Rebirth In 1993, Starting From Building An Ace Unit

Chapter 18 Modify Training Directions And Plan Reserved Allocations

It’s just easier to plan.

It is much more difficult to actually implement it.

It can be seen from the military department's planning four years in advance that the process is not that simple.

Return to the divided garrison base.

To the surprise of both of them.

When I left just now, the entire base was still in a state of depression. There were only about twenty people in the area that could accommodate a heavy armored division.

But come back this time.

Several military vehicles were parked at the entrance of the base.

There were many comrades gathered outside the gate, looking inside.

And people are still coming here from far away.

The vehicle Ye Yang and the two were riding in seemed inconspicuous among the crowd.

Wu Xiangzhe stretched his neck and looked outside curiously.

He couldn't help but said: "What is going on?"

"These comrades are not like logistics workers arranged by the military region."

"Looking at the epaulettes, they are all comrades from Pengcheng and several surrounding cities, and from the base units stationed in the city."

"Why are they all concentrated here?"

Ye Yang turned around and looked.

He rubbed his temples helplessly.

"Obviously, when the troops were withdrawn from the base here yesterday, the military headquarters did not inform them of what was to be done."

"The Yangcheng Military Region Headquarters has not notified us of what to do specifically."

"But registration and selection will be opened immediately today, and all armed forces across the country have been mobilized."

"At this juncture, there is such a large space inside the Pengcheng garrison base, and it is so close to Hong Kong Island."

"If you think about it, you will know that this is an important place for the upcoming selection."

"It will also be the garrison point for the Hong Kong Garrison for a long time to come."

"It is inevitable to attract a large number of gay people to visit."

Wu Xiangzhe looked outside and didn't ask too much.

He felt that Ye Yang's analysis made sense.

But this approach is really strange.

This base has always been here.

There were many comrades passing by here in the past, but no one ever paid attention to it.

Now it is because this place has been given a special mission.

Along with it, a rising tide lifts all boats.

It began to attract so many gay people to come and watch.

For comrades from other military regions, there is still a sense of mystery about the training base for the Hong Kong Garrison or the person in charge.

But for the Yangcheng Military Region.

There should be no mystery at all.

The base is in Pengcheng, and the person in charge is also the captain of the South China Sword Special Forces Brigade.

It's just a different name and a different place.

I don’t understand why these people gather together.

Ye Yang looked around.

The comrades who can come and gather here are not of high rank.

There was nothing he was familiar with.

Simply drive the vehicle straight in and enter the base.

He still has a lot of work to arrange here.

Now that the information about the base in Hong Kong has been made public, this means that the military department is very aware of it.

Selection of local troops did not take long.

Especially here in the Yangcheng Military Region.

Selected personnel can be sent directly here.

As the person in charge, Ye Yang must make all preparations.

After the staff is ready.

You have to focus on training.

When I came back just now, I saw so many people surrounding the entrance of the base.

Ye Yang suddenly discovered.

It is not the troops stationed in Hong Kong. Only after entering Hong Kong Island will they fully face the world.

during training.

The scope of facing the outside world will not be very large, nor will it be very broad.

But within the military.

Once the base is exposed.

The attention it received was definitely unprecedented.

This is fundamentally different from the previous South China Sword Special Forces Brigade.

No matter how difficult the training here is, it's not that high.

Because after successful training, you will face the whole world.

The results of their training represent what the country's military is like.

This is just the external performance.

Inner performance.

Such a large selection range is used in the army.

So many elites were selected for training.

To establish a garrison in Hong Kong.

Before formal training, take out a random soldier and put him there, he will be the best.

If it's just an ordinary training subject.

In the end, the training results may not be as good as originally imagined.

As the formation task gets closer and closer.

Ye Yang truly felt that this time he had taken on a hot potato.

But now the arrow is on the string and has to be fired.

Once here, there is no way out.

There are not many other ways to describe the training of the troops stationed in Hong Kong.

It was shocking when he appeared.

The appearance is wonderful.

This is the only standard currently.

Ye Yang had already formulated a training plan in the South China Sharp Sword Special Forces Brigade from the beginning.

Subsequently, the military department did not provide detailed training regulations.

These days.

Ye Yang has no plans to change his training plan.

But just now I saw so many comrades gathering at the gate of the base.

It made him change some of his views.

The twelve major military regions can send a total of 2,400 people in the next step.

In addition to other establishments and elites selected from the national armed police forces.

Even if the total number of people is less than five thousand, I'm afraid it won't be much different.

With so many people, only five hundred could be left in the end.

There are many ways to eliminate.

But the problem is that elimination cannot be carried out without any plan.

The first batch of people to stay are to retain the team that will form the army in the future and to retain the most elite talents.

Rather than like a special selection.

Just to eliminate for the sake of elimination, to hone the will to fight.

And this time the people who came over.

Not so much elimination.

It's better to select the right elites and let them stay here.

It’s just that the selection process is a little complicated.

After all, everyone who can come here is an elite, and everyone is selected from thousands of people.

If you follow the original training plan and blindly eliminate them.

Even if five hundred people can be left behind in the end.

It may not be the five hundred people you want most.

After Ye Yang figured out these stakes.

It was too late to say hello to Wu Xiangzhe.

He hurried back to the office.

At this time, Fang Yu, the clerk transferred from the South China Sharp Sword Special Forces Brigade, was already in place.

Familiar personnel.

It is even easier to do work.

Ye Yang's adjustment of the division of labor in the training plan this time was very clear.

The plans made before can only be said to be to select 500 more elite warriors from among 5,000 people.

However, the placement of these 500 people has not been fully considered.

For example, language communication, honor guard posture, and even automobile troop transportation were originally considered at the conference.

These small aspects.

They are all born from the first batch of soldiers who entered the Hong Kong Garrison.

Ye Yang does understand Cantonese.

But even if he is full of mouths, he cannot teach so many people.

These people must be selected from the first group of people.

There are also honor guards, car soldiers, etc.

It all depends on retaining professional talents through selection.

As for the subsequent formation of infantry brigades, ship brigade, and aviation regiments.

This is what happens in the future.

We can't think about it that far yet.

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