Rebirth In 1993, Starting From Building An Ace Unit

Chapter 62: Fierce Battle, Hearty War

Liu Zhicheng was a little nervous as he led his soldiers to ambush there.

The captain's order is to let the enemy discover their traces as much as possible

Attract all the enemy's attention

want to complete this

Their ambush location can't be too far away

only a few hundred meters

Once the captain makes a mistake in guessing

When the enemy did not stand still but attacked quickly,

More than a thousand people chased and beat them.

No matter how rich your experience is,

There is no chance of quitting

over time

They have been lying in wait here for almost ten minutes

During this period, the traces were deliberately exposed several times.

There was always no movement at the enemy's garrison.

It's like I really didn't find it

As everyone knows

At this time, the enemy's tank company and mechanized infantry company had already received reports from the sentries.

Through the night vision device, I could clearly see the figure moving several hundred meters away.

It’s just that the night vision devices of this era have a limited range.

It's hard to tell exactly how many came

They don't care at all about this

There are only five to six hundred people in the Hong Kong base. Their two stations are indeed as Ye Yang guessed.

More than a thousand people were ambushed

Whether it is a secret infiltration of special forces or a sudden attack in the outer area,

They have nothing to worry about

The reason for not taking action

Just guessing that all the enemy's manpower may not have arrived yet.

The more people we have, the more confidence we have

Don't worry about what tactics the people stationed in Hong Kong will use.

In their view

No matter how powerful the tactics are, they must be supported by numbers of people.

Half of the infantry brigade on their side has gathered here.

More than twice the total number of enemies

Nothing to worry about

Ye Yang's guesses about these infantry brigade commanders were very accurate.

If this war

He is carrying the South China sword

Then we must not let the soldiers take the initiative to expose themselves.

Because the people in the infantry brigade know very well

The South China Sharp Sword Special Forces Brigade is the elite among the elite. It is impossible to be easily discovered by sentries when it is ambushed hundreds of meters away.

But it's different if you switch to soldiers stationed at the Hong Kong base.

No matter how powerful or elite the soldiers in this base are according to outside rumors,

The army works together

More than half of the two months were still spent on elimination.

No matter how powerful they are, they are just individual soldiers.

Facing an enemy who is well-trained and has extensive combat experience, it is still not enough.

An exercise.

The soldiers of the infantry brigade themselves did not attach much importance to this time.

In addition, the brigade commander said at the time that it would take one day to fight them off the battlefield.

Now I see the enemy ambushing in the distance.

For such a simple task, some soldiers kept shaking their bodies, resulting in exposure.

The combat effectiveness of soldiers stationed at the Hong Kong base.

It has reached the lowest level in the hearts of the soldiers in the infantry brigade.

And Ye Yang.

This is the effect you want.

Otherwise, more than a thousand people would rush out later.

There were only 150 people in the front of the honor guard, and the total number of people ambushing on the two sides was only 300.

Even after the war started.

While fighting and retreating at the same time.

The enemy's combat effectiveness will also be very high if he goes all out.

It's far beyond what such a small number of people can handle.

Sell ​​a few flaws to the enemy.

Lower their vigilance first.

This can leave more time for your own soldiers to retreat after the war begins.

As long as everything goes well here.

The home front won't be around for long.

The support of the special forces, the infantry company, the automobile company, and more than two hundred people armed to the teeth will arrive.

that time.

The situation of the war will change drastically.

Ye Yang didn't sit back and wait for news.

Instead, he stood alone not far from the ambush of the honor guard, quietly watching the entire battlefield.

He has been closely related to the battlefield for half his life.

Just stand here.

The heart is the most peaceful.

Time passed little by little.

Ye Yang did not carry a radio, nor did he bring any soldiers with him.

He didn't know that the soldiers in the rear had already arrived at the designated position.

Just looking at the soldiers led by Liu Zhicheng in front.

It has begun to retreat slowly.

Keep a safe distance and set up individual mortar positions.

Just clear.

The war is really about to begin.

as expected.

Liu Zhicheng led the soldiers to withdraw about two hundred meters.

Suddenly started attacking without warning.

Dozens of mortar shells landed in the enemy camp ahead.

Once the attack starts.

Then there is no need for both sides to hide and tuck in anymore.

At the infantry brigade tank company station, nine tanks quickly started up, and hundreds of soldiers in the station rushed out of the tents.

Attack in the direction of Liu Zhicheng.

the other side.

The mechanized infantry company was even more densely populated by enemy troops.

Just a few minutes.

Hundreds of people rushed out from the station.

No order to charge is needed.

The two stations sounded the charge horn at the same time, and more than a thousand people were like tigers descending the mountain.

Together they attacked in the direction of Liu Zhicheng.

