Jin Hanmin looked at Zhang Yu and Huang Qiang who were standing next to him, with a nervous look on his face, and hurriedly got up from his seat.

"Mr. Zhang, Mr. Huang, I don't know when my computer was infected with this virus, and I didn't find this virus prompt when I used Jinshan antivirus software before.

At this time, Jin Hanmin was very nervous.

Because he didn't know if the virus in his computer had infected other computers in the company through the internal network.

If this really happens, in case the company holds him accountable, then he is really sad.

Zhang Yu noticed the nervousness on Jin Hanmin's face, and said with a smile: "You don't have to be so nervous, the antivirus software that you downloaded just now was just developed by our company."

"And I developed this antivirus software specifically to deal with this virus called the S worm, which is the virus you see now.

Xiao Tian asked: "Mr. Zhang, why can our company's antivirus software find this virus, but Ruixin and Jinshan antivirus software have not found this virus?"

Zhang Yu said with a smile: "Your question is to the key point, and this is why I want to develop Wuji antivirus software."

"This S worm virus has not been discovered and disclosed in other parts of the world for the time being, so it is natural that there will be no information about it in these domestic antivirus software databases, let alone find it and kill it." When

the people around heard Zhang Yu's words, their faces showed incredible expressions.

Jin Hanmin asked in surprise: "Mr. Zhang, do you mean that this S worm virus can only be detected by our company's software?"

Zhang Yu smiled and nodded.

Huang Qiang opened his mouth and said: "You don't have to be so surprised, your Mr. Zhang's skills are very powerful."

"Don't stand here and gather, let's go back to work."

Then Huang Qiang's eyes looked at Jin Hanmin.

"Jin Hanmin, don't bring this computer to the company in the future, although our company's antivirus software has suppressed the other party's broadcast path, but it can't guarantee 100% success, in case it spreads and infects all the computers of the company's entire company.

When Jin Hanmin heard this, he hurriedly nodded and said, "Mr. Huang, don't worry, I'll change the computer as soon as I go back."

Zhang Yu and Huang Qiang also left here and returned to the office.

"Brother, your technology really surprises me more and more, and now the viruses that can't be detected by the domestic antivirus software giants are easily detected by the technology you developed.

Zhang Yu sat on the sofa and took a sip of the coffee cup beside him.

"Brother Qiang, there is nothing strange about this, the biggest problem in front of us now is how to promote our antivirus software.

When Huang Qiang heard this, a glimmer of light appeared in his eyes, and he said excitedly: "That's right, now that the antivirus software you have developed is so powerful that even viruses that can't be detected by other software can be detected, then the competitiveness of our antivirus software is simply invincible."

"In this way, I will take care of this matter, and I promise that our software will become the latest 'dark horse' in the antivirus software industry in a short period of time."

When Zhang Yu heard this, his face became solemn and he shook his head slightly.

When Huang Qiang saw Zhang Yu's reaction, he was puzzled and asked, "Brother, your expression doesn't look very excited, what's wrong?"

Zhang Yu looked at Huang Qiang and said in a deep voice: "Brother Qiang, you are still too naïve, and now the domestic antivirus software industry has been completely divided into three parts of the world by Ruixin, Jinshan and Jiangmin."

"It's going to be hard for our antivirus software to break out of this situation.

When Huang Qiang heard this, he said in disbelief: "I don't believe it, you must know that our "Zhu Shen" has seven million users, and when I put this software into our game to promote, I don't believe that I can't kill a bloody way."

When Zhang Yu heard this, he didn't say anything.

When Zhang Yu left the company and was about to return to school, he was stopped downstairs by a man in black.

"Is it Mr. Zhang Yu?" Zhang Yu

looked at the man dressed in black in front of him, and he could feel that the muscles under the other party's clothes had extremely explosive power.

Zhang Yu's brows frowned slightly, and a look of caution appeared in the depths of his eyes, and he felt that the person in front of him was not simple.

The man in black seemed to see Zhang Yu's nervousness, and said, "You don't have to be nervous, it's just that someone wants to see you, and I ask you to come with me."

Zhang Yu frowned and said, "

I don't know you, why should I go with you?" "I still have something to go first, don't stop me."

Just when Zhang Yu was about to turn around and hide in this person, he suddenly saw the other party take out a document from his pocket, and when he saw the content on the document, Zhang Yu was stunned.

The man in black said, "Can you go with me now?"

Zhang Yu nodded slightly, and then followed the other party towards a black business car in the distance.

"Mr. Zhang, please get in the car. The

man in black opened the door of the business car and said to Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu didn't hesitate at all and got into the car directly.

There are two rows of seats facing each other, and a small square table in the middle.

And a middle-aged man with a blank face was sitting on a chair with his eyes closed.

"Are you

Zhang Yu?" After Zhang Yu got into the car and sat down, the car door was also closed, and then the middle-aged man sitting opposite Zhang Yu suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu nodded slightly: "I'm Zhang Yu, I don't know who you are?"

The middle-aged man said: "I'm Dong Wanhai from the information network security department, I guess you have already guessed why I'm looking for you, right?" When Zhang Yu heard the middle-aged man's self-introduction,

Zhang Yu sighed slightly.

"It should be

the email I sent to you, right?" When Zhang Yu discovered that there was an S worm virus in China, when he started to develop Wuji antivirus software, he had already sent an email to the information network security department of Daxia to remind them of this matter.

At that time, Zhang Yu had already hidden his email IP, thinking that the other party could not find him, but he didn't expect that he still underestimated the other party's technology, and he was still found out by the other party.

Dong Wanhai said in a deep voice: "I want to ask, how did you

find this S worm virus?" Dong Wanhai specially rushed to Haizhou from Yanjing this time, just to find Zhang Yu to ask about the S worm virus.

Because the relationships involved in this virus are just too big.

Dong Wanhai sent someone to verify the harmfulness of the S worm virus in Zhang Yu's email, and found that it was really the same as what was told in the email.

This never-before-heard S worm is extremely destructive and can be devastating to a target in the event of an outbreak.

The most important thing is that most of this virus is parasitic in various large-scale industrial systems, especially those with Ximen industrial systems are the hardest hit areas.

Once these viruses completely break out, it will bring a devastating blow to the industrial system of the Great Xia Kingdom, and the consequences will be unimaginable, so Dong Wanhai will come to Zhang Yu specifically.

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