Huang Jun knew that when Fengsheng Company was in contact with Wood and Stone Building Materials Company, a plan suddenly popped up in his heart.

Now that there is such a good opportunity to hit Fengsheng Company in front of him, Huang Jun feels that it would be a pity if he didn't cherish it.

"Secretary Ma, you immediately go and tell Mr. Pang of the wood and stone building materials company that our company is willing to pay 150 million to buy their company.

When Ma Wenzhao heard this, he said anxiously: "Boss, didn't you just say that the accounts receivable of the wood and stone building materials company are false, since this is the case, do you still want

to buy this company?" Ma Wenzhao couldn't imagine that his boss was planning to buy this company when he knew that the wood and stone building materials company was making false accounts.

The most important thing is that it has to raise the price of the acquisition.


Jun saw Ma Wenzhao's puzzled face, and said with a smile: "You just do what I say."

When Ma Wenzhao heard Huang Jun's words, no matter how doubtful he was in his heart, he could only do what Huang Jun ordered.

Bac Giang Qingzhou.

The office of the chairman of the board of directors of wood and stone building materials company.

Pang Zemin sat in the wide boss's chair and frowned, his fingers still holding a cigarette, but he was not in the mood to smoke at this time, and there was a long strip of burned soot on the cigarette.

He received a notice from the Shanhai Company in Nanjiang and Haizhou, saying that it would postpone the originally scheduled signing time.

When he heard the news, Pang Zemin began to feel uneasy.

You must know that Shanhai Company was very satisfied with their wood and stone building materials company before, and the acquisition negotiations between the two sides were also going smoothly.

But why did Shanhai Company propose to launch and sign the acquisition agreement at this time?

At this time, the cigarette that he had caught in his finger had already burned to the butt of the cigarette, and a burning sensation suddenly came, and Pang Zemin, who was in pain, bared his teeth and hurriedly threw the cigarette in his hand into the ashtray on the table.

"Chairman, good news, good news.

At this time, Pang Zemin's secretary Zhao Dong strode in, his face full of excitement.

"What good news, Shanhai Company has postponed the acquisition signing, and I'm very annoyed now.

After Pang Zemin blew a few breaths on his fingers, he sat back on the chair with a huff.

Zhao Dong hurriedly walked up to him and said, "Chairman, I just received a call from Fengsheng Real Estate Company in Haizhou, and they are also willing to buy our company, and they also bid 100 million and 100 million.

When Pang Zemin heard this, his face showed joy, and he suddenly stood up from the boss's chair and said excitedly: "What you said is true?"

Zhao Dong's head kept nodding like pounding garlic.

"I have investigated clearly, this Fengsheng real estate company turned out to be in competition with Shanhai real estate company, it seems that Shanhai company did not know how to leak the news of the acquisition of our company, so that Fengsheng company came to us to talk about the acquisition.

When Pang Zemin heard this, he reacted and said: "So that's the case, no wonder Fengsheng Company's bid to acquire us is one million higher than Shanhai Company's offer, it seems that he has even figured out Shanhai Company's offer, so he plans to cut it halfway."

Zhao Dong said with a smile: "We don't care whether Fengsheng Company is a Hu Shanhai Company or not, for us, as long as we can sell the wood and stone building materials company at a high price."

Pang Zemian nodded and said with a smile: "You're right, for us, whoever offers the highest price, we will sell it to whomever we want."

"It just so happens that Shanhai Company wants to postpone the acquisition contract, so we will sell the company to Fengsheng Company, you go and arrange it immediately, and contact the other party as soon as possible to sign the acquisition contract."

When Zhao Dong heard this, he left with a smile on his face.

As for what is the current situation of the wood and stone building materials company, Zhao Dong is naturally very clear in his heart.

It can be said that at this time, the wood and stone building materials company sells at any price.

The most important thing is that Pang Zemin promised him that once the company is really sold, he can still get a share of it.

In other words, the higher the amount sold by the wood and stone building materials company, the more money he will receive, and Zhao Dong is naturally very happy.

Haizhou, the office of the chairman of the board of directors of Harvest Real Estate Company.

Mo Huili, who is in his fifties, sat at his desk and looked at the financial statements and other information of the wood and stone building materials company on the table.

"Qian Bin, are you sure that there is no problem with these materials?" Mo

Huili raised his head and looked at Qian Bin, the secretary standing next to him, with an inquiring look in his eyes.

Qian Bin nodded slightly: "I have investigated, and the information provided by the wood and stone building materials company is true, and it is not a big problem."

When Mo Huili heard this, he looked down at the information on the desktop.

Qian Bin saw Mo Huili like this, and asked suspiciously: "Mr. Mo, is there something wrong here?"

Mo Huili raised his head, frowned slightly, and his eyes were full of solemn looks.

"From these information, it can be seen that this wood and stone building materials company does have a lot of high-quality customers in Qingzhou, but this company has lost money for two years in the past two years, and its operating income has also declined very badly.

When Qian Bin heard this, he said with a smile: "Mr. Mo, what's so curious about this, didn't you see that their company had 450 million accounts receivable five years ago?"

When Mo Huili heard this, there was a thoughtful look in his eyes.

"What you mean is that the reason why Shanhai Company is interested in this company is this money.

Qian Bin nodded slightly.

"I have also seen the 500 million bad debts, of which 50 million affiliated companies have declared bankruptcy in the past few years, and it seems that they will not be able to recover them at all.

"The remaining 450 million are all state-owned enterprises in Qingzhou. "

Mr. Mo, you also know that the old man of Huang Jun of Shanhai Company also had a lot of official connections in the early years, and it seems that he still has a few protégés who are now working in Beijiang.

"I guess Huang Jun is determined that he can recover the 450 million yuan of this state-owned enterprise, and he should plan to recover the money through this relationship.

Mo Huili nodded and said: "Indeed, the old man of Huang Jun was also quite prestigious in the official field in the early years, and it seems that Huang Jun also plans to borrow this connection to get back the 450 million."

"Although I don't have the same official connections as Huang Jun, I have my own way to recover the accounts of these state-owned enterprises."

Qian Bin said with a smile: "Mr. Mo is right when he says this."

"You must know that once the 450 million is recovered, then after deducting the 200 million in accounts payable and the 100 million and 100 million we bid, we will still make a lot of money at that time."

Mo Huili nodded slightly: "What you said makes sense, it seems that Huang Jun really found a piece of "fat" this time."

Qian Bin said with a smile: "Even if he Huang Jun did find a piece of "fat meat", it would be useless, wouldn't it be cheaper

in the end, Mr. Mo?" "Huang Jun would never have thought that we already knew the price at which he acquired Wood and Stone Building Materials Company, and we only need to increase by one million to gain the upper hand in this acquisition war."

"I have already communicated with the people on the Wood and Stone Building Materials side, as long as there is no problem on our side, we can complete the acquisition contract at any time."

When Mo Huili heard this, he nodded and said: "Since this is the case, this matter should not be delayed for too long, you go and finalize this acquisition as soon as possible, and you must buy the wood and stone building materials company in front of Huang Jun." "

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