Even Liu Zhicheng and the others knew in advance that there were more than a thousand people hiding in these two camps.

It's the same thing.

It's another thing to actually see that.

In conjunction with the Charge.

Face the murderous enemy army.

For the first time, Liu Zhicheng felt a little confused and didn't know what to do next.

He has not been on the battlefield.

I was frightened by this momentum.

But the other soldiers in the honor guard didn't care about this scene at all.

The sound of the infantry brigade charge.

for them.

It is also an order for our side to launch an attack.

After all, we are all soldiers of the same country.

No matter which camp makes this sound.

Everyone hears the same effect.

More than a hundred people faced a murderous force of more than a thousand people.


Pull the bolt, find a bunker, and start fighting back with all your strength.

The soldiers of the infantry brigade are on the charge.

It's not that easy to rush over a distance of several hundred meters.

Continuous gunshots.

As a result, the dozens of soldiers rushing to the front didn't know what was going on, and they were shot in the chest.

Look at the military uniform on his body.

It is the color of the blank gunpowder.

He shook his head helplessly.

He withdrew from the battlefield very dejectedly.

The elite soldiers in the Hong Kong base do not say it with their mouths.

But a real soldier.

As long as the gunshots from their side are fired, they must be accurate.

More than a hundred people found the right opportunity to fight back.

The men of the infantry brigade had not even left the base for a minute.

One hundred people had no choice but to withdraw from the battlefield.

The enemy commander was shocked.

Even they didn't expect the casualties to be so horrific.

Immediately ordered all the soldiers in the station to charge.

The war has begun.

There is no retreat for anyone at this time.

Only charge forward.

Only by killing the enemy in one go can this war end.

There was nothing wrong with their combat strategy.

But that's the mistake.

They underestimated the combat effectiveness of the soldiers stationed at the Hong Kong base.

More than a thousand people charged in multiple directions.

This posture is indeed very fierce.

But just when they thought that the enemy ahead was already within their grasp.

Enemy troops suddenly appeared on both sides.

Attack directly without any hesitation.

This stunned the soldiers of the infantry brigade.

Because they had laid out the lurking posts in advance, they did not notice the enemies on both sides at all.

Until this time.

The commander of the infantry brigade finally felt something was wrong.

Look at the enemy's combat effectiveness.

Let’s look at their deployment.

It's not like those rabble who don't know how to fight in a group.

He has such strong fighting power.

He also knows how to ambush.

In the early stage, they only found traces of one of the enemies.

Even the stupidest commander can understand.

Original findings.

It may have been discovered by the enemy on purpose.

But it was too late to understand at this time.

The charge horns were blown for a minute.

The soldiers had already rushed out of the station.

At this time, no one's orders can be used.

The war cannot end without a victory or defeat.

Don't look at the TV series where the commander gave an order when the fight between the two sides was in full swing.

If you want to retreat, retreat.

If you want to transfer, transfer.

It's pure bullshit.

A battlefield with thousands of people.

Once the two sides fight.

Any orders could not be conveyed on the battlefield at all.

Even if it's a drill.

Soldiers on both sides were carrying spears and holding bayonets.

He has already become red-eyed.

Who cares whether there are orders from the rear?

As all members of the honor guard launched an attack, more than a thousand people from the infantry brigade were divided into three groups and dragged away.

Seeing that our side's goal has been achieved.

The soldiers of the honor guard retreated while fighting.

Start a tug-of-war with the enemy.

Ye Yang stood not far away and watched the entire battle, sighing helplessly.

It is true that there are too few soldiers available on his side.

If there are enough people.

Now send a team of soldiers to go around the two bases from behind.

Both bases can be blown up in a few minutes.

There is a problem at the rear.

It will definitely have an impact on morale.

But the problem is that he doesn't have that many soldiers in his hands now.

The honor guard of 300 people carried more than 1,000 people from three directions.

It's been a tough fight.

Look at the enemy shouting and charging, looking murderous.

Then look at our own soldiers retreating while fighting, taking their time.

Even if a comrade next to him was shot and fell to the ground.

Other warriors will immediately come out to take his place.

Continue to attack the enemy.

Ye Yang's heart suddenly felt sour, remembering the defensive battle he fought when he first joined the army as a teenager.

At that time, there were so many tough soldiers who fought to protect their homeland and the territorial integrity of the motherland.

But he fell down on a foreign land.

He defended the country and the people with full blood.

Completed a soldier's commitment to the motherland.

that time.

Ye Yang was just a soldier who had just joined the army.

A tragic battle.

Impact after impact.

Survived by luck again and again.

Let him transform from a new recruit who knows nothing.

He also became a veteran of many battles.

I still remember someone said this in my last life.

