"Mr. Victor, are we going to stay here?"

In the room, a man looked at Victor and asked, and everyone else looked at Victor. Victor was a relatively capable and prestigious person among the group.

"What do you think?"

Victor looked at everyone and did not answer their questions. Victor's words made everyone ponder.

"Mr. Victor, I want to stay..."

After a while, a man who looked to be in his thirties said.

"I want to work steadily here, and I want my children to have a warm home. I don't want Karina and the children to be frightened anymore, I don't want to be bullied even without a job, I don't want to work for a month and not be able to afford a few pieces of bread, I don't want to live without dignity anymore..."

The man was a little excited. He would never forget the life he had in the past few months before coming to China. He didn't want to live that kind of life again.

No income, being bullied, blackmailed by privileged people, his children being beaten, and his wife almost being bullied by privileged people. He didn't want to live that kind of life for a minute.

For the Soviet Union, he didn't have a trace of love at this moment, only hatred.

The man's words made everyone silent. Although they didn't speak, Victor could see that they were in the same mood, otherwise they wouldn't come to China.

"If you want to stay, stay. Here, at least it looks pretty good for the time being..."

Victor said that he also made this choice. Let's stay first and see what happens.

"Mr. Victor, what about our family..."

A man asked, and the meaning was very clear, that is, whether the family should be taken over now. He was worried about his family, and he really didn't want his family to stay in Ukraine for a minute.

"Wait a minute, let's stabilize it first, a few days later, it won't be a problem, you know, you can't go back after you come out..."

Victor's words finally made everyone nod, yes, let's stabilize it first and see what happens. I haven't started working yet, so I can't be too anxious about anything.

That night, all the Ukrainians who came to Huasheng Group could not sleep all night. Many people looked over and over in their own residences, thinking about how to live if their family came, and how to live if their family came. Some people thought about it and finally cried.

They felt depressed and wronged.

As the most proud top talents of the Soviet Union, if there was any way, how could they bear to leave their country.

If they really couldn't survive, how could they bear to let their families come to China from thousands of miles away. They don't understand, don't understand why it has become like this, it was not like this ten years ago.

Huasheng Group also reported this matter to the higher-ups. It was learned that Huasheng Group had poached some top experts from the Soviet Union, and China also attached great importance to it.

Immediately notify the relevant departments to cooperate with Huasheng Group to conduct identity checks on these people, but they know the importance of Huasheng Group.

In particular, most of these people are aviation experts. If they work, they must work for Huasheng Airlines, which is the most confidential unit, so their identities must be checked clearly. No one dares to guarantee that there are no Soviet intelligence personnel hidden in it.

"Mr. Xu, you are finally back. I have good news for you."

In the deep mountains, when Xu Huasheng came back, the person in charge of the computer language compilation team came over immediately.


Xu Huasheng asked hurriedly, and the person in charge nodded with a smile on his face.


His face was full of excitement. It was done. Chinese language programming was done.

Hearing this, Xu Huasheng hurriedly followed the person in charge to the compilation team. When he arrived at the compilation team, he saw many people busy.

When everyone saw Xu Huasheng coming, their faces were also full of excitement.

"Mr. Xu, this is the Chinese language computer language library we sorted out..."

The person in charge directly handed over a bound book, Xu Huasheng opened it, and inside was the sorted Chinese language computer language.

"Tell me, how do you solve some problems encountered in the Chinese language..."

Xu Huasheng asked directly. You should know that Chinese has polyphonic characters, and the same phrase may represent different meanings.

"Mr. Xu, we use a vocabulary plus special symbols..."

The person in charge began to talk about the solution to Chinese language programming. For some situations that may occur in Chinese, they use a vocabulary and special symbols. For example, a phrase has several meanings in Chinese.

Then use special symbols plus phrases to solve it. Phrases plus different special symbols have different meanings.

In theory, any language can be used as a computer language. Because no matter what language it is, it will eventually be used on the computer.When running, they will all become 0 and 1.

In the original time and space, there are also many computer languages, but the mainstream computer languages ​​are all English. The reason why English has become the universal language of computer languages ​​is not because only English can be used, but because computers originated in the United States and developed fastest in the United States, so naturally, people used English as the computer language at the beginning.

They developed first, and everyone used their things, so naturally they formed a unified standard in the end, so English became the mainstream. If computers originated in Greece, and Greece was the most powerful, then the computer language would be Greek.

And this is also the reason why the United States has a huge advantage in the computer field in history.

"Mr. Xu, in order to solve the problem of input speed. We found inspiration from our double-pinyin input method and directly developed a double-pinyin input method dedicated to our Chinese language programmers. Our language library is embedded in the input method. We have tested it. After becoming proficient, the input speed is very fast, not slower than other computer language inputs, and even faster by a few points..."

The person in charge said with a smile. After listening to the person in charge, Xu Huasheng laughed.

Then he found a computer and sat down, and carefully read the language library. For Xu Huasheng, photographic memory is a basic ability.

The entire language library only has a few hundred basic languages. After reading it, Xu Huasheng directly opened the editor and tried to get busy.

He was not proficient in input at the beginning, but after just a few minutes, everyone looked at Xu Huasheng in amazement.

In just a few minutes, Xu Huasheng mastered the input method and quickly started programming in Chinese.

Xu Huasheng input very quickly. After a few minutes, Xu Huasheng finished inputting and clicked run. A small program made by Xu Huasheng was successfully run.

Looking at the successfully running program, Xu Huasheng laughed. Chinese language programming has really succeeded. This is definitely a landmark existence for the Internet industry.

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