"Mr. Xu, it's like this. In a few days, an important inspection team will come. So we would like to ask you to come and help..."

After looking at the production line, Lin Zuotang looked at Xu Huasheng and said mysteriously.

"Inspection team? Can't you just receive this? Is this inspection team a little special?"

Xu Huasheng asked curiously.

"It's a little special. We didn't want them to come, but they had a lot of money, so we let them come after discussion. When it comes to business, none of us is as good as you, and you are experienced. This time the military is not convenient to come forward, so this inspection is in the name of private industry cooperation."

Lin Zuotang said with a smile. When it comes to business, who can compare with Xu Huasheng?


Xu Huasheng was completely interested.

"Libya's inspection team..."

Lin Zuotang said directly. When Xu Huasheng heard the word Libya, his eyes lit up immediately.

Damn, no wonder, this is really a rich man. However, this rich man is a little too arrogant. If you do business with them, you may get into trouble. No wonder Lin Zuotang is so mysterious.

Libya is now under UN sanctions and an arms embargo. China also needs to consider this, so it is not convenient for the military to come forward.

But Libya is really a rich country now. Colonel Ka has money. Apart from those super chaebols, it is frank to say that Colonel Ka is the richest man in the world in this era. Even the wealth of the Saudi royal family cannot be compared with that of Colonel Ka now.

And Libya during this period can definitely be described as wealthy. What Colonel Ka did was also full of legends. Colonel Ka directly supported millions of Libyans, which was very awesome.

In Xu Huasheng's view, Colonel Ka is full of idealism. Although he will be cleaned up by the United States in the future, Libya under his rule is really rich and the living standards of the people are very high.

Free education, free medical care, free housing, and all kinds of benefits are ridiculously high. Although there is some inequality between the rich and the poor, Colonel Ka has really treated his people well. However, people are not satisfied. After Colonel Ka died, Libya fell into war and the lives of the people fell into a slump.

Colonel Ka is full of love for his country and wants to make his country better. It's just that his level is limited and he takes things for granted.

Of course, Colonel Ka is also an ambitious person. He wants to make his country a strong country. He also wants to be the king of Africa or even the king of the world. However, his ambition is too big and he is a bit overconfident, and finally ended up in a tragic end.

Colonel Ka has many advantages and disadvantages.

The biggest disadvantage is that Colonel Ka is too arrogant and can offend people. His various suicidal actions are simply amazing. A country that can offend all five permanent members is also a talent. In the end, none of the five permanent members spoke to him, and he was directly played to death.

"Boss Lin, why would Libya send an inspection team? As far as I know, the relationship between our country and Libya is not good, right?"

Xu Huasheng asked curiously.

The relationship between China and Libya is really not good. The reason is very simple. In 1982, Colonel Ka visited China and was too much of a troublemaker and offended people. The Chinese high-level officials were very angry. It was good enough that they didn't beat him up.

So China has no good face for this country.

"Boss Xu, the bad relationship will not hinder our sales. Who wants to go against money?"

Lin Zuotang said with a smile, but Xu Huasheng looked at Lin Zuotang with suspicion. Would it be so simple? Impossible?

With Colonel Ka's arrogant attitude, if nothing happened, would he send an inspection team to China?

"Actually, there is a little thing. Some time ago, the Libyan armed forces were ambushed by a group of anti-government armed forces. As a result, more than 20 vehicles were lost, including more than 10 tanks. Later, Libya didn't know how to get the inside scoop and knew that the weapon might come from us..."

Lin Zuotang said in a low voice, but with a smirk on his face, which made Xu Huasheng happy.

"Did it hit by a hidden arrow?"

Xu Huasheng asked quickly.

"Who knows? Anyway, the performance is very similar to our hidden arrows. As for whose missile it is, we don't know. Later, I don't know who told Libya that we have such anti-tank missiles, and then Libya sent an inspection team. And it was led by Colonel Ka's eldest son Muhammad..."

Lin Zuotang's words made Xu Huasheng laugh completely. Damn, if you don't know, it's a ghost. But some things are just a mess, and neither side admits it, it's just a quibble.

No wonder Colonel Ka sent people here,It turned out that they suffered a great loss. More than ten tanks were lost in an ambush, which may be a big loss.

Xu Huasheng guessed that the Libyan troops probably didn't even see the enemy. With the current strength of Libya's armored forces, it would be too easy to hit them with the dark arrow missile.

A few dozen people, with dozens of dark arrows, can easily kill the armored forces from a few kilometers away.

Colonel Ka, who suffered a great loss, would naturally investigate this matter. Later, he got the news from somewhere that China had this anti-tank missile. Such a good thing naturally made Colonel Ka excited. He was stunned by the attack. If he had such a weapon, he would not be able to defeat the armored forces of neighboring countries without making a sound.

"General Lin, what is the attitude of the higher-ups this time?"

Xu Huasheng asked in a low voice.

"Making money is the main thing. The civilian sector doesn't matter. But there must be a limit in the military sector. Strategic weapons must not be sold. But some other weapons and equipment can be slightly lower than Saudi Arabia. However, we do not recognize these transactions. They must go through a third party. Now Libya is under UN sanctions. Although we do not agree, we cannot go against the UN..." Lin Zuotang said with a smile. Xu Huasheng nodded at these words, and he understood China's plan. Making money is the main thing. The more civilian projects, the better. And military projects must be one level lower than Saudi Arabia. Big firecrackers must not be sold. With Colonel Ka's arrogant style of doing things, if you sell him firecrackers, he will dare to show off the thing. At that time, China will not be able to explain it clearly. Therefore, transactions must be conducted through third-party countries, and China and third-party countries, such as Sudan, will trade. As for how Sudan and Libya trade, China has no control over it. In a word, cut off ties with Libya to avoid getting into trouble in the end.

Colonel Kazakhstan is very courageous. He dares to support anyone. When Russia was fighting the Chechen War, he dared to provide weapons and equipment to Chechnya, which offended Russia. This bastard sometimes does things completely based on his own preferences without considering gains and losses.

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