Rebirth In 1993, Starting From Building An Ace Unit

Chapter 68 Undercurrent Surges, The Firepower Camp Enters Area 1744

After listening to the captain's words

Ren Zhenchuan and Lei Gang looked at each other

If it were placed before

They will also be shocked by this arrangement

But now

Too lazy to be shocked anymore

From the beginning of the war to now

Every instruction issued by the captain, every speculation made

almost all right

people who don't know

I thought the commander of the infantry brigade was also because of the captain.

They now have the same experience that Yi Lianshan just had.

Becoming an enemy with such a commander

That's really something that makes people unhappy.

Although comrades in the military often say that encountering stronger enemies will make you stronger.

But people like the captain

met once

My confidence is almost gone

Stronger than a hammer

Ye Yang doesn't have time to think about what the two of them are thinking.

He waved his hand and said, "Let the soldiers get ready.

"Counting the time, our enemy should be arriving soon."

"As the ace infantry brigade of the Yangcheng Military Region, they are not only powerful in combat, but also amazing in marching maneuvers."

"I estimate that the firepower battalion will be dispatched this time."

"The organization of the 122nd Infantry Brigade is somewhat special. There are not many people in a regiment, but each one is stronger than the last."

"This firepower battalion is the strongest combat unit in their second regiment and even the entire infantry brigade.

"Suitable for multi-terrain operations."

"But they are not suitable for depressions. We will eliminate them here."

"The balance of the next battle will not be so tilted."

"Go and prepare the soldiers."

"We must believe that our enemies will not let our medical alliance"

After Ren Zhenchuan and Lei Gang received the order,

He immediately turned around and conveyed the message

for fire camp

Ren Zhenchuan is no stranger at all

In the past, people under his squadron even went to the large training ground and praised the battalion commander.

As a result, dozens of people over there chased them to the gate of the South China Sharp Sword Special Forces Brigade.

It was Ren Zhenchuan who personally came forward to resolve this matter.

But at that time, a battalion commander was beaten

Somewhat embarrassed

It is impossible to pursue this kind of thing in person again.

So, big things are reduced to small things, small things are reduced to small things.

He scolded the person who was chasing him back.

After all, it is not honorable to attack someone from behind and beat up the battalion commander.

It was impossible for Ren Zhenchuan to bite him to death at that time.

None of the soldiers from the South China Sharp Sword went out that day.

He also knew that he was telling lies with his eyes open.

Because the soldiers over there watched helplessly as people ran into the South China Sharp Sword territory.

But things in the army are like this 770

When things are not too big

Fist is the last word

If you're not convinced, just look for an opportunity and call back.

It's been almost two years since this happened.

Now Ren Zhenchuan has broken away from the South China Sword

But when the captain mentioned the fire camp just now, he still immediately thought of this unlucky guy.

What’s more, I didn’t expect that the enemy we were fighting this time would be led by him.

I couldn't help but laugh as I thought about it.

Lei Gang next to him

Looked at him inexplicably

He curled his lips, not wanting to ask what he was thinking.

Because of the recent relationship

He finally discovered it

Ren Zhenchuan has a very strict mouth.

Sometimes only he can see what the captain's arrangements are.

But he just doesn’t want to talk about it

At this time, they all held their breath and wanted to grab the group leader

I don’t have the energy to pay attention to this kind of old sesame seeds and rotten millet things.

What's more, Yi Lianshan was not present when the team leader announced the conditions for being a group leader.

The two of them also have their own agendas.

Thinking about how to capture the infantry brigade commander

It is easier to capture one brigade commander than three regiment commanders

But I want to think back

The order given by the captain just now

They still have to implement it as soon as possible

The soldiers stationed in the Hong Kong base were originally resting in their tents, but suddenly they were on full military alert.

Act like a war is coming

All the members of the evaluation team staying nearby showed confused expressions.

The military guard serves as a third-party member of the directing team

It's not the first time either

I have filled this role many times before

Quite experienced

So many times before, no matter which army I followed, I could clearly see their strategic deployment.

They can also clearly convey their purpose back to the headquarters.

But this time it's different.

Following the soldiers stationed in the Hong Kong base, it was impossible to understand what they were doing.

Last night, I followed the honor guard to ambush outside.

They all lay on the ground and didn't even dare to move.

They were afraid that they would be discovered by the enemy and violate the rules of the exercise.

Unexpectedly, they lay on the ground obediently.

On the contrary, the soldiers in the honor guard stood up and twisted at every turn.

Later I found out what was going on.

I have been depressed for a long time.

Now it's like this again.

I slept well just now.

No orders were heard, no whistles were heard.

No enemies were seen.

But the people on their side entered a fighting state, as if they were facing a powerful enemy.

