Rebirth In 1993, Starting From Building An Ace Unit

Chapter 90: Thinking Of A Solution, The Script Of A Close Relationship Between The Military And Civi

There are questions about the formation of the headquarters.

Cui Bai is indeed more handy.

Ye Yang's own responsibility is not here, and there is a more suitable candidate, so of course he is happy to be a hands-off shopkeeper.

This trip to Hong Kong Island.

It really touched him a lot.

But if we want to restore the confidence of the people of Hong Kong Island, we must first let them see the strength here.

At least we should see the warm scene of the military and civilian families getting together.

Subconsciously change the colonial oppression of them.

There is only strong contrast.

Only then can it cause enough restlessness.

This is the shining point of the people's army and the most precious inheritance.

Ye Yang knows this very well.

But the question is how to present these things.

It has become the biggest obstacle now.

Regarding exchanges between the main region and Hong Kong Island, not to mention the private sector, even the government departments are in a very sensitive position on this issue.

Cultural export is accompanied by certain troubles.

Not to mention such a large-scale exchange of information.

Difficulties are bound to exist.

Ye Yang is now thinking about how to solve this difficulty.

There are less than four years until Hong Kong Island returns to China.

This period of time is not long, and it is definitely not short.

But it also depends on what it is used for.

Bring hope to a nation, give them confidence, and reawaken the cohesion of the nation.

This is undoubtedly an arduous and long process.

Ye Yang is sitting in the office.

I thought about it for a long time.

Various ideas and plans were recorded by him.

But in the end, there was another denial.

In an ancient country with a culture that has been passed down for thousands of years, there are many ways to deal with such things and draw lessons from history.

For the current situation.

There are too many restrictions and it cannot be truly implemented.

Just when Ye Yang was thinking.

The official Wu Xiangzhe opened the door and walked in.

I looked at the desk full of papers, writing and drawing various plans.

Sighed softly.

"I said Lao Ye, let's take a rest."

"From the end of the last battle with the infantry brigade to this trip to Hong Kong Island, you basically didn't get much rest.

"Things have to be done bit by bit, and situations have to be resolved bit by bit."

“Haste makes waste, and rushing for success may not be a good strategy.”

"The chiefs above will definitely be prepared for this matter.

"Besides, Deputy Chief Superintendent Wang Jinghua is coming the day after tomorrow, and we still have reception work to do here.

"There will certainly be more meetings to follow."

"Even if your body is made of steel, you can't bear it."

Ye Yang smiled and shook his head.

Put down the pen in his hand.

He crossed his hands and leaned comfortably on the chair.

"These things are tiring, but they are not tiring. They are just a pile of things in front of you. If they are not solved, they will become a problem after all."

"Where is Chief of Staff Choi?"

"I assigned him such a heavy task just after he came here. Do you have any complaints?"

Wu Xiangzhe smiled.

"Then what's the point of complaining? Someone airborne for a purpose can be appreciated by the commander so quickly.

"I gave him important instructions."

"This alone is enough for him to be very motivated."

"Didn't we just arrange a dormitory for him? Now the clerk Fang Yu is taking him to the dormitory.

"I just drove around the whole station with him."

"You, commander, are too busy. I must take the reception work into consideration."

"We can't just pay attention to handing over tasks and not pay attention to reception."

Ye Yang raised his head and laughed.

"Isn't this period special?"

Everyone's efforts were directed in one direction and twisted into a rope. "

“The most important thing is to solve the immediate problem as soon as possible.

"It's just that this kind of thing is easy to say, but not so easy to do."

"That's all, I'll go to the martial arts arena to have a look."

"There will be people coming from Hong Kong Island the day after tomorrow. If I don't show up, it will seem like I don't take them seriously.

"You should definitely go and take a look."

Wu Xiangzhe nodded and said with a smile: "That's right, when the group appears, let's solve it bit by bit.

“We can’t always think of piling them together and solving them.”

"If you change your mood appropriately, you might find a way."

Ye Yang waved his hand.

He strode out of the office.

He rubbed his temples, which were a little swollen and painful.

I lament that establishing a garrison in Hong Kong is indeed not as easy as imagined.

The problems encountered before us.

It may be difficult to solve it.

Such a comparison.

It would be better to work as a senior civilian in a military studio in my previous life, which would be more comfortable.

Every day's work only needs to be carried out according to the holidays and according to the requirements of each department.

Shoot some promotional videos.

Or review the shooting start documents submitted by the shooting team below.

Much more comfortable than this.

Ye Yang shook his head and smiled.

Just as I was about to continue going to the martial arts field, an idea flashed in my mind.

I thought of a suitable solution.

