Rebirth In 1993, Starting From Building An Ace Unit

Chapter 20: Train Others First, Train Yourself First, The Pressure-Doubled Formation Task

It didn't take long.

Ren Zhenchuan led everyone who helped in the cafeteria.

Come together and line up outside.

Not counting Ye Yang himself, there were twenty-three South China Sharp Swords who came with him, including Xin Hai and Fang Yu who came behind.

That's equivalent to twenty-five people.

See them lined up.

Xin Hai, who was standing nearby, also reacted and hurriedly ran into the team.

Wu Xiangzhe walked over from a distance.

He knew that Ye Yang must have something to talk about when everyone was gathered together at this time.

As a responsible person.

You can never put yourself aside.

Ye Yang nodded to him as a greeting.

Then he turned to look at the soldiers lined up.

"Comrades, it's more urgent when we set off this time."

"I didn't hold a meeting to talk to you about many aspects."

"I'll take this time to explain it to you first."

"After the Military Council decided, we plan to form a Hong Kong garrison force in accordance with the requirements of the Military."

"This force is the only tri-service force in the army, composed of officers and men from the navy, land and air force."

"Affiliated to the Yangcheng Military Region and organized as a military-level unit."

"According to the results of the Military Council, the troops stationed in Hong Kong enjoy treatment at the deputy military region level."

“But all this is after the successful establishment.”

"Now the task of forming this force has been handed over to us."

"Wu Zhengwei and I went to the Yangcheng Headquarters in the morning."

"The chief informed us there that all major military regions across the country were already selecting personnel to dispatch to us."

"How elite are the selected personnel? I will only tell you a set of data."

"That's the entire military area. There are more than 200,000 people. In the end, only 200 people can be selected."

"You can imagine how outstanding the comrades who came here are, right?"

"But even such outstanding comrades must go through strict selection after coming to us."

"According to the military's original plan, the first batch of personnel to stay here was only 500 people."

"That means that this time, whether we select 3,000 people, 5,000 people, or 8,000 people."

"Our mission is to make these people pass various tests and leave only five hundred people."

"I believe that the comrades here have considerable experience in the elimination selection competition of special forces."

"But I can tell you clearly that if you put the special forces elimination competition on top of this, it will be insignificant and not worth mentioning."

"Comrade Xin Hai is already good enough, isn't he?"

"The Yangcheng Military Region, a large military region with 190,000 people, organized a comprehensive martial arts competition. Comrade Xin Hai won first place in combat and overall first place."

"Then what I want to say is that among the comrades who come next, there are probably a dozen or even more powerful soldiers like Comrade Xin Hai."

"Even if he is not as good as Comrade Xin Hai, only one elite person can emerge from a regiment."

"Have you ever imagined what kind of collision a few thousand people can make when they gather here?"

"Excellent soldiers are made day by day. You are excellent, but others are also excellent."

"If you want to gain a firm foothold in the next brutal competition, you must first receive more brutal training in advance."

"Perhaps it takes several days to practice a fighting stance."

"Maybe it's just a step, just a simple military posture, just a queue, it may be a journey of thousands of kilometers."

"Are you ready for these?"

"Always ready! Always ready!! Always ready!!!"

Although there were only about twenty people in the queue.

But the roar it made was not small.

It directly caused the comrades who were wandering outside the base to crane their necks and look inside.

Just this time.

The people inside the base have long been accustomed to those outside.

I don't care how I want to look at it.

Looking at the confident people.

Ye Yang nodded.

He was really lucky to have pulled Xin Hai over in advance.

Otherwise, if there are too many ruthless soldiers among the soldiers who come here this time, they will definitely not be able to suppress them with only the South China sword.

Soldiers will not openly contradict their instructors.

Will obey orders and obey arrangements.

But what they admire more is the strong.

If Ren Zhenchuan can't suppress the selected soldiers, although those people won't say anything, they will definitely be unconvinced in their hearts.

The effectiveness of training will also be greatly reduced.

Xin Hai is slightly stronger.

Ye Yang himself is of course stronger. After all, he is a warrior who has truly survived a battle filled with bullets and bullets.

He even became the captain of the South China Sword Special Forces step by step.

Both in terms of skill and marksmanship.

Far from being comparable to a rising star like Xin Hai.

But the problem is that he is the leader here.

It is impossible to serve as an instructor.

Everything still has to be solved by the people brought here.

Just thinking about it, you know that you will definitely encounter various problems in the future.

But there is nothing we can do about it.

The starting point for screening and registration is too high, no matter who is responsible for the formation of this force.

They will all encounter the same problems.

What Ye Yang can do now is to do his best to train these people first.

At least on the surface there doesn't seem to be anything wrong.

Otherwise, when the successfully selected comrades come here, they will see that the instructors themselves are full of flaws.

How to ask for the next improvement?

Most of the time in the special forces is spent on training, either training or performing missions.

Compared with ordinary troops, their ruffianism is more obvious.

If not corrected.

The people Ye Yang brought here are indeed very capable.

But if you want to fully take over the position of instructor, I'm afraid there's still a long way to go.

Looking at everyone's confident answers.

Ye Yang nodded.

"Okay, now let's practice from the honor guard position."

"Don't try to fool me by standing in a military posture. With your abilities, standing in a military posture for two or three hours is just like playing."

"The honor guard posture is not just a military posture."

"Ren Zhenchuan will be the captain and Xin Hai will be the vice-captain. The two of you will be responsible for teaching them how to practice in these two days."

"Whether you have mastered it before or not, you must become familiar with it next."

"I will contact the relevant departments later and arrange for a professional honor guard captain to come and assist."

"If I find out that someone is not training well or has a wrong posture, then don't blame me for punishing you to practice the same posture for a whole day."

"Do you understand everything?"


This time, everyone's answer was not so loud.

Originally, seeing the chief speak so passionately made people excited.

I thought I had some important task to perform.

Who would have thought that in the end he would be practicing a guard of honor posture.

This is not a good thing for them.

Ye Yang had no confidence in their answers and didn't care at all.

Anyway, in the next few days.

There is plenty of time to deal with them.

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