Rebirth In 1993, Starting From Building An Ace Unit

Chapter 86: Entering Hong Kong Island, Where Is The Home Without A Country?

The three of them arrived at the Yangcheng Military Region Headquarters.

I didn't see the chief.

However, the passes they need and the coins they exchanged have already been prepared.

This time the action.

Although he entered Hong Kong Island as a civilian for inspection.

But the military region has basically paved the way.

Arrange a vehicle to take them all the way to the port of entry.

The three people who changed into casual clothes directly showed their passes, checked their luggage, and entered Hong Kong Island.

Everything went well.

After leaving the Red Stone Hall, Ye Yang skillfully led the two people into a taxi next to them.

Head towards the nearest tip area.

Li Yan sat in the back, quietly touched Xin Hai next to him with his elbow, and smacked Ye Yang in the passenger seat.

He was chatting happily with the driver.

He said softly: "Didn't the chief just say that he had never been here before?"

"Why do I feel so familiar with him?"

"It's almost better than in the military camp."

Xin Hai shook his head.

"How do I know? Anyway, before setting off, I heard from comrades on the committee that the chief had been studying the map in the office for a long time.

"Anyway, they put in more effort than us."

"Oh, by the way, we are here for inspection as civilians now, and we can no longer call the chief."

"I want to change my name to Brother Yang."

Li Yan opened his mouth and mumbled a few times, but still didn't scream.

The hierarchy within the army is very strict.

It's really not that easy to change the title suddenly.

What's more, if you go by the way people are called here in Hong Kong, they should be called brother, or eldest brother. To be more respectful, they should be called sir.

Why did Brother Yang emerge from the whole process?

Calling me brother is more reliable than this.

Ye Yang sat in the passenger seat, listened to the discussion between the two of them, smiled, and didn't say much.

Although this action may be accompanied by some dangers.

But that's if the identity is compromised.

Without considering these factors, this business trip can be said to be the most comfortable.

The purpose is to get to know the city.

Understand what people in this city think about the establishment or entry of the Hong Kong Garrison.

It can't be that the troops are already being formed.

And he, the commander, knew nothing about the situation here.

In war, it is also said that if you know yourself and the enemy, you will never be in danger in a hundred battles.

What's more, in this kind of war where no gunpowder can be seen, one must be cautious every step of the way.

Hong Kong Island in this era. 06 has become an international metropolis with a population of more than 6 million people.

He is known as the leader of the Four Little Dragons.

Development also reached its peak at this time.

Since Ye Yang returned to this era, he has been busy in the military region for most of the year.

There are very few opportunities to go outside and see the development of Pengcheng.


You can always see some on the way from the base to the Yangcheng Military Region Headquarters.

Compare Hong Kong Island today.

There is still no way to compare in terms of degree of development.

Before departure.

Ye Yang really put a lot of effort into the map.

It is also very targeted for this mission.

To understand a city, understand the situation of a city.

Then you can't just visit their most prosperous areas, but also visit their largest civilian areas.

public attitude.

Only there is it easiest to manifest.

While chatting with the driver.

While looking back at the daily streets of Hong Kong Island, the most representative ones are these colorful neon signs.

these things.

In Ye Yang's impression, even if he has never been there.

You can often see it in movies.

Very lifelike.

Taxi driver is undoubtedly a very talkative profession, and I also learned many things from his mouth that were not clear to me before.

Ye Yang deliberately took the topic outside of Hong Kong Island and asked them what they thought of the main region.

Or impressions of other countries around the world.


When the topic does not lead to this aspect, the taxi driver is still a very talkative person.

When talking about the impression of the outside world.

There was silence for about a minute.

Then he said: "What do we people think of the outside world? We are a group of people without a home and a nationality.

"A group of people who have been oppressed."

"Just some time ago, I wanted to go to another place. When I entered the country, I filled out the immigration card and included nationality."

"What I filled in at that time was the name of the country in the main region."

"They took away my immigration card and cleared all the nationalities on it."

"Do you know what this means?"


The taxi driver looked to be at least fifty years old.

As he spoke, he suddenly choked up.

He took off his glasses and wiped his tears.

"I'm sorry, I got a little emotional."

"Most of us are stateless now, or you can become an eagle."

"Some people are willing."

“But those of us who don’t want to are stateless.

"We are people without a home."

"You can have a family only if you have a country. If you don't have a country, how can you have a family?"

"I was born here and grew up here. When I was studying, I still remember it was 1964."

