After Sun Dehong, the manager of the operation department of Perfect Company, received Bai Yibai's report, he didn't care much about it, and directly threw the report aside.

In his opinion, the game "Zhu Xian" launched by their perfect company is so popular and loved by players, it is normal for there to be plagiarism.

In addition to plagiarism, "Zhu Xian" even has the trouble of plug-ins and private servers.

These problems have already made Perfect Company a little tired.

If every game that plagiarized their company had to be held accountable one by one, then Perfect Company didn't have to do anything else, just stared at these companies every day.

Bai Yibai never expected that he originally wanted to use Perfect Company to destroy the game "Zhu Shen", but it turned out to be very different from what he expected.

In the blink of an eye, it has entered July, and the game "Zhu Shen" has been online for a month.

Inside the Internet café.

As soon as Zhang Yu parked his 28 bars at the door of the Internet café, Huang Qiang came out of it with a smile on his face and welcomed him in.

"Brother, you are here, I have a great joy to tell you.

Huang Qiang pulled Zhang Yu to sit in front of the computer at the front desk of the Internet café, and then pointed to the computer screen and said to Zhang Yu: "You look at the data of our game "Zhu Shen", it has only been online for a month, and the number of registrations has exceeded 500,000, I didn't expect it."

Zhang Yu looked at the computer screen in the direction of the other party's finger, and when he looked at the data on it, he just smiled slightly, and he was not too excited.

Huang Qiang saw that Zhang Yu's reaction was so flat, and said in surprise: "Brother, aren't you surprised at all by this result?"

"This is 500,000 registrations."

Zhang Yu said lightly: "I know this is 500,000, but do you know how many people have registered for the game "Zhu Xian" now?"

Huang Qiang heard Zhang Yu's words, and the happy look on his face suddenly disappeared.

Indeed, it is indeed gratifying that "Zhu Shen" has received 500,000 registrations within a month of its launch.

But compared with the popular game "Zhu Xian", there is still a big gap.

If you compare these two games together, the number of 500,000 people in "Zhu Shen" is not very much.

Zhang Yu looked at Huang Qiang and said with a smile: "Brother Qiang, you don't have to be so disappointed, after all, "Zhu Xian" is backed by a domestic game giant like Perfect Company, and the resources it has are not comparable to us.

"I came to you today to tell you that I have already built the recharge platform for "Zhu Shen".

When Huang Qiang heard Zhang Yu's words, his eyes suddenly showed joy, and he said excitedly: "Brother, have you finally figured it out, are you going to plan to engage in krypton gold activities?"

Zhang Yu bowed slightly and said: "Actually, I am not against the game of krypton, after all, only by recharging the player's krypton, we can quickly make huge profits." "

For an online game, the most profitable thing is the krypton gold activity.

Whether it's equipment or skins, these are probably hard to find for players.

But for online game companies, these things are just a matter of typing a few more lines of code, and the cost is almost zero.

It is precisely for this reason that game companies are so happy to engage in various krypton activities.

Just like the game "Zhu Xian", it is clear that players are very disgusted by Perfect Company's excessive krypton behavior, don't

Perfect Company know? It is impossible for Perfect Company not to know, but even if they do, they are not willing to stop.

Because the huge profits involved in this are too great, no one can easily give up such a big profit.

Huang Qiang heard Zhang Yu's words, and hurriedly said: "It's great that you can think like this, so when will we start launching this recharge mall?"

Zhang Yu thought for a while and said: "Then arrange to go online at eight o'clock tomorrow night, you let people promote it in the game's world channel in advance, and make this popularity first."

Huang Qiang said with a smile: "Don't worry about this, I promise to make it prosperous."

Zhang Yu said: "Now that "Zhu Shen" has been online for a month, how is

the advertising revenue?" Zhang Yu thinks that the advertising revenue can start to settle.

After all, since the game "Zhu Shen" was launched for a month, he hasn't shared a penny.

Huang Qiang heard Zhang Yu's words, patted his forehead lightly and said, "Look at my memory, I wanted to talk to you about this yesterday, but I forgot about it, you wait for me."

Then Huang Qiang walked to the back office, took out an account book and handed it to Zhang Yu.

"This is the advertising revenue of "Zhu Shen" this month, a total of 450,000. "

Although there are very few advertising spaces for the game "Zhu Shen", the growth rate of users is fast.

Because the advertising space of "Zhu Shen" is changed once a week, and it can be changed four times a month.

At the beginning, the first round of advertising space sold for 50,000 yuan.

But when the second round of advertising space was rented, it was directly sold for 80,000 yuan.

Because at this time, many people began to notice the sharp increase in the number of users of the game "Zhu Shen".

In this case, it is a very cost-effective transaction to buy the advertising space of "Zhu Shen", so many advertisers have joined, which has led to the price of advertising space of "Zhu Shen" rising.

By the time of the latest round of advertising space leasing, the advertising revenue in a single week had exceeded 200,000.

Zhang Yu took the account book and looked through it briefly, then handed it back to Huang Qiang.

"Nowadays, the number of users of the game "Zhu Shen" is still growing, and the subsequent servers may not be enough, so we need to leave some money for server expansion. "

This month, we will take out 200,000 yuan to divide it first, and the remaining 280,000 yuan will be stored in your place first, and see if there is anything that needs to be spent in "Zhu Shen", it will be used to solve it, there is no problem, right?"

Zhang Yu looked at Huang Qiang on the side.

After all, he and Huang Qiang are partners, even if the other party does not have a lot of say in the game "Zhu Shen", he still needs to ask the other party's opinion.

Huang Qiang hurriedly nodded and said, "No problem, no problem at all."

Zhang Yu said: "Since this is the case, according to the three or seven accounts we said before, you are 60,000 and I am 140,000."

Huang Qiang said: "Then I will go to the bank tomorrow to transfer money to you, and you can provide me with the account number."

When Zhang Yu heard this, he shook his head slightly: "You can't transfer money, you can just exchange it for cash for me."

When Huang Qiang heard this, he was immediately stunned.

He didn't understand why Zhang Yu wanted cash, was it because he didn't like the bank transfer was not convenient enough, or did he think that the cash of hundreds of thousands was not heavy enough

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