Five MiG-29s quickly headed north and finally entered the Indian-controlled Kashmir region. Then the pilots directly lowered their flight altitude and broke into the Pakistan-controlled area from the valley.

When they broke into the Pakistan-controlled area, five S-14s of the Pakistani Air Force accelerated to meet them.

The two sides approached quickly, and the Pakistani aircraft actually knew the location of the Indian aircraft.

But the Indian aircraft did not know that they were completely exposed at this moment, after all, the Indian Air Force did not have an early warning aircraft this time. The radar on the MiG-29 has a sounding distance of only 80 kilometers.

Although the active phased array radar equipped on the S-14 is not as abnormal as China's J-10, with a sounding distance of 400 kilometers, its performance is also very superior, with a sounding distance of 260 kilometers, which is three times that of the MiG-29.

So even without an early warning aircraft, the S-14 can detect India's MiG-29 early. Although the MiG-29 claims to be a third-generation aircraft, it is only two and a half generations in a serious sense.

The S-14 is said to be a third-generation aircraft, but strictly speaking. This aircraft is a third-generation and a half, after all, it is equipped with active phased array radar and digital cockpit, etc. These things, even the current F16 does not have this thing. The radar used by the current F16 has a detection range of only 140 kilometers.

"Enemy aircraft is found..."

The two sides approached quickly. When the distance was 80 kilometers, the Indian MiG-29 finally found the S-14. After the discovery, the Indian Air Force became excited and rushed directly towards the S-14.

But what surprised them was that the Pakistani aircraft suddenly turned around, as if running away, and quickly fled towards Pakistan.

"Hahaha, they are scared..."

An Indian pilot couldn't help laughing in the communication system.

They ran away before the trigger was released, obviously they were scared.

"What is the Chinese third-generation fighter? I think it's garbage. Even our India can't produce good fighters. Can China produce it?"

Another pilot couldn't help but tease.

"We should go to China and let them see the strength of India."

The communication system became lively, but they soon stopped discussing.

A violent alarm sounded in the cockpit. This alarm was not anything else, but was locked by the active radar of the missile.

"No, there are missiles, evade, evade, release decoy bombs..."

The five MiG-29s immediately became anxious, and the traces of missiles also appeared on the radar. The MiG-29 directly increased thrust to escape.

But they were fast, and the missiles were faster.

This time, each Pakistani pilot launched two air-to-air missiles bought from China. Ten air-to-air missiles flew over. In addition to active radar guidance, the early warning aircraft and fighters behind could also use radar guidance.

Ten missiles directly bit the five MiG-29s. The maximum speed of these air-to-air missiles was 3.2 Mach, which was not a speed that the MiG-29 with a maximum speed of 2.3 Mach could escape.

Coupled with advanced interference performance and maneuverability, the missile soon caught up with the MiG-29.


Late at night, explosions sounded in the air.

Like bright fireworks blooming in the air.

None of the five MiG-29s escaped, and all were hit. Five fighters were hit and fell straight down. And the five Indian pilots ejected directly at the last moment.

At the Indian Air Force Base, the Indian Air Force's top brass was dumbfounded. What's going on? What happened? Why were their five fighters shot down so easily?

But at this moment, their eyes were not anxious, but excited.

Damn, now there is more reason to buy advanced fighters. The MiG-29 is no good, it's too backward. It must have more advanced fighters like the Su-30 to maintain its advantage over Pakistan.

The Indian Air Force was in a complicated mood, but Pakistan was excited.

The ground forces quickly rushed to the crash site of the fighter and found the wreckage of the MiG-29 at the crash site. All five planes crashed in the area controlled by Pakistan.

Not only that, none of the five pilots were lucky enough to die, but their fate was not good either, as they were captured alive by Pakistani ground forces.

Pakistan was busy, taking photos and videos at the crash site, and then removing the wreckage. The five pilots were also taken away.

After a night, the Pakistani news broke the news early the next morning.

"Last night, five MiG-29s of the Indian Air Force broke into our airspace, and our new air force fighters were all shot down, but our air force did not suffer any damage..."Pakistan's news reports came out, not only with text, but also with videos and photos. There are videos of Indian plane crashes, photos of captured Indian pilots, and so on.

After the news was released, the whole of Pakistan went straight into a carnival. Five Indian fighters were shot down, but they didn't lose a single plane. This is awesome.

In several India-Pakistan wars, Pakistan has been suppressed by India.

Now, it has finally hardened up.

Pakistan was extremely shocked, but India did not hide it or blame it this time, but admitted it openly.

Indian media reported that last night, five MiG-29s of the Indian Air Force exchanged fire with the Pakistani Air Force while performing a mission, and then five planes were shot down and the pilots were unfortunately captured.

However, the Indian media changed their tone and said that the reason for the failure of the mission was not because the Pakistani Air Force pilots were skilled. It was that the MiG-29 was a bit backward and could not be compared with the S-14 purchased by Pakistan from China.

At the same time, the Indian media also sold anxiety.

It is said that Indian aircraft are seriously backward, and they cannot even compare with the S-14 purchased by Pakistan, let alone the J-10 fighter jets used by China.

If the Indian Air Force does not introduce newer fighter jets, it will not only be unable to deal with the Pakistani Air Force, but the Chinese Air Force will be even more unable to deal with it.

India's opponents are not only Pakistan, but also China and India.

Now that this has happened, the Indian Air Force's meaning is very clear. Damn, pay money and buy new aircraft.

Both Pakistan and India have admitted this air battle, and this time, the world is in an uproar.

They didn't expect that the aircraft sold by China would be so powerful. Fighting with the MiG-29, it was a complete victory. Five to five, it did not lose a fighter, but shot down all five of India's MiG-29s. What kind of fairy aircraft is this?

This incident quickly began to spread wildly on the global Internet, and it caused a huge heated discussion in China. This S-14 was just delivered to Pakistan, and Pakistan started fighting with India, and it also achieved such a beautiful result. This is the best advertisement.

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