Zhang Yu's face was gloomy, and his sharp eyes stared at the inch-headed policeman.

"What are you shouting here, who gave you the power to arrest people at will, believe it or not, I'm going to report you directly?"

"Zhang Yu, we have received a report that we suspect that you are related to the sword stolen from the Jiujiang Heavenly Master Temple, and we are handling the relevant summons procedures, but I hope you can go back with us first to cooperate with the investigation, if we find out that you have nothing to do with this matter, we will naturally let you back."

When Zhang Yu heard Li Guoqing's words, the dusty memories in his mind suddenly emerged.

He remembered that in his previous life, the sword of their Jiujiang Heavenly Master Temple had indeed been stolen.

At that time, after this incident was exposed, it caused a huge sensation in Jiujiang.

Because the sword of the Heavenly Master Temple has a very special meaning for the people of Jiujiang, everyone likes to go to the Heavenly Master Temple to worship during the New Year's Festival, and will give this sword a pillar of incense and beg for good luck.

Because there is a legend in Jiujiang, that is, the sword in the Temple of the Heavenly Master is the weapon used by their Heavenly Master when he hoeed the strong and helped the weak, and it has long been psychic, and if you beg sincerely, you can get the protection of the sword.

Although Zhang Yu felt that this kind of talk was a bit nonsense, this did not affect the important position of the sword of the Heavenly Master Temple in the hearts of the people of Jiujiang.

Later, half a year after the sword was stolen, it was seized by the customs, and the suspects were also arrested, and the truth of the case was finally revealed.

It turned out that this sword was stolen by a cook in the Heavenly Master Temple, because the wind was too tight, so he kept hiding the sword under the bed board in his room and was not found.

It wasn't until half a year later that he found that the rumors were not so tight, so he contacted the seller and prepared to partner to send the sword abroad, but he didn't expect to be caught when he passed through customs.

When Zhang Yu heard about this, he immediately scoffed at the personnel handling the case.

So many of you have been investigating for so long, and you didn't expect the sword to be hidden under your noses, and as a result, none of you found it.

Zhang Yu also heard that the director of their Jiujiang Police Station took the initiative to resign because of this disadvantage, and he thought that he was the person in front of him.

Zhang Yu came back to his senses, looked at Li Guoqing in front of him with sharp eyes, and said in a deep voice: "The sword theft case in your mouth has nothing to do with me, you have found the wrong person, I suggest you go back and investigate the people in the Heavenly Master Temple."

Li Guoqing was slightly stunned when he heard Zhang Yu's words.

At this time, Liu Lan squeezed in from outside.

"Director Li, what are you talking about here, just arrest him back, it must be him who stole the private room.

Zhang Yu looked at Liu Lan, who walked in with an arrogant look on her face, and her face suddenly became gloomy.

"Liu Lan, I have no grievances with you, why do you slander me like this?" Liu Lan

was frightened by Zhang Yu's voice and her feet retreated slightly, and when she came back to her senses and saw that there were so many policemen around, her courage increased.

"Zhang Yu, you stinky boy, I have already seen that you are not a good thing when you were young, you look like a thief, I didn't expect that when I grew up, I would even dare to steal the sword of the Heavenly Master Temple.

Then Liu Lan turned her head to look at Li Guoqing.

"Director Li, you don't have to talk nonsense with him, just arrest him back and torture him, I don't believe him doesn't say it, if it doesn't work, arrest his mother back, he loves his mother the most, when the time comes, he will use his mother to blackmail the other party, he will definitely say everything."

When Li Guoqing heard this, his brows furrowed, and a trace of anger flashed in his eyes and he scolded: "Liu Lan, what nonsense are you talking about, we are law enforcement officers, not bandits and hooligans, you shut up for me."

After Zhang Yu heard Liu Lan's words, he said to Liu Lan with a monstrous anger on his face: "You tell me again, what did you do to my mother, if my mother has anything long, I must kill you."

Liu Lan saw Zhang Yu's expression excited, and hid behind a young policeman with a timid expression on her face: "Director Li, you also heard what Zhang Yu said just now, he actually wants to kill him, see that he is not a good person, hurry up and arrest him."

Li Guoqing kept a straight face and stared at Zhang Yu with sharp eyes.

Zhang Yu dared to say that he would kill others in front of so many law enforcement officers, which was simply too arrogant.

Li Guoqing said to Zhang Yu, who was excited: "Zhang Yu, calm me down, your mother is nothing serious, she is just in a coma, and I have sent her to the hospital."

"She fainted because she was worried about you, and if you don't want your mother to worry, hurry up and explain your problem."

Zhang Yu heard that Zhang's mother was nothing serious, and his emotions slowly calmed down, but his face was very gloomy.

"Director Li, I don't know what your problem is?" What questions do I have to explain

?" Liu Lan shouted: "Zhang Yu, do you think no one knows what you

did?" "Where did the hundreds of thousands of dollars that your mother had surgery come from?" "Where did the hundreds of thousands of dollars

hidden in your house come from?"

Isn't that money like you stole and sold the sword of the Heavenly Master Temple, and if you can have so much money, you can make so much money just because you are a poor ghost and have the ability?"

Zhang Yu heard this, and his eyes when he looked at Liu Lan suddenly became sharp: "You shut up for me, if you force it again, believe it or not, I will tear your mouth apart?"

Liu Lan was immediately frightened by Zhang Yu's fierce appearance, and the whole person hid behind the police.

Li Guoqing saw that Zhang Yu was still so arrogant in front of him, and his face suddenly became a little unbearable, and he said in a deep voice: "Zhang Yu, we found an army-green backpack from under your bed, which contained 140,000 yuan in cash, and please tell me how the money came from."

Zhang Yu said lightly: "I earned all this money, can't I?"

Liu Lan popped out of her head and said: "You also have the ability to make so much money, steal it."

Zhang Yu's sharp gaze swept towards Liu Lan, and the latter was immediately frightened and hid behind the police.

The young policeman who was pulled by Liu Lan as a shield was full of helplessness, he really wanted to ask Liu Lan, you are really a fucking talent, you are obviously afraid of the other party, why do you want to come out again and again to provoke the other party.

Li Guoqing asked, "Who can prove it?" "

I can prove that the money was earned by Zhang Yu legally." Huang Qiang stepped forward at this time and said, looking at Li Guoqing with a playful look on his face.

"My Director Li, you are so powerful, why don't you also take me back and interrogate me if I am Zhang Yu's accomplice?"

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