Ze. In addition, I told the King of the Huns that I plan to officially canonize him as the King of the Huns and ask him to come to Luoyang as soon as possible to accept my canonization." Chen Gongxi said: "The lord is wise, and the subordinates will go to send the message." Bye bye, and went in a hurry.

The Xiutuze mentioned by Ai Lang was originally the place where the Xiutu tribe of the Huns lived together. Later, the Huo Qubing was completely defeated by Huo Qubing. The Xiutuze where they lived together and the Hexi Corridor area were all included in the territory of the Han Dynasty. This Xiutuze, located in the depths of the Tengger Desert, is formed by the gathering of Lushui that originated in the mountains in the south of Wuwei. It is a very large lake and is a rare lake in the northern desert. It is also a must for the Central Plains army to attack the grassland. One of the classics. Of course, this is also one of the main passages for the steppe army to go south.

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