Rebirth In 1993, Starting From Building An Ace Unit

Chapter 65: The Enemy Troops Dispatched Firepower Camps To Prepare For The Second Fierce Battle

Ye Yang paused.

After eating a mouthful of dry food and drinking a sip of water.

He continued his analysis: "The person responsible for the investigation will be left to your special forces team."

"Be sure to hide your whereabouts and not be discovered by the enemy."

"The investigation scope is within five kilometers of low-lying areas."

"Report immediately as soon as you discover the enemy."

"There is another fierce battle to be fought during the day, but this time the enemy will be defeated again.

"Their threat level will be minimized."

"The real decisive battle will come."

"Do you understand everything?"


All the company commanders and captains answered in unison.

After the battle last night.

They all admire Ye Yang's tactics and strategic vision.

A good commander on the battlefield

Definitely the biggest headache for the enemy

And people like the captain

No matter what enemy you encounter, you will always feel like you have nowhere to start.

Many people are even thinking about it

If the establishment and personnel of both parties are on the same parallel line

What will the battle scene be like?


I can only think about this kind of thing

At present, the base in Hong Kong has just started, and the number of people is relatively small. It may be a bit difficult to compare the number of people with the infantry brigade.

Wait until the base unit is fully established in the future

All the troops of the navy, army and air force are in place

The identity of the captain is not as simple as it is now.

I want him to follow the troops and personally direct the battle

That would be even more difficult

After explaining

Ren Zhenchuan stood up from his chair

"Chief, I will immediately arrange for people to go to the woods and mountains to create false traces."

"Lest we wait until daybreak and encounter enemies directly on the way there.

Ye Yang waved his hand

"Don't worry, let the soldiers rest for a while."

"Now the infantry brigade has just lost the battle, and no matter how quickly their follow-up troops set off, they will reach these two places in the morning.

"430" "Coupled with the defeat in the front line, more than a thousand personnel in the two stations were eliminated.

"There's no way they're going to let this go."

"Always go over and take a look and report the battle situation to the headquarters."

"We have been traveling for such a long time, so a two-hour break is nothing. They are traveling in large groups.

"The journey is not as fast as ours, don't worry."

"After two hours, our convoy will be divided into three parts."

"Each section is about sixty vehicles."

"I took the people directly to the depression to build fortifications and set up a camp."

"Ren Town"


"You take some soldiers from the infantry company and go to the woods."

“Remember, when removing traces, you must inadvertently leave some flaws.

"Don't be mean."

"Lei Gang"


"You select some soldiers from the honor guard. It is best if they are familiar with this area."

"Go for a trip to the mountainous area. The mission is the same as Ren Zhenchuan."

"Be careful when removing traces."

"Let the enemy work hard to find it."

"When their large army marches, they will definitely arrange for scouts to go first, and these traces are for the scouts to see.

"First, let them be alert, deploy battles, do useless work, and create more time for us.

"Secondly, it also means that their morale will be further depleted."

"No matter how smooth the battle on our side was last night, it was not a head-on confrontation."

"Having wiped out so many people, today's enemy is moving with anger.

"Consume a little more, and it will be easier to fight later."

"I took the remaining people to build fortifications and camps in the lowland terrain."

"Yi Lianshan, take some of your soldiers to arrange a few more minefields nearby.

"That's all if the enemy doesn't take the bait."

"But when the real traveler comes, we must do a good job in hospitality no matter what.

"Now that you're here, there's no need to leave."

"As soon as we understand, we will disband and rest for two hours before setting off as a group."


Everyone stood up and saluted again.

They are now in awe of the captain's arrangements.

Although Xin Hai, Yi Lianshan and others did not believe that the enemy could pursue dozens of kilometers in broad daylight.

Just to find their traces.

But the captain has arranged it this way,

Then they absolutely believe that there will be no problem with this arrangement.

After Ye Yang finished explaining.

He boarded the military vehicle, lay down in the back seat and slept with his clothes on.

One night of overall planning and command of the battle.

He didn't do it himself, but he was indeed very tired.

In order to cope with the tough battle ahead.

Adequate rest must be ensured.

From the moment he entered this battlefield, he never underestimated his opponent.


As long as you get to the battlefield.

Even if there are only a dozen opponents, no matter how poor their equipment is.

As long as there is still a chance to resist.

Ye Yang will not take it lightly, let alone underestimate any opponent.

What's more, the 122nd Infantry Brigade is a very elite unit in the army.

Fight against such an enemy.

Don't make a single mistake.

if not.

With just these few hundred people, if one mistake is made, they will all be blamed on the battlefield.

All the pressure is on him alone.

One must always be careful.

After the meeting, the company commander and captain carefully put away the chairs and maps.