Suddenly he laughed.

Just now he was really obsessed with the authorities. In his previous life, he was a senior executive of a studio.

Whether it’s shooting a recruitment promotional video.

Or filming cultural festival promotions in the army.

Isn't this the best way to export culture?

The film industry on Hong Kong Island is more developed than that on the mainland.

The public is particularly concerned about this aspect.

Making movies is definitely the most suitable method at hand.

Think of this.

Ye Yang thought of his system store again.

Even when encountering difficulties, the first consideration is basically not to ask for help from outside forces.

Anyway, he used to be the captain of the South China Sword Special Forces Brigade.

If something happens, call in outside help.

He can't do this either.

If you give yourself enough time, Ye Yang is also capable of coming up with many scripts.

But the problem is that the most lacking thing is time.

People from Hong Kong Island will come over the day after tomorrow.

The head of the military department will definitely accompany him “to understand part of the situation.

Taking advantage of this time to come up with the idea of ​​making a movie and the script can alleviate the current situation to a great extent.

Although Hong Kong Island and the main region belong to the same ethnic group.

But after all, it has been occupied for too long.

No matter how much Deputy Chief Superintendent Wang Jinghua favors his own nation from the bottom of his heart, they still have to show some strength.

Only when you have strength and ability can you be tough.

If there is no suitable plan after discussion for a long time at the conference, this matter will inevitably be delayed.

If you want to find this opportunity for negotiation in the future, you will have to rearrange it.

Think of this.

Ye Yang didn't care about going to the martial arts field anymore.

He hurried back to the office.

The official Wu Xiangzhe had just left and hadn't gone far when he saw Ye Yang coming back in a hurry.

He immediately shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Since the commander will not go to the martial arts field, he, the political commissar, must step forward to strengthen the will of the soldiers.

Be fully prepared for the next fighting competition.

Ye Yang returned to the office and opened the system store, ignoring the dazzling array of products inside.

Go directly to the script page.

Specially select themes that can reflect the closeness between the military and civilians and the people's army marching forward bravely.

Just browsed for a while.

He really discovered a lot.

"Thunder Rescue" is about a company stationed in a certain area during a flood.

Regardless of the risk to life.

Braving heavy rain, they rushed into the disaster-stricken villages.

Ignoring the danger of landslides and mudslides at any time.

A story about rescuing people's property, children, and elderly people in a village.

This is a disastrous script.

But in the plot, what is reflected in the story is that natural disasters have no mercy, and the soldiers and civilians are close to each other.

In the face of disaster.

Human power is very small.

But the soldiers used their tall and straight bodies to hold up the sky for the people.

It fully demonstrates that it is not only the body that is armed, but also the mind.

It is not only the homeland that is protected, but also the people.

What is defended is not only dignity, but also loyalty.


People's soldiers are on the front line again.

The victims did not cry when faced with natural disasters, nor did they cry when their loved ones were separated.

They are all united and united.

Let’s get through the difficulties together.

But when they saw the soldiers who were charging forward lying on the side of the road to rest because they were too tired, they cried.

See the company of soldiers.

When it is time to evacuate the disaster area.


Although after the reconstruction, they did not have enough things and living supplies.

But he still chased the car for more than two thousand meters.

He forced the supplies into the hands of the soldiers.

The army has regulations not to accept a single piece of work from the people.

The people there stopped the vehicles and refused to let them leave. It didn't matter if they didn't take them away, they could just take the mountain goods they had brought in front of them.

Only by eating all the specialties and fruits can you feel at ease.

"Today's Rescue" is just a script.

The content described in the script is very limited. Most of it introduces the background and the main dialogue.

But even so.

Ye Yang was still shocked when he saw it.

There are many other scripts similar to this.

For example, "Operation 216", "Rapid Rescue", "Former Comrades", "I am a Glorious People's Soldier" and so on.

All the plots recorded in these scripts.

All of them meet Ye Yang's requirements just now.

It can reflect the true hero's dedication to guarding the border, protecting the home and country, rushing to the front in emergency rescue and disaster relief, and bravely shouldering important responsibilities and making meritorious deeds.

The whole country loves and cherishes the spirit of the military and civilians.

Ye Yang redeemed all these scripts.

Fortunately, the script does not cost many points.

One is only a few dozen points.


As soon as this fraudulent system was launched, it was announced that it would establish a garrison in Hong Kong.

Here comes such a big task.

A pitiful one thousand points.

It won’t work if you don’t use it sparingly.

for the rest of the time.

Ye Yang needs to transcribe all these scripts.

Otherwise it will only remain in his mind.

How can I show it to the chief at the conference?

Tell it from your mouth.

