"Brother, what are you thinking about so distracted?"

Huang Qiang saw that Zhang Yu was a little distracted, and gently pushed the other party's shoulder.

Zhang Yu, who came back to his senses, looked at

Huang Qiang and said, "Brother Qiang, what did you just say?" Huang Qiang showed a helpless look on his face and asked, "What did I say you were thinking?"

Zhang Yu said: "Actually, there is nothing, I am a little curious about what the people of Jiucheng Company are looking for us to cooperate with, but I will know the day after tomorrow, and it is useless to think too much at this time."

Huang Qiang nodded slightly and said: "Indeed, it's useless to think too much about this kind of thing, anyway, we will meet the day after tomorrow, and when the time comes, we will listen to what the other party wants to do, and you will follow at that time, right?"

Zhang Yu nodded slightly.

"It just so happens that I also want to hear what is going on with the other party, if there is nothing going on, then I will go back first, and don't forget to help me withdraw the money tomorrow.

Zhang Yu instructed Huang Qiang not to forget to understand that he took out the 140,000 yuan he had allocated from the bank, and then rode home on the gurgling 28 bars.

Zhang Jiang drove back from the town in his small bridge car.

"I heard something when I was having dinner with Director Li just now, the sword enshrined in the Heavenly Master Temple in our town was stolen.

When Zhang Jiang got home, he pulled Liu Lan to the side and whispered to the other party about it.

When Liu Lan heard this, a look of surprise appeared on her face.

"Could it be that you're talking about the sword that is rumored to be five hundred years old?"

Zhang Jiang nodded slightly.

"I heard Director Li say, that's not a rumor, experts from the province have verified it before, and the sword in our Heavenly Master Temple is indeed five hundred years old, and I heard that it is a very valuable antique.

"At the beginning, those experts wanted to bring the sword back to the provincial museum, but they were stopped by the people from the Heavenly Master Temple, who said that they were not willing to take it away from them.

"I heard that the people above also planned to strengthen the security of this sword, but I didn't expect it to be stolen a month ago.

When Liu Lan heard this, a look of pain appeared on her face, as if the sword she had lost was her own.

Zhang Jiang drank a little wine, his cheeks were slightly red, and he said, "I heard that Director Li has sent all his men out to find that sword, and I heard that as long as you can provide clues to the sword, you can get a lot of money."

After saying this, Zhang Jiang felt a little dizzy, so he walked to the room and got ready to sleep.

Liu Lan heard that there was a reward, and asked Zhang Jiang's back: "Director Li didn't say how much money is available for providing

clues?" Zhang Jiang muttered: "If you provide useful clues, you will be given 1,000, and if you catch the thief, you will be rewarded with an additional 200,000."

Although Zhang Jiang's voice was very small, Liu Lan still heard it.

When she heard that there was a reward of 200,000 for the person who caught the thief, her eyes flashed with greed.

Then she sighed slightly, and she had no clue.

Suddenly, Liu Lan's head flashed the scene of going to Zhang Yu's house to ask for money.

Thinking of Zhang Yu taking out more than 20,000 yuan with an arrogant and proud face at that time, Liu Lan now wonders where the other party's money came from.

Moreover, Liu Lan also heard that the operation that Li Hongmei performed in the hospital cost more than 100,000 yuan, which does not include the follow-up medication costs.

Liu Lan knew very well in her heart that Li Hongmei's family would never be able to hold so much money.

If the other party's family really has hundreds of thousands, she has already taken out the money when she came to collect debts many times.

In other words, it is very likely that Li Hongmei's surgery fee was obtained by Zhang Yu alone and did not know where to get it.

How can Zhang Yu, a high school student, get more than 100,000 yuan

in a short period of time? Before, Liu Lan couldn't figure out how Zhang Yu could get so much money in such a short time, but now when she heard Zhang Jiang's words, a bold idea suddenly rose in Liu Lan's heart.

Otherwise, there would be

no way to explain why Zhang Yu, a high school student, got hundreds of thousands of dollars in a short period of time.

Even if it wasn't the sword that Zhang Yu stole from, it couldn't get out of the other party, maybe Zhang Yu was also one of the accomplices of the gang of thieves.

Thinking of this, Liu Lan's eyes flashed with a greedy look.


Zhang Yu came to the Internet café from home with a worn-out army-green backpack.

"Brother Qiang, have you taken out the money?"

Huang Qiang nodded slightly, and then took Zhang Yu to the office in the Internet café and locked the door, and then Huang Qiang took out stacks of red tickets from the safe.

"A total of 140,000, do you click if there is a problem.

"I don't understand, why do you still need cash when transferring money now?"

After taking out all the fourteen red tickets, Huang Qiang looked at Zhang Yu with a puzzled look in his eyes.

Zhang Yu stepped forward and put a stack of tickets into the army-green backpack he brought.

"You don't need to order money, I believe that Brother Qiang is a human being.

"As for why I want cash, keep it a secret for the time being, you'll find out later."

After putting all the tickets into the backpack, Zhang Yu said again: "By the way, my mother is going to invite you to dinner, do you have time these days

?" Huang Qiang heard this, and his face showed a look of surprise: "Why?"

Then Zhang Yu had a smile on his face, rubbed his hands, and was a little embarrassed to tell Huang Qiang about the things he had hidden from Zhang's mother.

Huang Qiang heard Zhang Yu's explanation, and showed a puzzled look on his face: "No, I didn't give you money a month ago, and at that time, "Zhu Shen" had just been launched not long ago, where did you get

so much money?" Zhang Yu said with a smile: "Brother Qiang, I naturally have other ways to deal with this money, you don't have to ask so much, you just need to tell me, just help me with this."

When Huang Qiang heard Zhang Yu's words, his eyes changed slightly when he looked at the other party.

He found that the more he came into contact with Zhang Yu, the more the eighteen-year-old boy in front of him gave him a shocking feeling.

Whenever he thought he was going to see through the other party, he found that there was always an extra layer of fog on the other party's body that made it difficult to see.

Huang Qiang said with a smile: "No problem, this matter is on me, we are all brothers, how could I not help with this matter."

Zhang Yu heard this, and then took out a newly bought mobile phone from his pocket.

"It just so happened that I bought a mobile phone, so we can leave a phone call for each other and keep in touch when the time comes.

When Huang Qiang saw that Zhang Yu bought the phone, he immediately felt like crying.

Dude, you've finally bought a phone.

In this way, there is no way for my brother to find you when he doesn't have to think about you in the future.

Huang Qiang thought of the powerlessness that he couldn't find Zhang Yu before, and he felt so aggrieved.

So Huang Qiang reported his phone number, and then Zhang Yu dialed the other party's mobile phone to leave his own number, and then the two parties stored their respective numbers.

After taking care of Huang Qiang's side, Zhang Yu put on the army green backpack and left.

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