Quietly left the captain's car.

It's a little far away.

Lei Gang couldn't help but laughed twice.

"Haha, it's so cool. This way of fighting is the most fun."

"You don't know. You drive a tank and fire at the crowd, killing a dozen of them with one shot."

"Kick those bastards from the infantry brigade until they're jumping up and down."

"I originally thought that coming here to fight would be very difficult, one versus six would be very difficult."

"I didn't expect that winning the first battle would be a big victory."

"I really miss the good time driving the tank last night."

Xin Hai grinned.

The special teams guys are definitely missed.

Because the enemy's counterattacks at the front were all held back by the soldiers of the infantry company.

When the special forces team comes.

The enemy no longer has any decent attack power.

The one-sided massacre is naturally missed.

Xin Hai turned around and looked at the vehicle where the captain was resting.


"It's great to fight like this, but I don't know if this battle during the day will be another fierce battle."

"Look at the captain's arrangements in all aspects."

"I estimate that the enemy's counterattack will not be small in scale."

Ren Zhenchuan nodded.

"Don't think so much, we can just follow the order and execute it."

"The scale of this kind of war is beyond our capabilities and we can't even think about it.

"Hurry up and find time to sleep for two hours, that's the most important thing."

"If you want to fight a good war, you must first maintain your spirit."

Everyone smiled and nodded.

They all returned to their vehicles and began to rest.

The other side.

Zhao Shenghu, commander of the infantry brigade firepower battalion, received the order from the brigade commander.

All combat units of the fire battalion are being assembled.

The troops led by Zhao Shenghu.

It is the strongest battalion of the 122nd Infantry Brigade.

The total number of employees reaches more than 800.

I learned that the entire army was wiped out during the frontline battle last night. More than a thousand people on our side were beaten by hundreds of people until not even a hair was left.

My nose almost became crooked with anger.

After coming out of the brigade headquarters, I just jumped on the spot twice to get rid of the anger in my chest.

He leads the firepower camp and has a very hot temper.

The infantry brigade has never suffered such a huge defeat in so many years.

Now the brigade commander gave him the task of the main attack.

Just what Zhao Shenghu wanted.

In the past, when we were in the military region, the Firepower Battalion often clashed with the South China Sharp Sword.

It's just that I didn't get any advantage every time.

In the past two years, I was on the training ground, when I was training the troops.

Even he was beaten up by a group of people from South China Sharp Sword who took the opportunity.

The other person beat him up and ran away.

Zhao Shenghu called dozens of soldiers to chase after him, but none of them caught up.

It was a big training ground like that back then.

It's normal for fighters to have some fights, as long as they don't beat anyone up.

The chiefs above will basically not ask questions.

The people of South China Sharp Sword are also very measured in their attacks and generally don't slap people in the face.

He just beats the person until he is a little embarrassed and runs away.

Because of this matter.

Zhao Shenghu remembered it for two years.

I want to find a chance to beat him back.

But there is no such opportunity.

The South China Sharp Sword Special Forces Team is not accessible to anyone who wants to.

If he forced his way in, the conflict would escalate to an extent that even he couldn't bear.

Unexpectedly, I found an opportunity this time.

The people who beat him back then were definitely nowhere to be found, even if they were standing opposite him, he wouldn't be able to recognize them.

But Zhao Shenghu recognized the captain of the South China Sword, Tuanhe.

He is now the general person in charge of the base in Hong Kong.

If Ye Yang can be brought back this time.

It can be regarded as revenge for being beaten back then.

Even though Zhao Shenghu has a hot temper, he is also a considerate person.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to become the commander of the firepower battalion.

Shen Hongliang had a certain reason for arranging for him to fight.

First of all, a commander's temper can directly influence the character of the people below him.

Fight during the day.

No amount of strategic deployment can withstand the impact of the regular army.

In addition, Zhao Shenghu has rich combat experience.

Firepower battalions and special forces have fought many times.

Facing such a small group of enemies, experience has a great advantage.

Actually speaking from the heart.

Shen Hongliang did not want to arrange for people to go out to attack the enemy at this time.

In terms of morale.

The enemy army had just won a great victory and their morale was at a high level.

This is not the right time to attack them.

But if we don't arrange for people to go out, our side's morale will be in trouble.

The troops must be arranged to go out and fight.

Boost morale.

No arrangements were made for all the remaining soldiers to move out.

That's because the entire infantry brigade involves too many formations, and if they are all dispatched.

As fast as they go.

Will be led by the enemy's nose.

A few random shots along the way would disrupt all their arrangements.

It would be better if it were an endless plain battlefield.

When we go to places like woods, mountains, and low-lying valleys, large troops cannot spread out at all.