Far from being as shocked as having these things in front of you.

Ye Yang also knows.

Even with these scripts.

The studio over there at the military headquarters is also capable of filming this thing.

But I want to show it on Hong Kong Island.

There will be many twists and turns in the process.

Even if the release is successful.

The people there will definitely be skeptical about this type of movie at first.

I think everything in the movie is just for show.

It can't be true.

After all, the development of Hong Kong Island is still very good, and the people there are more objective in looking at problems.

It's not like the mainland.

If any actor plays a role that is too bad.

Then basically don’t think about going out in the next two years.

It's hard to tell the difference between drama and real life.

It will affect the bad emotions on the actors. Rotten vegetables, rotten eggs, etc. are all trivial.

If you walk out onto the street, you can easily get beaten from the street to the end of the alley.

The film industry on Hong Kong Island is developed.

Many celebrities and filming locations are public.

A place where you can meet celebrities even while buying food.

People can easily distinguish the gap between the plot and reality.

From this point of view.

The development speed is too fast, which also brings a lot of trouble to this operation.

But Ye Yang doesn't worry about this at all.

The movie just needs to be released.

I am not afraid that they will question me, nor am I afraid that they will talk about whether these things are false or something else.

Just talking about it will make waves.

Whenever there is doubt, there will be confirmation.

It is far better than being like a pool of stagnant water now.

Regardless of whether it is a positive reaction or a negative reaction, as long as there is a reaction, the next cultural output will be.

It will be much easier to slowly change the minds of the people there.

It is unrealistic to expect that this kind of thing can be completed in one or two days or one month or two.

Ye Yang is busy in the office.

The chief of staff and committee members were supervising the training of the soldiers on the martial arts field.

While preaching to them the importance of this fighting competition.

Wu Xiangzhe also knows very well that all the fighters in the base are looking forward to such a fighting competition.

You can fight alone behind closed doors.

This is a completely different way of presentation than when outsiders come to watch.

For example, when people inside are fighting. 993

Swear a few words.

As a soldier, it is normal for you to say a few words in front of your own people.

When you are confident, it doesn't matter to be aggressive and aggressive, to overwhelm the opponent.

But when someone from Hong Kong Island comes to watch.

This scene must be controlled within a certain range.

In any case, the troops stationed in Hong Kong are the elite among the elite, and their combat scenes are different from those of ordinary troops.

Intense for sure.

At the same time, you should also consider not going too far.

For Ye Yang and Wu Xiangzhe themselves, some aspects are the bloody side of the soldiers.

It’s okay to show it.

But if people on Hong Kong Island see it, they will inevitably have a wrong understanding.

I think the soldiers here are easy to fight and are not as peaceful as the rumors say.

Let such an army take over.

What's the difference between that and now.

Once you have such an idea, it will only have the opposite effect.

It might also bring endless trouble to the subsequent cultural export.

Ye Yang took this into consideration.

Wu Xiangzhe also considered it.

Final requirement.

This fighting competition must not only ensure excitement, but also ensure unity and discipline, rather than simply fighting for who is second.

Who is the most powerful garrison in Hong Kong?

It must be said that many soldiers would have been a little dismissive of this propaganda of Zhengwei.

I think fighting competitions are all about letting go.

As long as you let go of your hands and feet, it will definitely be watchable.

It's not like some peerless master in martial arts novels, who fights with his mind or defeats the enemy with one move or another.

That's nothing to watch.

But it's different now.

They understand the special characteristics of the Hong Kong Garrison and their future mission.

It is even more important to maintain this image.

All aspects need to be considered.

As for the issue of establishing a headquarters, Chief of Staff Cui Bai has temporarily put it aside.

The fighting competition is about to begin.

He couldn't understand more at this time.

Ye Yang was writing the script in his office and making a series of arrangements for the next arrangements.

Wu Xiangzhe was on the martial arts field, supervising and promoting ideological aspects.

Both of them are as busy as spinning tops.

On the contrary, the chief of staff, who should be busy the most, can't do anything by standing aside.

In his eyes, Ye Yang is there to create the script, and he can't help at all.

It can be said that I know nothing about this.

Not even the person who should be in charge of this can do it, let alone him.

It can be said that he goes to the martial arts field to supervise.

He had just come to the base and was not familiar with many things yet.

It's even more inconvenient.

In this atmosphere of intense preparation.

Time soon came to the morning of the third day.

That was the day the Deputy Chief Superintendent of Hong Kong Island came.

The scripts that Ye Yang wanted to prepare were finally all prepared the night before.

All soldiers of the Hong Kong Garrison.

Everything is prepared for the fighting competition.

Just waiting to start. .

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