Rebirth In 1993, Starting From Building An Ace Unit

Chapter 45: The Screening Comes To An End, And A Meeting Is Held To Formulate The Preparation Framew

After chatting with Wu Xiangzhe for a while.

Ye Yang took a circle on the martial arts field.

I saw that the threads that many comrades were holding on to their fingers had fallen to the ground.

But he didn't say anything.

At this time, the training has just begun, and the standards cannot be too strict in all aspects.

Let’s get through the basics first.

The latter can be changed slowly.

Even at the beginning, the requirements were not high.

But for the soldiers who are exposed to the military posture of honor guard for the first time.

Still difficult.

Especially over time.

The sun rising in the east has become more and more dazzling.

The head cannot be moved randomly.

You must also keep your eyes open and try not to blink or shed tears.

This kind of training is more grueling than physical fitness.

In addition, yesterday I carried a weight of 25 kilograms and ran for more than five hours. Many people did not recover at all after resting overnight.

It's okay to stand here for a short time.

If you really stand there for hours.

His body began to sway and he became unsteady.

Ye Yang sighed softly after seeing this situation, turned around and left the martial arts arena.

It has been eliminated to this extent.

He no longer plans to actively screen out people.

But they need to consciously ask to leave here.

The training now has just begun, and there are more difficult moments waiting ahead.

There will be quite a few people who can't survive it.

This is also reasonable.

in the following days.

Basically, before dawn in the morning, Liu Zhicheng would gather all the people on the martial arts field.

Facing the direction of sunrise in the east.

Practice standing in military posture.

I started standing for two hours to rest, then three hours, four hours, five hours.

In the afternoon, I will take time to train for physical fitness.

There will be contact including shooting.

As the saying goes.

If you don’t practice your hands for three days, you will be born. If you don’t practice your mouth for three days, you will be born.

No matter how important the training of the honor guard is, other aspects must be in place at the same time.

The first ten days.

Liu Zhicheng only arranged for them to practice standing in military posture.

After ten days, arrangements were made for the military march.

This is a more demanding and difficult exercise than standing in the military posture.

It really caused the soldiers to suffer a lot.

Some people gritted their teeth and persisted.

Some people have no choice but to quit.

Ye Yang stood under the flagpole at the gate of the base and watched two more soldiers pack their backpacks.

He left the base with a lonely expression.

He turned around and looked at Fang Yu.

"With the departure of these two comrades, how many soldiers do we have here now?"

Fang Yu heard the chief's question.

Stand at attention hastily.

"Reporting to the leader, including the departure of these two comrades, we still have 752 soldiers here."

Ye Yang nodded.

As early as the first time I came into contact with the honor guard training.

He once held a general meeting.

Tell all the comrades who are still here, as long as the gate to the base is not completely sealed.

Only the sentry outside the door was still on duty.

That means the elimination here is still continuing.

I can't accept this kind of training.

Or if you want to return to your original unit, you can pack your backpack and leave on your own.

From the very beginning until now.

More than twenty days have passed.

More than five hundred soldiers left the base again.

Most of them did not leave voluntarily.

It’s not that I can’t hold on.

It's about training again and again, whether it's physical fitness or shooting, including military steps, and the progress of learning Cantonese and English in the evening.

None of their advantages are obvious.

Ranked last.

In this case, even if no one urges them to leave, many soldiers will choose to leave here on their own.

Because the elimination and screening of bases is always going on.

We can't let those better comrades leave here.

Ye Yang has been standing under the flagpole.

Watched the two soldiers leave the base.

Sighed softly.

Looking at the scene of continuous training on the martial arts field.

The mood is also a bit dull.

Similar eliminations have been experienced too many times in special forces.

Originally thought of leaving the Special Forces.

Now that we are taking on new tasks to form the Hong Kong garrison, we can break away from the original selection rules.

You don't have to go through this.

No idea.

Jump here.

The scale of selection is larger, and the facts are crueler.

But to his relief.

The car company has been training continuously for more than twenty days, and the company commander Cheng Tiehu has served as the instructor.

Driving skills can be said to be quite high.

During this period, he took the time to take his seven soldiers and continuously select from the entire selection crowd.

He actually asked him to select more than twenty people to join the automobile company.

The last few days.

The training of the automobile company has also entered the schedule.

And the progress is very good.

From receiving the mission to now, the first organic unit of the Hong Kong Garrison has finally been completed.

Although just a transport unit.

But in a certain respect, the automobile company is not much different from the honor guard.

It's just that the aspects reflected are different.

not to mention.

Cheng Tiehu was also unceremonious when he chose.

Look for it among the elite.

All the selected fighters are sharpshooters, and they are also very good at fighting.

The automobile company can be said to be the best automobile soldier if you sit in the automobile.

Got out of the car.

It is also the most elite combat unit.

Ye Yang looked at the time.

It's basically almost noon.

Then he waved his hand and said, "Go and inform Battalion Commander Liu, Captain Ren, Comrade Xin Hai, and the main committee members to gather in the conference room for a meeting."

"Let's discuss the next step of formation."

"Yes, Chief."

Fang Yu agreed.

He hurriedly ran towards the martial arts field.

The Pengcheng Hong Kong base does occupy a large area, but the problem is that there are not so many people now, and it is easy to find people.

As long as it's not late at night.

When I ran to the martial arts arena, everyone I needed to find was here.

Nine out of ten of the entire base is unused.

Only one martial arts arena was fully utilized.

Because this place not only has multiple training grounds, but also a wide runway and various equipment for physical training.

Including the shooting range for shooting training and the venue for vehicle company practice, they are all concentrated on the martial arts field.

The entire martial arts field is almost as big as seven or eight football fields.

If Fang Yu ran on two legs to inform.

The whole distance is almost more than 3,000 meters.

If there's nothing important to do at ordinary times, that's it.

The team leader called for a meeting.

Fang Yu drove the car inside the base and notified everyone one by one.

After Ye Yang finished explaining.

Then he turned around and returned to the base conference room.

According to the requirements of the military department, the first batch of reserved personnel for the old team is 500.

Now there are only more than 700 people in the entire base still participating in the selection.

The remaining four thousand people have been eliminated.

When there are a large number of people, you don’t have to worry too much about the various aspects of the organization. It’s okay to be vague.

After all, there are a lot of basics out there, and you can pick and choose slowly.

But not anymore.

Several originally planned establishments must be finalized.

At least the general framework has to be determined.

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