However, the personnel of the evaluation team have no right to interfere with this.

They just sent all the news here back to the temporary headquarters.

Inside the temporary headquarters.

Chen Junzheng, commander of the Yangcheng Military Region, received the news.

He shook his head helplessly.

The assessment team members who just reported the news have been following the soldiers stationed in the Hong Kong base.

I didn't know that the infantry brigade was almost reaching the 1744 depression area.

But these leaders in the headquarters know it very well.

I learned that Ye Yang had made preparations for battle in advance.

The enemy who rushed over didn't even notice Mao.

Compare the two.

Chen Junzheng knew it.

This battle.

The infantry brigade was defeated.

Not on a small scale, and not this time.

But the final outcome is doomed to failure.

This is a brutal crushing strategically and tactically.

Ye Yang's tactical arrangements.

He has become so proficient that he no longer needs to investigate intelligence.

Just guessing based on time.

You can figure out which step the enemy has progressed to.

Even if there are such prerequisites that both of them are from the same military region.

But I have to admit it.

Ye Yang’s view of the battle situation.

Far more than Shen Hongliang.

This is the truth,

This is also the inevitable result of the infantry brigade's defeat.

His tactical layout was already powerful enough, and he also led more than five hundred soldiers.

This battle cannot be fought.

I remembered that Shen Hongliang was still clamoring for Ye Yang to bring everyone from the Hong Kong base and South China Sword.

Chen Junzheng felt helpless and wanted to laugh.

If you really bring it.

I’m afraid it’s not Ye Yang who will be defeated in one day.

It is an infantry brigade with more than 3,600 people.

Army Commander-in-Chief Li Peifang, Navy Commander-in-Chief Tang Guozhen, and Air Force Commander-in-Chief Li Qinglin.

After the three of them received the report from the evaluation team.

It was also a moment of emotion.

The captains of the special brigade are all officers from the local military region.

The commander-in-chief of the army only knew that he existed.

I also know that my abilities are pretty good.

But it’s not very clear how powerful it is.

That's not to mention the Navy and Air Force.

This time the confrontation.

Although it didn't last long, it was less than a day.

But Ye Yang has already brought them too many surprises and shocks.

This kind of commander has meticulous control over the battle situation.

Even among the entire army, there are not many that can be picked out.

Li Peifang began to feel lucky that Ye Yang had recommended himself and stood out from so many officers.

Became the person in charge of Pengcheng's Hong Kong base.

Otherwise, such a talent.

It's unclear when it will be discovered.

Think of this.

Li Peifang glanced at Chen Junzheng with a somewhat dissatisfied expression.

Want to ask him.

The Yangcheng Military Region has such excellent commanders.

Why has it never been reported before?

The South China Sword Special Forces Brigade is really good.

But the special forces are just a sharp knife in the hands of the leader. Without the development of the large army, it is more important and the role it can play is very limited.

No matter how it develops, it has great limitations.

Li Peifang saw this clearly than anyone else.

Ye Yang is obviously not suitable to be the head of a special forces.

But when he saw Chen Junzheng, he was also helpless.

I was stunned for a moment.

He opened his mouth and asked, "Old Chen, what are you thinking about?"

"After listening to the report just given by comrades from the evaluation team, do you think there is any suspense about the situation this time?"

Chen Junzheng smiled.

He knew what Li Peifang meant.


Whether it's a base in Hong Kong or an infantry brigade.

They are all combat units of his Yangcheng Military Region.

Naturally, I won’t praise anyone or belittle anyone at the conference.

He shook his head and said (agdj): "Judging from the current situation, I'm afraid the infantry brigade will suffer another big loss.

"But it's hard to say what the final outcome of the battle will be."

"Shen Hongliang is also very good at leading troops. Even after two major defeats, he still has more than a thousand troops in his hands.

"If we really want to start a battle, we should not consider evacuating the people stationed in the Hong Kong base from the battlefield in one day.

"The final result is really hard to say."

“But one thing can be confirmed, the fight between these two people will definitely be more exciting in the later stages.

"We'll just wait and see."

Chen Junzheng actually knew in his heart that the infantry brigade could not win.

But he wasn't sure.

The final battle.

To what extent will Shen Hongliang perform?

But there is no doubt about one thing.

Even Ye Yang has an overwhelming advantage in terms of strategic deployment.

Want to completely defeat the infantry brigade.

Eat them.

There is also quite a bit of difficulty.

This battle is still worth looking forward to.

Hear Chen Junzheng’s analysis.

Li Peifang nodded and had nothing to say.

Then he changed the subject and said: "While there is nothing else to do at the moment, I haven't seen much of Ye Yang's information before."

"Tell me about his experience in the army these past few years."

"Just think of it as wasting some time."

