Rebirth In 1993, Starting From Building An Ace Unit

Chapter 84 Military Region Emergency Meeting, Visitors From Hong Kong Island

Time flies.

Soon another three days passed.

The soldiers in Pengcheng's Hong Kong base have completely returned to training from the fighting state of the past few days.

Ye Yang plans to improve the food standards in the base.

The Yangcheng Military Region issued relevant notices and made adjustments the next day.

As for diverse training.

Strengthen cultural studies.

Others have not yet been put into action.

But regarding the way of learning Cantonese, the captain of the honor guard has put in a lot of effort.

It really complied with the requirements at the conference.

Arrange soldiers who already know Cantonese to create various scenes.

Do the training in the evening after dinner.

Ye Yang just said there are punishments and rewards.

But it has not been announced what these are.

Liu Zhicheng simply made the decision himself, as long as there were soldiers to complete the scene simulation smoothly.

On the second day, you can save ten minutes when practicing the honor guard stance.

Including the fighter he was sparring with.

You can lose five minutes just by sitting still.

But if anyone performs too poorly during the simulation, then practice for ten more minutes.

It sounds like the rewards and punishments are not very strong.

That's because there is no time basis for standing in military posture.

It usually takes three hours to start and five hours to warm up.

Even if it's just ten minutes less.

Those are all privileges.

In addition, scene simulation is indeed rare in training grounds.

Directly mobilized the enthusiasm of the scene.

All in order to save ten minutes, they squeezed forward desperately.

If anyone can simulate three scenarios in a row and pass them all perfectly.

You can save half an hour the next day.

This temptation is greater than anything else.

Ye Yang and Wu Xiangzhe, after dinner.


Come to the martial arts field and watch the soldiers perform scene simulations here.

The chief and comrades on the committee were present.

Soldiers are more motivated.

Of course, there are also a very few warriors who don't master Cantonese very well, but they are very good at rushing forward.

Just like Lei Gang.

I simulated the scene several times, and I was so anxious that I was sweating all over, and all the dialects and Mandarin came out.

I just can't pronounce it in Cantonese.

Ye Yang stood there and watched for a while, and then the guy was punished for forty minutes.

But this still can't stop his competitive heart.

Even at his level, he has the nerve to rush forward.

It really inspired many soldiers to participate enthusiastically.

Wu Xiangzhe stood watching from a distance and shook his head.

“Comrade Lei Gang’s enthusiasm for learning is very worthy of praise, and his unyielding spirit is also worthy of encouragement.

"It's just too reckless."

"If this continues, I'm afraid I won't have time to eat at noon tomorrow, and I'll be forced to stand in a military posture.

"Not very advisable."

Ye Yang smiled.

"It doesn't matter, just be willing to admit defeat."

“When enthusiasm is mobilized, learning progress will be accelerated.

"This is much faster than studying step by step and will produce results much faster."

"Just be punished, and there will be rewards as well as punishments. As long as you learn it and achieve your goal, that's fine."

Wu Xiangzhe shook his head helplessly.

Recently, he has also been learning Cantonese from the soldiers, but as a political cadre.

The level of education itself is relatively high.

The speed of learning is much faster than that of soldiers.

This period of study has basically enabled him to have some complicated chats with soldiers who understand Cantonese without much problem.

But he had to admit it.

This simulated scenario exercise set by Ye Yang.

It will definitely be much more effective than practicing like before starting a class.

There are many types of simulation scenarios.

There are not only vegetable farmers, but also a recruiting office.

There are also simulated meals in the canteen, training slogans, reading poems, reciting doctrine, etc.

Fun combined with learning.

It can always produce unexpected results.

While Ye Yang was watching with great interest on the training ground, the clerk Fang Yu ran over from the direction of the office building.

He panted and said: "Chief, a message just came from the Yangcheng Military Region Headquarters, saying that you and your comrades on the official committee should go there as soon as possible."

"Notice of something important."

Wu Xiangzhe was stunned for a moment.

It was already dark by this time, and I couldn't figure out what important matters the leader above had.

Yesterday, the Yangcheng Military Region held a special meeting in response to the last battle.

The two of them were not even required to attend such a conference.

Why are you so anxious today?

Wu Xiangzhe looked at Ye Yang strangely.

"What can happen at this time?"

"Isn't it the arranged chief of staff who has arrived?"

Ye Yang smiled and shook his head.

"That's not a big deal, it's not that big of a deal for both of us to take on."

"But according to the speed of the military headquarters, people should come over."