Not to mention they only have a small 2,000 people left now.

Even if it’s 20,000 people.

It's hard to make a difference in that kind of terrain.

Sending a small number of elite troops to fight is the most appropriate tactic


In addition, Zhao Shenghu is also an old battalion commander.

Experienced many wars.

He knows how to take advantage of his own strengths.

They will not launch an attack rashly, they will only need to suppress the enemy for two or three days.

There is no backup support for the several hundred troops.

It will naturally be disintegrated by then.

Before the team sets off.

Shen Hongliang had actually given up on the plan to knock the enemy off the battlefield in one day.

I also know that this plan cannot be completed.

There are only other ways to win now.

But this does not mean that he is not optimistic about the upcoming battle.

These commanders lead large legions all year round.

From the bottom of my heart, I despise those small-scale troops.

Not to mention the special forces' approach of sneak attacks from behind.

I would definitely not have this view when communicating in the military area, let alone this feeling.

Only after arriving on the battlefield.

became an enemy.

Naturally this idea will affect them.

Firepower Battalion Commander Zhao Shenghu gathered all the soldiers belonging to the establishment.

It's already dawn.

Directly order to start rushing to the first line of defense set up by your side.

Even if it was a losing battle.

You always have to know the extent of your defeat.

Who are the candidates for the infantry brigade dispatched this time, what is its organization, and how many people there are.

Ye Yang doesn't know and doesn't know clearly.

But he was right about one thing.

That is the enemy's marching speed, which was indeed greatly restricted.

The march speed of a fire battalion.

Can't get up at all.

It took nearly an hour just to get to the first line of defense.

Looking at the devastated battlefield.

Eliminating the assembly point, more than a thousand of our own soldiers were all gathered there.

Looking at himself eagerly.

Zhao Shenghu was even more furious.

I originally wanted to find some of the people the enemy had eliminated and beat them up to vent their anger.

It can be seen that the total number of people eliminated is only about a hundred people.

He was too embarrassed to go over and beat him again.

not to mention.

The selection for the Hong Kong base is attended by military kings from all over the country.

Don't look at it, there are only a hundred people.

Without using a gun.

Even if he sends two hundred people there, he may not be able to take advantage.

At that time, it will only cause more humiliation.

Zhao Shenghu finally reluctantly gave up the idea.

After a brief inspection around.

Just re-report the battle situation here to the command center.

After all, the news they received was before the war was about to end, and they knew that their own side was going to be defeated.

The final outcome is unclear.

Everyone was wiped out and no one sent them a telegram.

After the report.

Just start following the brigade commander's plan.

Set off towards the places on the map where enemies are most likely to attack.

Fortunately, Zhao Shenghu held back just now.

No one was arranged to go there to find trouble.


Even though the total number of people eliminated from the infantry company and honor guard was not that many, it would really be a fight.

with their fighting prowess.

He will definitely look for opportunities to be ruthless and beat up at least a few hundred people in the fire camp until they can no longer participate in the war.

It's really to that extent.

It was Zhao Shenghu who should cry.

The atmosphere in the military camp in this era was quite tough.

Being eliminated means death in battle.

It is definitely impossible to actively cause trouble.

But that doesn't mean they are afraid of things.

There were even a few soldiers in the honor guard who were raising their fingers in provocation just now, wishing they would send someone over to give them a beating to vent their anger.

Zhao Shenghu is not stupid either.

More than a thousand people were eliminated on their side, and they all gathered at the elimination assembly point. There was no conflict between the two sides.

A casual glance would tell you what happened before he arrived.

King of soldiers.

That's not for nothing.

What's more, there are so many soldiers standing together.

Wait until Zhao Shenghu takes action.

The base in Hong Kong had already rested for two hours.

Ren Zhenchuan took some people to the woods.

Lei Gang also took some of them to the mountains.

Ye Yang also led people to the farthest depression and was directing the soldiers to form defenses.

It is not easy to find out whether there is anyone in the military camp at night.

Ye Yang reasoned it all out.

But during the day, if you want to imitate the enemy and use the same tactics.

Then you need to cover everything.

At least ensure that the leading reconnaissance force believes that all of their people are concentrated here.

Only then can we attract the large forces behind to attack.

The second battle.

It has been slowly unfolding invisibly.

But from Ye Yang's expression, there was no trace of worry on his face.

The infantry brigade commander was concerned about the situation.

Ye Yang knows everything.

He knew very well that the enemy could not put all his manpower on this kind of terrain.

This is not a wise move.

But I just suffered a defeat.

I can't just swallow this breath.

Therefore, the war during the day will be fierce.

But it won't push oneself into a desperate situation.

This little bit of confidence.

Ye Yang still has it. .

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