Rebirth In 1993, Starting From Building An Ace Unit

Chapter 57: Mobilization Before The War, Entering The Guangdong And Guangxi Exercise Ground

Ye Yang obviously didn't intend to talk more about this aspect.

Wu Xiangzhe is a political cadre

He knows more about conventional force operations

But when it comes to this kind of small-scale comprehensive tactical confrontation, it’s hard to understand.

Anyway, the war will begin after tonight

There is no need for Ye Yang to explain too much at this time.

Ren Zhenchuan is not here at this time

If he were there

I know that all the plans the captain just made were not groundless.

on the battlefield before

The captain brought more than 400 people with the South China Sword and beat hundreds of thousands of troops, completely disrupting the regulations.

It is not uncommon to end up leading an entire squadron into a head-on confrontation.

After a brief discussion

Ye Yang goes to arrange other matters

Wu Xiangzhe ran to the cafeteria and ordered the staff in the cooking class to start preparing according to two days of rations per person.

The people in the cooking class knew they were leaving this afternoon

I had stored a lot of dry food in advance.

Suddenly received such an order

It's not difficult for them

At most, just reserve some more.

Ye Yang checked the logistics reserves here and found that there were no problems.

Just arrived at the martial arts arena

Watching the soldiers who packed their backpacks and put their guns on their backs, ready to go to the battlefield

Even he couldn't help but feel excited in his heart

The South China Sharp Sword Special Forces Brigade is also very elite, but that eliteness lies in restraint.

It lies in executing it silently

The elite of the troops stationed in Hong Kong lies in Zhang Yang

It has the indomitable momentum of a large corps.

see them

People will subconsciously think that no matter how powerful the enemy is,

They are absolutely unable to withstand an attack from their own troops.

Looking at the soldiers who have been waiting for a long time

Still standing on the martial arts field like a javelin

Ye Yang came to the high platform without hesitation

This high platform was built for the promotion ceremony, but the ceremony was interrupted.

Now he regards it as a platform for mobilization before the war.

The soldiers standing in the audience saw the captain ascending to the high platform

No need for anyone to order at all

Work in group

marching in neat steps, arranging quickly and swiftly

stand in formation

Only three meters away from the high platform

stand still

Staring at the captain on the high platform with burning eyes

As if waiting for the order to go to war

Ye Yang first looked around for a week

Then he said loudly: "Comrades, the battle agreement three days ago was made here.

"And today is the time for us to rush to the battlefield."

"This is the first battle for our base in Hong Kong, and our enemies this time are among the best ace troops in the army.

"There are more than 3,600 of them, while we only have 600."

"Comrades, are you afraid?"

"Kill! Kill!! Kill!!!"

All the soldiers present shouted loudly

In response to the captain's inquiry

Other officers or captains, the leaders above, will consider the various impacts of this war.

But the soldiers standing here won't think about it

Just obey orders

rush to the battlefield

Kill all the target enemies this time

shrink, fear, worry

Words like this

It doesn't exist at all in the eyes of the soldiers

Not to mention that the enemies we faced this time were only more than 3,000 people.

Even if it is ten times more

There are more than 30,000 people

The soldiers present only need to get the order to start the war.

I won't hesitate to rush forward.

Can't do this

What about elites?

What about iron will, iron soldier?

Ye Yang was very satisfied with the reaction of the fighters in the audience

Nodding solemnly

He said loudly again: "Okay, this battle is not just the first battle fought by the soldiers at our base in Hong Kong.

"It is also a test for us from the organization and the people."

"With the establishment of the Hong Kong Garrison, we will face many storms in the future.

"It's far from being comparable to an infantry brigade."

"In our first battle, we must not only win, but also win beautifully, and win so that all military units will be convinced."

"Let all of them take a look. Elites are not shouted with slogans, but demonstrated with actual achievements.

"Comrades, we will set off soon."

"Are you ready?"

"Always ready! Always ready! Always ready!!!"

"Okay, I just informed the cooking team to prepare two days of rations for each soldier.

"We will set off when the distribution is in your hands."

"Some comrades may wonder how two days of rations can be enough."

"Let me answer this question for you."

"All the dry food and rations brought with you this time are for you to use in the investigation.

"Rather than used after combat."

"How much food can only be brought by 600 of us, but it can't be as much as what other people can bring with more than 3,600 people.

"It doesn't matter if you don't have enough food. Go grab those enemies who have enough food."

"Now that they are on the battlefield, we cannot let them live so comfortably."

"We not only have to rob the enemy of food, there are 300 comrades in the honor guard, but our establishment can only provide each person with one gun.

"There's nothing else."