"Maybe there are other things that have delayed it."

"Anyway, no matter what it is, it must be important to call the two of us over at this time.

"Liu Zhicheng, Lei Gang."


When the two heard the chief's summons, they hurriedly put down the work at hand.

He ran over quickly.

Ye Yang looked down at the time.

"You two will explain the training matters here, as usual."

"After the learning phase is over, there will be a period of physical fitness."

"Comrades and I have to go to the headquarters on urgent matters."

"You can make your own arrangements here."

"Yes, Chief."

The company commander Cheng Tiehu learned that the leader was going out.

A soldier was hurriedly arranged to drive the car over.


The headquarters system has not yet been established.

The car company acted as a guard.

After Ye Yang finished explaining.

Wu Xiangzhe and I drove to the Yangcheng Military Region Headquarters.

Ye Yang couldn't understand why he was so anxious about anything at this time.

The two discussed it in the car for a long time.

No results were found.

After arriving at the headquarters.

The two hurriedly arrived at the chief's office.

Just opened the door and went in.

Not even waiting for them to say hello.

Chen Junzheng waved his hand.

"Okay, you two sit down first."

"I called you two here so late because I have something to announce."

"By the way, didn't the military department issue an order a few days ago for you to prepare for the establishment of a headquarters?"

"Why don't you see any applications submitted to me?"

"Can I organize it internally?"

Ye Yang shook his head and replied: "Chief, we are not in a hurry to set up the headquarters for the time being."

"I think we can discuss it separately after Comrade Chief of Staff comes over."

"As for the established system, there are still many officers without positions at the base, including some non-commissioned officers who are also very capable.

“I’m thinking about discovering more talents and promoting them at that time.

Chen Junzheng nodded.

"If it is true that establishing the headquarters is not an important matter before this, you can slowly make adjustments internally.

"But now we need to speed up a bit, speed up appropriately."

"I originally planned to select a chief of staff to report there."

I've been delayed for the past two days due to other things. "

"You two also know that the ultimate goal of forming a garrison in Hong Kong is to garrison Hong Kong Island. 17

"But our policy when entering Hong Kong Island is not to penetrate in, but to export culture and change our thinking to change it bit by bit."

"It will be until after our return that the people there will get to know us thoroughly."

"The previous head of the military department also felt that the establishment time was too short and the time was not yet mature."

"It's just that this time, based on the battle with the infantry brigade, we have seen the combat effectiveness and unity that a unit should have."

"Cultural export is a long process, and we must prepare in advance."

"So the military invited the deputy chief inspector from Hong Kong Island to come to our base to watch and make some comments.

"The military attaches great importance to this exchange."

"You should also have heard of Hong Kong Island Deputy Chief Superintendent Wang Jinghua, after he received an invitation from the military.

"I agreed without hesitation."

"And in the next few days, we will arrange the work there and come to us for some exchanges."

"When communicating, let the soldiers prepare a program. There is no need to prepare too deliberately. Just follow normal training to make it more enjoyable."

Ye Yang nodded.

He had no intention of doing this kind of thing.

The Deputy Chief Superintendent of Hong Kong Island came over and wanted to communicate. The usual training content was enough to show.

What's more, he was still thinking about having a fighting competition two days ago.

This time it just came in handy.

"Chief, leave the communication matters to me."

"I will be able to arrange everything after I go back. There will be absolutely no problem and I will ensure that the task is completed.

Chen Junzheng smiled and waved his hand.

"Of course I know your abilities, and I don't worry about that."

"The main reason why I want you two to come over this time is not because people from Hong Kong Island want to communicate.

"But I want to arrange for you to take two comrades with you and go to Hong Kong Island for a trip."

"The Military Ministry has given two plans, and the establishment of the Hong Kong Garrison has caused a sensation within a certain range.

"Some information cannot be hidden, and there is no need for us to hide it."

"When going to Hong Kong Island for inspection, the first thing is that you can go according to your national identity, bring two assistants with you, and make your identity public."

"There will be a two-day inspection there."

"This city has a sensitive position in the international community. Going there as a country can protect your personal safety to the greatest extent."

"At least on the surface, no one will take any action."

"The second option is to apply for a pass for you, and select two comrades in the base to accompany you and apply for the pass as well.

"Go there as a civilian and get to know this city."

"This is news just conveyed by the military, and I must give a reply as soon as possible.

"That's why I hurriedly called you two over so late.

"How about it?"

"Should I go as an envoy as a country or as a civilian?"

"The military will not stop you from making your choice.