"There were some conflicts on the street, and the law enforcement officers shot at us."

"They used violence and forced us to accept this violence."

"I was unfortunately injured at that time, and now I have physical problems and can only drive a taxi.

The driver talked.

There was another burst of tears.

Ye Yang silently pointed to the roadside, and the vehicle stopped on a busy road in Jian District.

After checking out, I took the two people in the back seat with me.

Left the vehicle.

As a soldier, from the moment you join the army.

Some people are telling them that they must protect the people of their own country and their own country.

What the driver said just now.

No country and no home.

Like a heavy hammer, it hit Ye Yang's heart.

Xin Hai and Li Yan, who were following behind, looked at the leader with strange expressions.

I could only follow behind silently.

I dare not speak.

In fact, the two of them knew that this kind of conversation only needs to continue.

It will soon be possible to talk about this driver master's attitude towards the main region taking over Hong Kong Island.

It's just that those words make any citizen listen.

They are all sad enough.

Xin Hai sighed.

He followed quickly.

"First of all...Brother Yang, the driver just now is older. After all, he is well-informed and will not tolerate these unequal treatments."

"It's normal to have a lot of feelings."

"If we want to understand the people of Hong Kong Island and the correct attitude towards the troops stationed in Hong Kong entering Hong Kong in the future, we cannot rely on his words alone."

"I estimate that his ideas can only represent a small number of people."

"Or a very small group of people."

"Because I have been to Hong Kong Island before, and I have heard many people who came to visit relatives talk about these things."


Xin Hai hadn't finished speaking yet.

Ye Yang waved his hand.

"I know, if this business trip is so easy, then there is no need for the three of us to dress up like this and come here specially."

"But our goal is not to understand their thoughts."

"I have been away from home for so long, from education, study, being influenced by my ears and eyes, etc., for so many years.

"A lot of things are going to change."

"But the great national roots will never change."

“The fallen leaves are returning to their roots, returning to the embrace of the motherland. This idea may have been suppressed for a long time and cannot be thought of or mentioned.

"It's just not being aroused."

“Once awakened, the public’s support for us is absolutely unprecedented.

"The above-mentioned chiefs' use of tolerant policies is also for our own nation.

"For those great powers, if they cannot negotiate at the negotiating table, they will have to meet on the battlefield.

"Let's go and follow me for a while."

"We came here late today, just in time to take a look at the scenery of Hong Kong Island after dark."

“Also find a snack street that is very characteristic of Hong Kong Island to truly understand and experience the civilian life here.

"Maybe there will be different gains."

Li Yan and Xin Hai looked at each other.

All smiled.

Training in the military camp all day is very boring.

It's rare to have such an opportunity. Even if you are burdened with an important task, you can really relax.

Xin Hai followed Ye Yang and breathed a sigh of relief quietly.

He was really afraid that the chief would not be able to overcome his temper.

Because of what he said just now, if something happens again, this trip will be delayed.

This is not to say that he has no confidence in the chief's ability and restraint.

Mainly being a soldier.

The higher the position.

The feelings become heavier.

The aspects of looking at the problem and the feelings will be more profound.

He was born and raised in Pengcheng since he was a child, and he has heard too many remarks in this regard, including statelessness.

There have been no major psychological fluctuations for a long time.

Resentment is resentment.

I just listened to it more.

I knew it early.

It's hard to let your emotions fluctuate due to this.

Fortunately for him.

This time the official business trip was with the chief.

If you follow the official comrades.

I'm afraid it's not that fun, in principle this, in principle that.

If you can't guarantee everything, it's better to stay in the base and train, which will be more enjoyable.

The three of them were walking on the streets of Hong Kong Island.

Red taxis passed by one after another.

As it gets darker.

The number of people coming off work also began to increase.

Cars come and go, and crowds of people are constantly crowded.

The neon lights on the street also started to flash.

Ye Yang looked at this scene and sighed.

No wonder many people say that red is the style of Hong Kong Island, but they haven’t had much experience with it before.

Really walking the streets here now.

Only then did I realize how correct this sentence is.

It's basically red to the eye.

The fleet of motorcycles whizzing by on the street, and the electric commuters passing by on the street from time to time, are mostly in red or orange.

Under the light.

Plus the effect of neon lights.

Basically they are all red.

Most of the clothes worn by young people are fashionable.

It won’t be considered outdated twenty or thirty years from now.

