Rebirth In 1993, Starting From Building An Ace Unit

Chapter 48: Prepare For Promotion And Start Forming A Special Team

Li Peifang took the lead in organizing the meeting.

Soon the navy boss Tang Guozhen and the air force boss Li Qinglin came.

Including the chiefs of staff of each service group arrived at the military conference room.

Li Peifang placed the specific preparation documents for the formation of the automobile company submitted by Ye Yang on the conference table.

"This was just handed over by Pengcheng Hong Kong Base."

"I've arranged for someone to record it in the archives."

"Before this, the Pengcheng Hong Kong Base had been focusing on training and screening, and had not established an organic company."

"Now that the information has been handed over to us, it means that the establishment work has officially begun."

"The Hong Kong Garrison is a military-level unit according to the results of our military council. Currently, Comrade Ye Yang's military rank is only colonel."

"Now that it has begun, no matter how small it is, it is a military-level unit after all, so I decided to hold a promotion ceremony."

"Promote Comrade Ye Yang's military rank to senior colonel and enter the list of candidates for general promotion."

"What do you think, comrades?"

Navy boss Tang Guozhen pondered for a while. At present, the military department is focusing most of its energy on the establishment of the garrison in Hong Kong.

The military department will not be stuck in this aspect of the promotion ceremony.

With the green light all the way open.

It is not difficult to be included as a candidate for promotion.

But the problem is that the troops stationed in Hong Kong must demonstrate corresponding capabilities.

That is to say.

People on the military side must be made to believe that the Hong Kong garrison led by Comrade Ye Yang has basically met the conditions of the parliament.

Tang Guozhen really didn't have much confidence in this point.

Regardless of the original meeting.

What a comprehensive view Ye Yang makes.

But the problem is that it has only been a month since the establishment was initiated.

No one will say anything about promotion.

There are bound to be some obstacles for candidates to be promoted.

Even if the subject is indeed a military-level unit.

Corresponding contributions and abilities must also be demonstrated.

Think of this.

Tang Guozhen said: "Old Li, I have no objection to the promotion title."

"However, it is better not to announce the candidate for the time being."

"According to the plan of our Military Council, the Hong Kong garrison will have one year of training and formation time in the early stage."

"If the news is announced too early, it will inevitably cause dissatisfaction in some units."

"We cannot ignore this."

Li Peifang nodded.

The original focus of his organization of this meeting was to talk about promotions.

It is really not appropriate to announce the follow-up questions in advance at this time.

This time, the senior military officials assigned the task of supervising the formation of the Hong Kong garrison to their three bosses: land, sea and air force.

All aspects really need to be considered.

You can't go wrong with being cautious.

After Tang Guozhen finished putting forward his suggestions.

Li Peifang asked other comrades for their opinions.

Inside the entire conference room.

Two of the three bosses have already expressed their opinions.

Naturally, other comrades would not say anything more.

Li Peifang nodded.

"Okay, if there's no problem, I'll go get ready."

"After all the specific things are finalized."

"We also went to the Pengcheng Hong Kong Base to have a look at the promotion ceremony to see how far the training has gone."

The meeting goes here.

Most things have been finalized.

After Li Peifang and the others chatted for a while, the meeting was dissolved.

Everyone started to get busy.


Pengcheng Hong Kong Base.

Ye Yang submitted the establishment information of the automobile company.

Then started heading to the martial arts arena.

Supervise the training here.

He did not know that the military headquarters decided to hold a promotion ceremony because of the establishment of the automobile company.

No matter how high the position of the Military Council of the Hong Kong Garrison is.

It's just getting started now.

It is far from being officially announced publicly.

No official announcement was made.

There are no specific positions on Ye Yang's side, including those who come to select the soldiers who will stay, and those who he brings over.

There are no deployment records in this base.

Some are just file transfers.

The name, professional title, and salary are still in the original army.

That's why.

Some people in the entire base call Ye Yang the captain, while others call him chief.

But Ye Yang is not focusing on this right now.

Before that.

No matter how concerned the military department is about the situation here.

There won't be any action.

But he submitted the establishment of the automobile company, and the military department recorded it.

That means that their selection and training here have entered an advanced stage.

Organized troops began to be formed.

There will definitely be a series of big moves behind the military headquarters.

Ye Yang also knows this process.

Therefore, it is even more necessary to put a lot of energy into training and formation.

Standing on the martial arts field.

Looking at the results of the past twenty days of training.

Most soldiers already have some basic knowledge of honor guard stance and military steps.

When the queue is complete.

It can last for more than ten minutes without major problems.

If it is just a small-scale exercise with thirty or forty people, it can last longer.

It's quite possible to achieve this level.

The soldiers who come here are all elites selected from various military regions.

According to what Liu Yingchang said.

If all recruits are selected.

To reach this level without half a year of hard training, there is no need to even think about it.

Looking at Lei Gang and Yi Lianshan who were practicing their military steps on the martial arts field.

Ye Yang waved in the direction of the two of them.

Liu Zhicheng just attended the meeting.

I knew that the captain wanted to talk to these two people.

After seeing the gesture.

He immediately raised his hand and stopped the group training.

He said loudly: "Lei Gang."





"Go find the captain. I have something to tell you two."


Yi Lianshan and Lei Gang looked at each other.

There was a hint of confusion in his eyes.

Since they came to this base.

Basically, I see the captain every day, but there is no verbal communication at all.

I don’t understand what the two of them are called to do at this time.

But confused is confused.

The movements of the two of them were not slow at all.

After seeing the captain's gesture.

He ran all the way over.

Stand at attention in front of Ye Yang.

"Hello, Chief."

Ye Yang looked at Lei Gang, then turned to look at Yi Lianshan.

These two people were practicing phalanx boxing, comprehensive shooting, grappling, and assassination.

The overall military capability is slightly higher than that of Xin Hai's two officers.

Ye Yang had read their information before they came to the base.

It was indeed the first time to talk to them.

Looking at the two people's simultaneous movements, their faces were full of seriousness.

Ye Yang smiled and waved his hand.

"Don't be nervous, I came here to discuss something with you."

"I know that Comrade Lei Gang, you came from the Snow Leopard Special Brigade of the Jinling Military Region."

"As for Comrade Yi Lianshan, he came from the Oriental Divine Sword Special Forces Brigade of the Kyoto Military Region."

"During this period of training, I have seen the two of you perform very well."

"The Hong Kong Garrison also plans to form a special operations team."

"Do you two have any ideas?"

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