Rebirth In 1993, Starting From Building An Ace Unit

Chapter 6 Returning To The Brigade, Almost Harsh Selection Criteria! (First Update)

Seeing that the three leaders did not even hesitate about the conditions they proposed.

All agreed.

Ye Yang has nothing to say.

Direct salute.

He turned around and strode out of the chief executive's conference room.

New tasks.

new challenge.

It also makes him feel excited now.

The South China Sword Special Forces Brigade is indeed excellent, there is no doubt about this.

Among the special forces affiliated to all major military regions across the country, they are definitely among the best.

But that's why.

Including the system, they have almost sentenced their own development prospects to death.

The Special Forces Brigade is indeed small, and this can never be changed.

The small size means that it does not need such high-level commanders and fighters to lead.

Want big development.

That makes it even more impossible to talk about.

Ye Yang did not stay long at the military headquarters.

After leaving the chief's office, he returned directly to the Yangcheng Military Region.

Special operations squadron leader Ren Zhenchuan has not yet spread the news that the captain went to Kyoto for a meeting. Unexpectedly, the captain has already returned.

Because the training place of some squadrons is not at the base.

It's in some wild places.

Sometimes I train until late at night, and sometimes I don’t come back for two or three days in a row, which is normal.

Ren Zhenchuan never expected that the commander would go to the military headquarters in the morning and come back in the evening.

Calculated as usual.

Any major meeting cannot be resolved in just a few days.

In the final analysis, it involves too many areas.

All aspects are arranged in place, but it will take a long time.

If it weren't for the fact that the air defense warning department received the news that the captain was coming back in advance.

And a helicopter has been parked on the apron.

He was really confused.

I saw the captain getting off the helicopter.

Ren Zhenchuan took two quick steps to the front and said, "Chief, didn't you say that the military department has an important meeting this time?"

"Why did it end so soon?"

Ye Yang nodded.

"Go and notify all squadrons training outside to come back."

"Except for those who are performing special tasks outside, everyone else must return to the brigade within two hours."

"When the staff is ready, we will notify you of the meeting. I have something important to announce."

Ren Zhenchuan was shocked.

Bring back all the people who were training.

All recall brigade except special duty.

This is a precursor to big moves.

Despite my doubts.

But Ren Zhenchuan has always carried out the captain's orders without compromise.

I won't ask anyone else again.

Hurry and start contacting all squadrons

For holding meetings.

Ye Yang was not so anxious.

Because as the captain, he knows very well that many squadrons are currently training outside.

There is only one real base for the South China Sharp Sword Special Forces Brigade.

However, there are many temporary training bases established outside.

It is not that easy to gather all the squadrons in a short time, and it takes time to prepare.

Ye Yang doesn't care about this.

Because the order had just been issued, he did still have a lot to do.

The leaders on weapons and camps can help with this.

But the most difficult and most time-consuming thing is selecting people, which requires careful planning.

Just like the conditions that were put forward at the conference before.

Whether it is height, education, military quality, or even appearance, there are requirements to pass.

Just taking out one of the conditions doesn't mean anything.

But so many conditions come together.

That's quite harsh.

And if these conditions are met, it may not be possible to truly stay in the end.

The chief did not say how many troops stationed on Hong Kong Island would need to be selected or trained.

So Ye Yang plans to tentatively select 500 people for the first batch.

If you want to keep these five hundred people in the end, the total number of people selected must be larger. It is normal to double or even triple the number.

So many conditions combined.

If you want to select one or two thousand soldiers, let alone a Yangcheng Military Region.

Even three or five are bundled together.

I'm afraid it's not that easy.

The selection criteria were thought up by Ye Yang himself, who is also the captain of the special forces team.

Judging from all the current members of the South China Sword Special Forces.

Being able to pick out a dozen or twenty people among hundreds of people is already the limit.

And this is because he wants more familiar assistants to assist him.

If not.

There are hundreds of people in the entire South China Sharp Sword Special Forces Brigade.

Can't even pick out twenty.

You must know that the special brigade already contains more than 40% of the outstanding soldiers in the military region.

From such a low selection rate, it is enough to see how stringent the selection conditions are.

This is just a preliminary selection.

In the end, even fewer were able to stay.

It is not an exaggeration to say that one person is elected out of every five thousand people.

This does not mean that Ye Yang made such a plan just to embarrass himself.

Establish and train troops stationed on Hong Kong Island.

This in itself is a very careful task.

Not to mention that it will be reported by major well-known media at home and abroad.

Just say that a city has been wandering outside for more than a hundred years.

The generation that truly felt like they belonged is long gone.

Today’s sense of belonging is almost negligible.

in this case.

The troops stationed in Hong Kong Island must first perform so that the people there cannot find any flaws in their appearance.

Build confidence and trust in the people's army in the shortest possible time.

any means of establishing diplomatic relations.

It all starts with trust.

if not.

It's all just empty talk, and the follow-up work will be even more difficult and troublesome.

The strict requirements now are for ease in the future.

Ye Yang is sitting in the office.

Plan all the right assistants in your mind on the draft.

Then start planning where to recruit people first.

The first stop for his goal was the Yangcheng Armed Police Base.

He is a person who has traveled from the 21st century, and is also on active duty in the military and studio.

It is clear how powerful the combat effectiveness of the armed police officers and soldiers was in the 1890s.

We must far surpass the armed police officers and soldiers in twenty or thirty years.

To say that one at this time can beat two or three at that time is an understatement.

Want to organize such a large-scale training.

And we have to start from many aspects.

Then you can't just choose your right-hand man from South China Sword.

Yangcheng Armed Police Base is also the best choice.

not to mention.

Ye Yang also knew that there were one or two officers there who were very pleasing to the eye.

Whether it is skill or military quality in all aspects.

That's definitely a pass.

I don't usually have the chance to pull him over.

Now there is nothing to be polite about setting up troops stationed on Hong Kong Island now.

A plan.

Unknowingly, two hours have passed.

Clerk Fang Yu shouted outside the door: Report.

Only then did Ye Yang recover from making a plan to select people.

Looked at the time.

He stood up and left the office.

Planning to go to the conference room to hold a meeting.

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