Why do people born in the 80s, 90s, and 00s become so patriotic when they grow up?

Even their children loved their motherland very much when they were young.

Generations of children do not need to be taught.

The concept of patriotism has become deeply rooted

Solid foundation.

That's because they are back...

And for Ye Yang.

They never left.

always there.

It's just a different identity and a new guest.

Come and continue to protect your motherland.

The battle continues.

The soldiers of the honor guard did not attack fiercely because of the large number of enemies.

and show any signs of timidity.

Quite the opposite.

In order to bring convenience to the brothers behind them.

They didn't retreat very quickly.

Because once the enemy's main force is divided into three directions, the retreat distance will be too far.

Even the comrades from the infantry company came behind driving tanks and armored vehicles to cooperate with the artillery attack.

I'm afraid it will be difficult to deal with these enemies.

Because the scope of the battle is too large.

If the opponent can't beat you, you can run away.

There are not that many people on our side, so it is impossible to catch up even if we want to.

So we can only bear the enemy's attack.

at this time.

The advantages of being an elite individual soldier are fully demonstrated.

The soldiers of the honor guard know how to cooperate and fight individually.

It can often pose a great threat to the soldiers of the infantry brigade on the battlefield.

But the scene on the infantry brigade side was a bit passive.

At first it was because he underestimated the enemy.

When rushing out from the station, many weapons of large-scale destruction were not brought out at all.

Thinking that one impact could kill them.

Who knows after rushing out.

It won't be that easy to go back again.

They attack here.

The honor guard began to retreat and jointly attacked them from multiple directions.

Troublesome marksmanship.

Cooperation with group operations.

Although the number is small.

But each round of attacks can cause considerable casualties to the infantry brigade.

Wait for them to prepare to return to their base.

When it comes to controlling those weapons of mass destruction.

The soldiers of the honor guard began to chase and fight fiercely from behind.

It's like dog skin plaster.

No matter how hard you try, you can't get rid of it.

The entire battle was completely dragged out.

After Ye Yang saw this scene.

He nodded slightly.

The 122nd Infantry Brigade is indeed elite, and encountering such an enemy on the battlefield is a headache.

But the problem is who they meet.

The elites selected by the Hong Kong garrison base from military regions across the country are really not reliable.

And there is a hard and fast rule when selecting.

That means you must have been on the battlefield.

Lived through real war.

That's it.

The gap has widened with many soldiers in the infantry brigade.

No matter how elite they are, they were all trained on the training ground, and they may not be able to adapt to the chaotic battlefield.

But the honor guard is different.

The battlefield becomes more chaotic.

The better for them.

It's like arriving at your own home.

No matter how you fight, you can handle it calmly.

Maybe it takes a long time.

Our side will definitely lose because there are too few people.

Within a short period of time.

The infantry brigade was completely helpless.

The war (Wang Nuozhao) has reached this level.

It's basically over.

The other side.

After the infantry company, special forces team, and automobile company are concentrated.

That's not even the slightest bit polite.

The automobile company and special operations team combined have more than a hundred people.

Scatter all the secrets and sneak into the enemy camp.

A surprise attack was launched on the unaware patrol officers.

The gunfire did not last even three minutes.

There were dozens of patrols left in six or seven stations.

All were knocked down.

Knowing that the brothers in the honor guard are still resisting the enemy's main force at the front.

The soldiers of the infantry company entered the base unceremoniously.

Fill all tanks, armored vehicles, and artillery with fuel and ammunition.

Driving these tanks, they began to rush to the battlefield ahead.

The car company and the special forces team stayed.

All their oil depots were blown up.

The entire ammunition depot was moved away with two military vehicles, and those that could not be moved were also blown up.

The remaining personnel also drove the artillery, and the tanks followed the infantry company.

Rush to the battlefield ahead.

Be prepared to support our comrades.

Special operations team leader Lei Gang was driving an armored vehicle, grinning almost to the back of his ears.

So many years in the Special Forces.

There has never been such a hearty war.

The hands holding the control panel trembled slightly with excitement.

via car radio.

He kept calling the other soldiers to speed up.

Rush to the battlefield.

This night.

For an infantry brigade.

It was a very frustrating and unforgettable night.

But for the soldiers stationed in Hong Kong base.

The anger that had been held in his chest for the past few days could finally be released properly.

Several hundred people beat more than a thousand people.

Let's fight in this devastating way.

The morale of every soldier who participated in the battle was at its highest.

Welcome aggressively.

Rushing to the battlefield with murderous intent.

The whole battle situation seemed to have changed so much.

In fact, from launching an attack.

Until now.

It only takes ten minutes.

The soldiers of the infantry brigade were unable to react at all.

Don't understand what's wrong. .

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