Infinite Games, Inc.

Zhang Yu sat at his desk and looked at a series of codes on the computer screen, and a young man of only twenty-four years old was standing next to him with a pair of tired eyes.

"You wrote all this code by yourself?" Zhang

Yu raised his head and looked at the young man in front of him, the other party was called Jin Hanmin, one of the ten new technicians recruited by their Wuji Game Company.

Jin Hanmin nodded and said, "That's right, I typed out these codes myself, boss, I shouldn't have a problem with these codes, right?" After Jin Hanmin said

this, a nervous look appeared on his face.

Because it only took him 60 hours to complete the project, which was 12 hours less than the 72 hours stipulated by Zhang Yu.

At the beginning, Zhang Yu promised that as long as they completed the task an hour early, they could get a reward of 1,000 yuan, and 12 hours in advance would be 12,000.

At this time, Jin Hanmin was a little worried that there would be a problem with the code he wrote, so it would be easy to leave him in Zhang Yu's heart that he was a person who wrote code casually in order to get a reward.

Huang Qiang sat on the sofa in the office and asked suspiciously: "Jin Hanmin, are you sure that you have completed the task arranged by Mr. Zhang in just 60 hours, and you go outside to take a look, everyone else is still struggling to type the code, but you have already completed it?"

Huang Qiang was skeptical that Jin Hanmin only spent 60 hours to complete the target code.

In his opinion, it is very likely that Jin Hanmin deliberately cheated for Zhang Yu's bonus.

When Jin Hanmin heard Huang Qiang's words, his face immediately showed an aggrieved look.

Zhang Yu interrupted Huang Qiang's words: "Brother Qiang, you misunderstood him, I just took a look at the code he wrote, and then tried to run it, there is indeed no problem, and the completion is very good."

Huang Qiang didn't say anything more when he heard Zhang Yu's words.

He has a hundred trusts in Zhang Yu's technology, and since Zhang Yu said that there is no problem, then there must be no problem.

Zhang Yu looked at Jin Hanmin and said: "Jin Hanmin, you don't have to be nervous, I am very satisfied with the task you have completed, and the conditions promised before will naturally not be broken, just go to the finance tomorrow to receive a bonus of 12,000."

When Jin Hanmin heard this, his face showed joy and kept thanking Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu interrupted the other party's words of thanks and asked, "It seems that your computer technology is also very good, where did you learn it?"

Jin Hanmin hurriedly said: "Mr. Zhang, I am a 2007 graduate of the Computer Science Department of Haizhou University, and I have been at home for the past two years after graduation.

When it came to the end, Kim Hanmin had an embarrassed look on his face.

With the outbreak of the financial crisis in the past two years, many domestic Internet companies have been tightened by clothes, but there are not many Internet companies in Haizhou.

Therefore, even if Jin Hanmin is a computer graduate of Haizhou University, he can't find a suitable job in Haizhou for a while, so he has to stay at home.

Of course, Jin Hanmin is not idle at home, but often finds various masters in various computer groups to learn from each other, and it is precisely because of this that he will graduate to the present, even if he has no job, he has more superb skills than those who have work experience outside.

Zhang Yu said with a smile on his face: "I didn't expect you to be the senior brother of our computer science department of Haida.

When Jin Hanmin heard this, he asked with a surprised look on his face: "Mr. Zhang, are you also from our school?" Zhang

Yu nodded slightly and said: "I am a freshman in the Department of Computer Science of Haizhou University this year, I should call you senior brother."

When Kim Hanmin heard this, his face was full of shock.

He didn't expect that the biggest boss of his company was actually his junior brother, and the most important thing was that his junior brother had already developed "Zhu Shen", a popular game with a monthly turnover of more than 2,000, just a freshman.

"Mr. Zhang is polite, don't call me senior brother like this, I'm under a lot of pressure. An embarrassed smile appeared on Jin Hanmin's face: "When I came to the company, I heard that the game "Zhu Shen" was developed and written by you alone, but I am full of admiration for you, compared with you, my skills still have a lot to learn."

Zhang Yu also smiled when he heard this, and did not continue to chat with the other party.

"I'll give you a day off today to go back and have a good rest, and tomorrow I will send you a new project, the deadline is still 72 hours, as long as you finish it an hour early, you will be rewarded with a thousand yuan.

"At the same time, you will be the head of your department in the future, and those people outside will obey your management in the future."

When Jin Hanmin heard this, he said with an incredible look on his face: "Mr. Zhang, I became a supervisor not long after I joined the company, I....."Zhang

Yu waved his hand to interrupt the other party's words and said: "You don't have to worry too much about these, just tell me whether you have the confidence to do this job well."

Jin Hanmin looked at Zhang Yu with a look of trust on his face, so he quickly nodded and said, "Mr. Zhang, don't worry, even if I, Jin Hanmin, have to do this job well."

Zhang Yu was very satisfied with his answer and signaled that the other party could go out.

"Brother Qiang, how are the new recruits?"

Huang Qiang said: "My side has been constantly screening, and there are currently twenty people who have passed the preliminary examination, and the others are still being selected."

When Zhang Yu heard this, he thought for a while, then picked up a USB flash drive on the table and copied a copy of the information and handed it to Huang Qiang.

"In this way, these people who have passed the initial examination will do the projects in this USB flash drive when they take the retest, and as long as they can complete it within an hour, they can be recruited.

"Later, other personnel don't have to do anything else when they take the initial test, and they can directly use this project to assess, as long as they can be completed within an hour, they can be recruited."

When Huang Qiang heard this, he looked at the USB flash drive in his hand and asked suspiciously: "Is this really feasible?"

Zhang Yu said with a smile: "No problem, the project in this USB flash drive is very interesting, if he has no technology, it is difficult to fish in troubled waters, and if he has real skills, then the more such people, the better, we can all stay and cultivate well." "

Fullness Real Estate Company.

Mo Huili was sitting in the office approving documents, and his secretary Qian Bin walked in from outside in a panic.

"Boss, it's not good, I just received a notice that Shanhai Real Estate Company poached three middle-level backbone elites of our company, and also robbed five of our customers.

When Mo Huili heard this, the pen in his hand was slammed on the table by him, staring at Qian Bin with wide eyes and said: "Is he Huang Jun crazy, is he going to provoke a fight between our

two companies?" Although the two companies have always been competitive, and the two sides have always been aimed at each other, everyone has tried not to go too far and control the friction within a controllable range.

After all, both parties know very well in their hearts that once they really provoke each other, it will not be a good thing for either party to start a fight between the two companies when the time comes.

Maybe they will lose both sides of the fight when the time comes, but they will benefit the other fishermen.

But now that Huang Jun's behavior has exceeded the limit of Mo Huili's patience, isn't the other party worried about Mo Huili's strong counterattack?

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