"We cannot allow these comrades to treat the enemy as mere infantrymen when they arrive on the battlefield."

"I have told you captain and company commander before about the specific organization of the enemy's army."

"Tell me which company's weapons you like."

"Let's just take it and use it."

"When we get to the battlefield, I want to see how they can knock us out of the battlefield in one day."

"Comrades, are you confident that you can win this battle?"

"Kill! Kill!! Kill!!!"

Ye Yang conducts pre-war mobilization

The language aspect is very simple

There are not so many high-sounding rhetorics, and there are not so many righteous words of trust and sense of responsibility.

To sum it up in one sentence

Rush to the battlefield, kill the enemy, and win the final victory

After the pre-war mobilization

The captain came down from the high platform

There were still many soldiers gathered in front of the high platform, unwilling to disperse for a long time.

Lei Gang, the leader of the special forces team standing behind the queue, shook his head gently.

His voice was slightly excited as he said, "The captain doesn't look like someone from the special forces."

"More like the commander of a large army."

“I’ve often heard about how powerful your South China Sword is in combat.

“Many people compare you to the Eastern Excalibur Special Forces.

"No one can tell who is strong and who is weak."

"Now it seems that, at least in terms of leadership charisma, I am more inclined to South China Sword."

After Lei Gang finished speaking

Shaking his head with emotion

The other team leader next to him, Yi Lianshan, is the squadron leader from the Oriental Excalibur Special Forces of the Kyoto Military Region.

After hearing what Lei Gang said, I subconsciously wanted to refute

But in the end I just opened my mouth

Didn't say anything

He couldn't say who was more powerful, the South China Sword or the Eastern Divine Sword.

But there are two things he has to admit:

That is, the captain does have his own unique way of leading troops.

It's easy to get along with the warriors

It will also allow a unit to generate the highest cohesion in the shortest time.

Cohesion is fighting power

This is crucial

The second point is even simpler.

When forming a garrison in Hong Kong, the person in charge will be the captain of South China Sword, not the captain of Eastern Excalibur.

From this point of view

Let’s not talk about who is stronger and who is weaker among these two special forces.

At least from the perspective of the leader

It seems that the former is better

Yi Lianshan said nothing

Ren Zhenchuan has already thought of a series of words to praise the captain.

But in the end, I couldn’t say it out loud

He originally thought that the other party was from Eastern Divine Sword, so he would have some counterarguments.

I didn't expect it and didn't say anything at all.

But Ren Zhenchuan doesn’t care about this either.

On the battlefield

They will naturally appreciate the charm of a captain commanding war

That cannot be easily described in words

The three leaders of the special forces team stood together and whispered.

The two leaders of the honor guard and the infantry company were also standing elsewhere talking about the captain's performance just now.

All in all, it’s some highly praised content.

It was only the car that kept Tiehu extremely busy.

He had no time to make small talk with anyone.

Because wait and rush to the battlefield.

The first to go into battle was their automobile company.

Responsible for transportation tasks.

Just now the official sent someone to deliver the news.

When we set off later, all thirty large trucks will be dispatched, and twenty small military vehicles will also be dispatched.

He doesn't have that many auto soldiers that he can mobilize.

The official officer assigned all the more than 20 people brought by the brigade captain from South China to the car company.

Let him carry out unified mobilization

The troops stationed in Hong Kong have received too much attention, so naturally there will be some idol baggage.

Even if it's a fight

You must also be elite and well-trained in certain aspects

Cheng Tiehu is very busy.

The Pengcheng Hong Kong Base is nearly 400 kilometers away from the exercise venue.

For a long time we had to travel by road

However, the highway does not go around the city.

Relatively speaking, it's better

More than 50 vehicles must be neatly arranged and not affect the public’s travel.

You also need to plan your travel routes

Maintain vehicle formation

Wouldn’t that just keep Cheng Tiehu busy?

Hold a big map and keep writing and drawing on it

Plan the next route

other side

After Ye Yang returned to the office, he contacted the military region headquarters

Report all the departure times from here

The military region did not provide specific regulations for their departure in the morning or afternoon.

It's just a large-scale troop movement

You need to notify the relevant departments in advance, and the roads that should be closed will be closed.

Avoid large-scale weapons appearing in large quantities in the suburbs and causing unnecessary panic.

After everything is ready here

The cooking team distributed the prepared dry food to each soldier

Finally check your equipment

After everything is ready

All soldiers boarded the vehicles and prepared to rush to the battlefield

Originally, the official Wu Xiangzhe planned to go along.

But he was finally stopped by Ye Yang.

the reason is simple.

Wu Xiangzhe had indeed participated in many battles with the army before.