The most powerful backing. "

I heard the chief's question.

Ye Yang stood up from his seat.

0…Please give me flowers…


"Reporting to the chief, I choose to use the second plan."

"If you go there as a country, you will be entangled in all kinds of complicated things, and you will not see anything about the customs and customs of the people."

"Basically coming back."

“As a civilian, I didn’t have these worries in the past. I could see whatever I wanted to see and whatever I didn’t want to see.

can see. "

"Only in this way can we understand the local customs and sentiments in the most practical way."

"You can also get an early understanding of our views on our garrison in four years from the side."

"It is impossible to understand this as a country."

Chen Junzheng nodded.

He knew Ye Yang would choose this method.

The military department gave a second option.

There are also considerations in this regard.

"Comrade Ye Yang, but you have to think clearly about one thing. Although the formation of the Hong Kong Garrison Force has not yet been widely disseminated here."

"The formation was not completely successful."

"But this doesn't mean that no one knows in private. Your identity is somewhat sensitive."

"I'm afraid that going by this time will be accompanied by some dangers and troubles."

"Have you ever thought about it?"

Ye Yang smiled.

"Don't worry, chief, I know all of this."

"I don't mean to go out there and publicize my identity to the whole world."

"Just to understand the people's livelihood and conditions."

"It's okay."

"Please rest assured, chief, and promise to complete the task."

Chen Junzheng nodded.

He had no doubts about Ye Yang's abilities.

"Okay, after you go back, submit the names of the other two candidates to me as soon as possible tomorrow morning."

"I will notify the relevant departments to issue passes to you on the same day."

“This time I went to Hong Kong Island just to get to know the city, and I had to protect myself first.

"do you understand?"

"Yes, Chief."

Ye Yang and Wu Xiangzhe hurriedly stood at attention.


Chen Junzheng lowered his head and looked at the time.

"Okay, it's getting late now.

"You still have a long way to go back to Pengcheng base. Go back."

"By the way, the military department's arrangements for the chief of staff will be in place in the next few days.

"The progress of establishing the headquarters should also be accelerated."

"There's nothing else going on, let's disband."

Come out of the military district headquarters.

Wu Xiangzhe shook his head with emotion.

"I thought of everything when I came here, but I didn't expect that the deputy chief superintendent of Hong Kong Island was coming."

"We also need to arrange for people to go to Hong Kong Island."

"I thought it would take a long time to get to this point."

Ye Yang sighed and shook his head slightly.

"How could it be so long?

"As the chief said, when we enter Hong Kong Island, we don't enter it by fighting."

"To move in without the smoke of gunpowder, it requires cultural cross-fertilization and gradual changes in the subconscious mind."

"This is a long process, and it is necessary to prepare in advance."

Wu Xiangzhe nodded.

"There is nothing wrong with exporting culture and changing ideas early."

"But this time when going to Hong Kong Island, why did you choose the second plan?"

"If you use the first plan, go there as a country."

"We can also allow the people there to really get in touch with us from now on and get a general impression first.

"When the culture is exported later, doesn't it also have a foundation?"


Ye Yang smiled and shook his head.

"The situation on Hong Kong Island is relatively complicated. As a country, it is indeed right to have a foundation.

"But whether this foundation is good or bad, and whether it will affect subsequent cultural output, is still unknown."

"Huairou's policy naturally has its benefits."

"Besides, if I follow the first option, I can see nothing."

"You can't understand anything either."

“The media on Hong Kong Island will definitely be alerted in advance, and they will be free to write whatever they say.

"Once the direction of public opinion is diverted, it will probably be more difficult to export culture later."

"Since the head of the military department has given the second plan, he must be more inclined to this plan.

"Of course, I am more inclined to this plan."

Wu Xiangzhe showed a worried look.

"Then what the chief said just now is not unreasonable, in case your identity is leaked.

"It will indeed be accompanied by some dangers, which we cannot but guard against."

Ye Yang laughed twice.

"It is true that there is potential danger, and it is possible. I cannot refute this."

"But they can just think about it, who wants to take action."

"Then let's try it."

Wu Xiangzhe was stunned for a moment.

Then he also laughed.

Ye Yang is a veteran who came back from the battlefield, so how could he be afraid of these things.

"However, it seems that my previous guess was wrong."

"I originally thought that the chief was in Yangcheng and notified the Yangcheng Armed Police Corps to hold two conferences."

"I discovered something."

"It seems to be for visitors from Hong Kong Island."

"Did I guess wrong?"

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