"Zhou De, are you still a person!?"

In the midst of everyone's gossip about returning the money, Jiang Shanghu suddenly broke out, pointing at Zhou De, who was the first to speak, and began to curse.

"At the beginning, you cried and shouted that you wanted to put the money with me, I didn't want it, you came to beg me for several days, saying that the business is not good, let me earn you some interest money, I saw that you were pitiful before I agreed to you."

"In a few months, you have taken 20,000 or 30,000 yuan in principal and interest for you, and now you are the first to come to me and ask for money with a little bit of trouble?"

Jiang Shanghu's fierce gaze swept over the others present, and no one dared to look at him.

"I, Jiang Shanghu, have been famous in Jinshan County for more than ten years, and I am not a vegetarian, who of you usually dares to show your teeth in front of me?"

"I can tell you now, yes, there is indeed a little problem with the company, but this little trouble, I can still settle it, which of you wants to return the money, all of you will go to my company to register tomorrow, and I will push it off to you within a week!"

After speaking, Jiang Shanghu sneered and continued: "But let's say it first, I will remember all of you who return the money, and if something comes to me in the future, don't blame me for turning my face and not recognizing people."

In the crowd, the corners of Zhou De's mouth twitched.

He thought for a while and said, "Okay, everyone knows each other after all, so let's go back tonight first, and if you want a refund tomorrow, you will go to your company to register, I will definitely go, and I will only give you a week."

After saying that, Zhou De took the lead and left.

The others looked at each other, but they also knew that it was impossible to force Jiang Shanghu to come up with the money tonight, so they had to leave one by one.

Zhou De walked out of Jiang Shanghu's house, and as soon as he got in the car, he immediately made a phone call.

"Governor Jin, today I can be regarded as offending Jiang Shanghu to death."

Zhou De smiled bitterly and told the story.

"Don't say anything else now, Jiang Shanghu will definitely hold a grudge against me, and I ask President Jin to pay more attention to my loan."

A few minutes after Zhou De's phone call ended, Zhao Yun, who was at home, received a call from Jin Kaicheng.

"Brother, what do you say?" Zhao Yun asked directly.

"It's not easy to do, Jiang Shanghu's prestige in Jinshan County is very deep, and ordinary people don't dare to offend him too much, and this person can do the current industry, he does have two skills, he asked those who strongly asked for a refund to go to the company tomorrow to register, promising that the refund money will be in place within a week."

"He's procrastinating." Zhao Yun saw through Jiang Shanghu's trick at a glance and said.

Jin Kaicheng smiled bitterly: "Even if it is delayed, there is no way at present." "

Who said that, tomorrow I will go to his company and there will be a way." Zhao Yun chuckled.

"Then you have to be careful, the dog jumps off the wall when he is in a hurry, not to mention Jiang Shanghu, he is a ruthless person who eats people and does not spit out bones."

Zhao Yun smiled, thanked him politely, and then said a few more words of greeting, and then hung up the phone.

Early the next morning, Zhao Yun got up and went to the economic investigation brigade of the county bureau in charge of economic crimes.

Half an hour later, Zhao Yun came out of the office of the captain of the economic investigation team, confidently took a taxi, and went straight to Jiang Shanghu's company.

Speaking of which, Jiang Shanghu's Tianfeng Investment Company is not far from the location of the company's office chosen by Zhao Yun.

After all, Jinshan County is so big, and the lively and prosperous area is just that place, and it is all around here.

Tianfeng Investment Company occupies a six-story building, and when Zhao Yun got out of the taxi, he saw that many people were already crowded at the door of the company, arguing.

"Register me quickly, I will get my 80,000 yuan back immediately!"

"That's it, and my 40,000 yuan, I want to get it back!"

The crowd was noisy, and almost all of them were investors of varying sizes.

They heard that there was a problem with the capital chain of Tianfon Investment Company, and everyone was worried that their hard-earned money would be wasted, so they came to the door early in the morning to register for a refund.

As soon as he entered the gate, Zhao Yun saw several staff members making a table, and they were hurriedly registering the people and amounts to be refunded one by one.

Jiang Shanghu, on the other hand, stood in the corner with a gloomy face, talking to his subordinates.

Jiang Shanghu saw Zhao Yun walking in with his hands behind his back at a glance.

"Zhao Yun, what are you doing here?!"

When Jiang Shanghu saw Zhao Yun, he had an urge to kill, and asked in a cold tone.

"I heard that Boss Jiang's Tianfeng investment is about to fail, I'll come over to see if it's true."


Jiang Shanghu scolded, "Which dog eye of yours sees that Lao Tzu's company is not working?" The rumors outside are spread by your dog, right?!

Jiang Shanghu stared at Zhao Yun and sneered: "Lao Tzu really regrets not killing you directly, but a dog like you can only do this unsavory means behind your back."

"Now you see, what can you do with me after you have wasted so much effort?"

"Boss Jiang seems to be full of self-confidence." Zhao Yun said calmly.


Jiang Shanghu laughed wildly, he approached Zhao Yun, and said fiercely: "Actually, you are very unwilling and unhappy now, aren't you?" You can't wait to see me defeated, but it's a pity, young man, Jiang is still old and spicy, you have this little means, I will kill you with a raised hand.

"So a week later, what are you going to use to repay these people's money, Boss Jiang?" Is it just the hundreds of thousands on your account? Zhao Yun asked curiously.

Jiang Shanghu narrowed his eyes, sneered and said, "I knew that Jin Kaicheng's dog thing was mixed with you, and he even knew how much money I had in my account?" But don't worry, Lao Tzu has never seen any winds and waves over the years, and this little thing wants to stump Lao Tzu? You dream.

"Zhao Yun, I still say the same thing, you wait for me, whether you believe it or not, when I take this breath, Lao Tzu swears to the sky, I will definitely kill you, and it is the worst way to die!"

"I believe it, of course I do."

Zhao Yun also looked directly at Jiang Shanghu, his eyes were full of sharp light, and he didn't back down at all, "So, this time you breathe, I don't plan to let you breathe." When the

words landed, a tower-like man came to the door of Tianfon Investment Company.

The person who came was Zhao Kui.

He also carried two large suitcases in his hands.

Zhao Yun took the suitcase, opened it directly, and put the bundles of hundred-yuan bills inside in front of everyone's eyes.

"Everyone, Tianfeng Company is already finished, otherwise why would Jiang Shanghu propose a one-week delay? Now I ask you to immediately take the investment agreement to force Jiang Shanghu to repay the money, now he still has some assets, and when he transfers the assets in this week, I am afraid that your hard-earned money will be wasted.

"Of course, I won't let you do it in vain, whoever uses the agreement to force Jiang Shanghu to repay the money now will immediately come to me to receive 10,000 yuan in cash."

The crowd was immediately sensational, and everyone gathered around.

Even Jiang Shanghu was squeezed away.

Jiang Shanghu glared at Zhao Yun in disbelief, and roared with cracking teeth: "Zhao Yun, you are so fucking despicable, you can't die well!".

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