


All the soldiers of the Carl Vinson aircraft carrier battle group got into the cabin. Outside, the flying scooters kept hitting the warships like moths to a flame.

Explosions continued to sound. The power of the scooters was not great and could not be compared with heavy artillery, so they did not cause much damage to the warships.

However, it was still very destructive to the personnel on the warships, the radars, and some relatively fragile equipment.

"Report, the main control radar was damaged and lost its function..."

"Report, the auxiliary radar was damaged..."

"Report, the search radar was damaged..."


On the Arleigh Burke class, one report after another made Carlson very desperate.

It's over, the aircraft carrier battle group is completely over.

At this moment, Carlson is very worried that China will be ruthless. Now the entire battle group has become a live target and has no defense capabilities.

If China launches anti-ship missiles, it can easily destroy the entire aircraft carrier battle group.

The entire aircraft carrier battle group was in a panic, and the small motorcycles continued to attack one after another. The deck of the Carl Vinson was now ablaze.

The deck was attacked by the flying small motorcycles. Some fighters were directly hit by the small motorcycles, and some fighters were directly blown up and ignited after being hit.

Fortunately, there were no live ammunition on the fighters, otherwise it would be even worse.

As for cleaning the deck, no one is willing to go up and die. The small motorcycles are like locusts, and now they keep stabbing down. Whoever goes up will die at this time.

As for the fighters, let them be damaged. As long as the aircraft carrier does not sink and the deck is not penetrated, their lives will not be in danger.

Now these soldiers cherish their lives very much. After all, everyone knows that so many soldiers died when the US aircraft carrier sank last time.

Everyone joins the army for money, not for risking their lives.

At this moment, in Shan State, Myanmar, six missiles were quietly set up.


With Chu Xiong's order, six missiles took off directly and flew towards the direction of the aircraft carrier battle group.

"Report, six missiles were launched from the direction of Myanmar and are flying rapidly towards the USS Carl Vinson carrier battle group..."

In Singapore, inside the US military base.

When the missile was launched, the early warning radar deployed by the United States in Singapore immediately saw the missile.

"Notify the USS Carl Vinson carrier battle group immediately..."

An officer's face turned pale.

They have been in contact with the USS Carl Vinson, and they know the current situation of the battle group best.

The battle group is now a living target. All the anti-aircraft missiles are gone, and the radar has lost its function. It is now an empty shell without any defense capabilities.

Now six missiles are flying over, and the USS Carl Vinson can only pray to God.

Carlson and his men, who received the early warning message, looked extremely ugly in the aircraft carrier battle group. It's over, it's over, six missiles are coming, and they can only hold their heads and pray.

"God bless..."

All the crew members prayed, and at this moment they wished they could grow two wings and fly away directly.

They swore that they would never come to Asia Pacific again. It's too dangerous here. China is too ruthless.

An emergency meeting is being held at the Pentagon.

They don't look good either. They suffered a loss this time.

"Notify them. If our aircraft carrier is sunk, immediately launch the maximum air strike on Longbang, Myanmar..."

Clinton finally issued an order. If the aircraft carrier battle group is sunk, they must fight back. Longbang, which China focuses on supporting, is their target.

At this moment, everyone is waiting, waiting for the result of the six missiles.

The six missiles are very fast. Not long after flying out of Myanmar, they arrived over the aircraft carrier. Then the six missiles rushed directly to the USS Carl Vinson, which had no defense capabilities.

Over the aircraft carrier, the warhead separated and adjusted its direction directly to rush to the deck. Then the warhead split directly, and a large number of cluster warheads directly covered the entire deck like rain.

"Boom boom boom boom..."

The series of explosions made the soldiers inside the aircraft carrier tremble all over.

This continuous explosion lasted for six times before it ended. When the explosion ended, it suddenly became quiet outside.

The attack of the small motorcycle had also ended, and everything became quiet.

At this moment, the sky outside had already turned pale.

After several hours of crazy escape, the aircraft carrier had already run more than 500 kilometers in one breath.

Fortunately, the satellite navigation system on the ship was not broken, and they could still sail normally at this moment.

They ran wildly, all the way, and it was unknown how long it had been before a soldier dared to open the hatch and go outside. At this moment, it was already outside.It was already dawn.

"The attack is over..."

Everyone escaped death, and many people couldn't help crying.

On the deck of the Carl Vinson, some soldiers came out and were scared after seeing the deck.

At this moment, the deck was in a mess, with a lot of fighter wreckage inside, and the entire deck was burned black.

Look at the deck again, there are potholes everywhere.

Hit by six missiles, the cluster warheads on it have caused great damage to the deck.

Looking at the current situation, the entire deck is likely to be dismantled and replaced.

"Fortunately, China didn't do it hard..."

An officer sighed.

He knew very well that if the missile could damage the deck, it could hit it. If yesterday's missile was aimed at sinking the aircraft carrier, then the Carl Vinson aircraft carrier would probably have sunk at this moment.

The Carl Vinson was a mess, just like other ships. Some ships even had problems with power, because last night, some small motorcycles got into the chimney and exploded.

In a word, all ships of the Carl Vinson aircraft carrier battle group need to be overhauled in the factory.

All radars are estimated to be replaced, and the cost is sky-high. You know, these radars are very expensive.

"Report, the Pentagon's order orders us to go to Japan..."

On Carlson's ship, the Pentagon's order came down.

The Carl Vinson aircraft carrier battle group went to Japan for rest and stopped all tasks.

In Myanmar, all American soldiers in Myanmar also received orders.

Immediately leave Myanmar and no longer participate in anything in Myanmar.

At the same time, the United States announced that Clinton will pay a state visit to China next month.

This series of reactions directly shocked the Myanmar government, and it had no idea what was going on. Not only was Myanmar dumbfounded, but other countries that were watching the excitement were also the same.

What happened? Why did the United States change its mind again?

The last time we had a military exercise with the Philippines, it was like this.

This time with Myanmar, just a few days after the action, the United States ran away again. What happened? Intelligence agencies of many countries began to take action, wanting to find out the truth as soon as possible.

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