"Let me, Old Tang and Old Li also get to know Comrade Ye Yang well."

Chen Junzheng smiled.

He knew the Army boss asked this.

From now on, Ye Yang's career will really be smooth.

Then he smiled and said: "He, he has really experienced some glorious things."

“But he’s also good at getting into trouble when he’s young.

"I remember a few years ago..."

The atmosphere at the temporary headquarters was peaceful.

Talking and laughing.

But here on the battlefield.

That's the complete opposite situation.

Ye Yang just announced that all personnel have entered a state of intense combat readiness.

Less than twenty minutes left.

Yi Lianshan, who was in charge of the secret sentry, discovered the infantry brigade scouts.

Six warriors wearing earth-yellow caltrop uniforms tiptoed into sight.

The terrain on this side of the depression is rugged.

The grass and trees are not very lush.

Plus it was already late autumn.

It's really not easy to spot when wearing a Tribulus suit of this color.

But this is only relatively speaking.

Yi Lianshan came from the Kyoto Oriental Divine Sword Special Forces.

A master of stealth reconnaissance.

He was lying fifteen meters away from these scouts.

But the other party didn't notice it.

While walking forward.

While looking around.

If it weren't for the order from the captain, they would let their scouts pass.

Just these few people.

Yi Lianshan didn't take it seriously at all.

Want to clean them up.

A matter of minutes.

Wait until these scouts pass.

He immediately spread the news to the hidden camp.

Ye Yang didn't feel any surprise after getting the news.

If the infantry brigade cannot catch up in the afternoon.

That would be a shame for their title of ace.

Yi Lianshan was ordered to continue hiding there.

No matter how many people there are in the enemy's vanguard, just let them pass.

Detect all the information they want to detect.

After leaving.

Let the twenty soldiers left in the depression retreat quickly.

Because after the vanguard team completed the investigation.

It won't be long.

A heavy artillery attack is coming.

All this was within Ye Yang's expectation, exactly as expected.

The enemy's scouts have just been discovered on Yi Lianshan's side.

The hidden sentries lying in wait in several other directions also discovered the enemy's scouts.

It's just that they all got orders in advance.

Don't stop it.

Let them pass.

The purpose of letting these small fish go is to catch the group of big fish behind.

Liu Zhicheng, captain of the honor guard, Xin Hai, commander of the infantry company, and Cheng Tiehu, commander of the automobile company.

After learning the report from the front.

Immediately began to order the soldiers who had entered a state of war preparation to check their equipment again.

Wait until the enemy scouts retreat.

They are about to move their positions.

Once the enemy's first round of bombing is over, more than a hundred soldiers will be arranged to launch a surprise attack.

Pretending to be seriously damaged in the bombing just now.

Attract enemy troops into chaos.

So as to lure them into the minefield.

These arrangements have been discussed several times before.

The one hundred and twenty infantry company soldiers led by Xin Hai were responsible for acting as remnants and rushing forward to fight the enemy.

Their original establishment numbered one hundred and seventy-two.

It's just that in the battle last night, fifty-two were eliminated.

The remaining one hundred and twenty are, after all, part of the infantry company.

The group combat experience is much stronger than that of the honor guard and the car company.

It would be perfect to send them out.

As for the honor guard, the car company, and the remaining special forces.

Wait for the enemy's artillery fire to start.

will be moved to the area closest to the minefield.

Wait for the enemy to enter an ambush and trigger the mine.

The rest of the carnage.

That's what they came to do.

Now is the most important and critical link.

Ye Yang also has to arrange his own special forces team to act as scouts and find opportunities to see whether the enemy coming is actually a firepower camp.

If it is indeed a battalion establishment.

Then this battle can be fought.

If there are too many people preparing.

The infantry brigade pressed everyone up.

The set minefields can't stop so many people, so all the previous arrangements have to be abandoned.

Although Ye Yang knows it very well.

It was impossible for Shen Hongliang to devote all the main forces of the infantry brigade to this battle.

Because this kind of terrain cannot be used at all.

Very bad for them.

But this is speculation after all.

Before getting accurate information.

Take action rashly.

It will only cause them to suffer disaster.

As a secret sentry, Yi Lianshan must be unable to move.

Then Ren Zhenchuan is the most suitable for the next investigation mission.

First of all, he is most familiar with the terrain here.

Secondly, he is also familiar with the infantry brigade firepower battalion.

You can tell just by looking at the number of people and weapons through a telescope.

There is a secret sentry ahead to provide him with the safest route forward.

Reconnaissance missions won't be difficult.

Ren Zhenchuan is a veteran who has experienced many battles.

Carrying out this kind of mission is a piece of cake.

And he knew it.

The most critical link before the war begins.

It's on him.

After receiving the route provided by the secret whistle.

Set off immediately. .

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