It seems that someone once said that trends come and go every twenty years, and there is some truth to these words.

At least that's how Ye Yang seems to be now.

The three of them were walking aimlessly on the streets with a mission.

of beautiful things


There is always something shady hidden.

They had just reached a big intersection.

With the flow of people preparing to pass.

Two young men with red silk scarves tied on their heads and a carefree appearance walked past the three of them.

When passing by, he deliberately bumped into Li Yan.

Originally, these two people planned to knock Li Yan aside and take advantage of the chaos of the crowd to touch the two wallets.

But I didn't expect this collision.

My body felt like it had hit an iron bump.

The pain made both of them grin.

Li Yan is not a soldier who only knows about training in the military camp. He doesn't understand anything about the outside world.

Just by looking at the attire of these two people, you can tell that they are not good people.

She gave him a glaring look.

The two of them were so frightened that they took several steps back.

An elite instructor from the Thunderbolt Squadron of the Air Force is not something ordinary people can afford to offend.

Those two young men also knew the trick.

He grinned and pretended to be threatening with his expression.

Take advantage of the chaos in the crowd.

Left in a hurry.

But when he was about to leave, he pretended to bump into one of the young women.

He conveniently took the wallet out of his bag.

These people are clearly repeat offenders.

The young woman also felt someone reaching into her bag, but she saw the figure running towards the alley in the distance.

Finally he gritted his teeth and said nothing.

Obviously, this is not the first time she has encountered this kind of thing.

In line with the character of doing less than doing more, he gritted his teeth in grievance.

Just ready to leave.

Xin Hai stood behind and saw this scene clearly.

The armed police soldiers who were from the Yangcheng Armed Police Detachment almost burst into flames after seeing this scene.

Clenching his fists, he took a step forward and came to Ye Yang.

Just about to speak.

Ye Yang waved his hand: "Go ahead and be gentle. Our current status is inconvenient. Just teach them 883 a lesson."

"Yes, Chief."

After Xin Hai heard this, he clenched his fists and chased after him.

Li Yan, who was standing behind, grinned.

It's said to be gentle.

But who are they?

Not to mention the officers who came out of the Pengcheng Hong Kong Base, they encountered these two gangsters.

Even if the elites are randomly selected from the domestic army.

There are a few who can really beat Xin Hai.

Be gentle on this.

I'm afraid it's just a relative term.

The young woman who was originally angry also saw the actions of the three of them.

Not only did he see Xin Hai chasing after him.

I also saw that he chased after Ye Yang with his consent.

Suddenly, I became curious about these three people.

You must know that ordinary residents cannot afford to offend young people like this.

In other words, he is unwilling to provoke these people for such a small amount of money.

I am afraid that there will be endless harassment and trouble in the future.

Break away from the crowd and quietly look at the two of them from a distance.

Ye Yang also noticed.

But he didn't care at all.

It's better if the other party can stay and wait, so as not to have to catch up later.

The two young men with red headbands tied around their heads.

Finished taking other people's bags.

After going around several small alleys [I finally stopped at a place full of garbage pipes.

He opened his coat.

Several wallets fell down with a bang.

One of the young men took the young woman's wallet and opened it to look at it.

There is also a photo above.

Looking at the appearance in the photo, I couldn't help but spit.

"I thought it was on point, but it's nothing more than that."

"Still a poor guy."

After grabbing all the change inside, he threw the wallet behind him.

I was just about to put the money in my pocket.

But he noticed something was wrong.

Because the wallet I just threw out, I didn’t hear the sound of it hitting the ground.

The two looked back warily.

This sight made them regret it.

Because what greeted him was a pair of fists as big as sandbags.

Such a role.

Xin Hai couldn't even get interested at all.

If this were in Yangcheng, these two guys would definitely be in bad luck.

But this is on Hong Kong Island.

Xin Hai always remembered what the leader had just said, and just dealt with them gently.

To prevent their voices from being heard.

He picked off their chins with his right hand on the spot, then kicked and punched them casually.

He took the wallet they grabbed and walked away.

Xin Hai knew that if these people did not suffer more, they would not make any progress.

So after finishing it, I didn’t feel any psychological burden at all.

Take those snatched wallets.

All given to Ye Yang.

Ye Yang looked at the things in his hands and frowned.

All of them were handed over to the young woman.

Let her put her things away.

Others can be handed over to the nearby law enforcement team.

Due to identity reasons.

Ye Yang couldn't interfere too much in this regard. .

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