But those have their own camps.

Take command from the rear.

It won't have much impact on the battlefield.

This time they went there without a fixed command post or a fixed camp.

Keep marching rapidly.

Break the enemy's defensive blockade in the shortest possible time.

Disrupt the enemy's formation.

in this case.

Non-combatants have only delayed the progress of wars in the past.

This is also the reason why Ye Yang does not plan to let the members of the cooking team set off with the army.

In addition to the honor guard, the infantry company, the automobile company, and the special operations team.

Other belongings in the base.

Even the establishment belongs to the Hong Kong Garrison.

They were not allowed to rush to the battlefield. They all stayed in the base and waited for the end of the war.

Wu Xiangzhe also knew that the battle would be quick this time.

There are plenty of missions that require emergency marches.

It's really not suitable for him here.

After Ye Yang proposed it, he directly agreed without even refuting it.


The reorganized troops began to set off.

Twenty small military vehicles led the way.

Thirty large trucks were behind, carrying neat troops.

With the soldiers in the base and the belief of victory, they slowly drove out of the base gate.

Pengcheng garrison base.

There are many soldiers here, as well as many combat units.

In the past two months.

This was the first time I saw people from the Hong Kong Garrison coming out.

In the past, people were eliminated in twos and threes, with nothing to watch.

But now the staff are dispatched.

There were soldiers from many units standing at the gate of the base, trying hard to look inside.

All the people left in this base are soldiers.

This description is indeed no exaggeration.

But if anything is spread by word of mouth, it will be spread quite exaggeratedly.

Because in peacetime, except for the heads of military regions and the head of the military department.

other people.

Even officers at the division level do not have permission to enter here.

This has aroused the curiosity of many units.

Various speculations about this base are also endless.

It's similar to the King of Soldiers who uses one to block ten, and it becomes more and more evil towards the end.

It is almost said that this is a unit cultivated secretly by the state.

Otherwise, how could it be possible that more than 4,000 soldiers were gathered from all military regions across the country, and only a few hundred were left in the end.

Now I see the base door is open.

Fifty military vehicles lined up in a neat queue and came out.

It even attracted many soldiers to stand and watch from a distance.

Look at that posture.

They all wanted to go to the battlefield with them and have a look.

What is it like for the soldiers in this base to fight?

After Ye Yang saw this scene, he shook his head helplessly.

Order the driver of the first car in line.

Speed ​​up as quickly as possible.

Rush to the battlefield.

A neat convoy whizzed past the garrison base.

It attracted a lot of attention again.

For them to go to war this time.

Not all soldiers are optimistic about their side.

No matter how elite you are.

After all, it cannot change the fact that the number of people is small.

The 122nd Infantry Brigade is in the Yangcheng Military Region, and it is also a unit that many soldiers dream of joining.

But the selection conditions there every year are too strict.

Only after the military quality in all aspects reaches a certain standard can he be transferred.

Rarely accept recruits trained by other units.

Even their own trained recruits [if they fail to meet the requirements in the end.

will also be called out.

In this case, hundreds of people want to defeat someone.

Many soldiers still hold a less optimistic attitude.

But these thoughts.

It will not affect the soldiers in the Hong Kong base at all.

Sitting in a military vehicle.

All communicated little.

Silently checking the firearm in his hand.

Waiting for the moment when the war officially begins.

Along the way.

The route designed by Tiehu for a long time was not very hidden.

It also attracted some citizens to watch.

Their force itself is not confidential.

It is not considered a violation of discipline to attract onlookers.

A neat convoy, with fifty cars walking in a straight line, all in good order.

Such superb driving skills.

It also attracted a burst of applause from the onlookers.

They are not soldiers.

I don’t know where these military vehicles are going.

But these do not affect the people's support for soldiers.

The journey was smooth.

The drive lasted nearly six hours.

After adding oil midway, we finally arrived at the training ground at the junction of Guangdong and Guangxi.

Ye Yang ordered the convoy to stop.

Rest where you are.

Then arrange for someone to use the electronic system headquarters.

Report their current location.

before the war officially begins.

The headquarters needs to arrange people to provide ammunition used in the exercise, as well as an evaluation team composed of military guards.

I will also come and join them.

The exercise will not officially begin until after twelve o'clock in the evening.

Ye Yang jumped out of the car.

He surveyed the surrounding terrain.

They quickly found out where they were now.

There is almost no need to investigate.

He roughly guessed the direction of the infantry brigade's base.

Because he is equally familiar with this training ground.

As an old rival of the 122nd Ace Infantry Brigade.

This time.

The winner really has to be decided on the battlefield. .

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