Rebirth in America: Great Slave Owner

Vol 2 Chapter 102: Uncle Jules' Legacy

"Rob, what are these two big boxes?" Tangning asked the housekeeper curiously when she saw the two big boxes in the room after returning home.

I saw Rob answer: "Master, this is sent from Paris. According to the content of the letter, it is a friend of Master Jules who sent his inheritance to you!"

"Uncle Yule's legacy?" Tangning murmured to herself before being opened.

As a "painter", most of Yule's legacy is naturally oil painting. Tangning's evaluation of his level is the same as that of a professional. He is a little better than ordinary people, but if you want to make money from this, you can't starve to death

The good thing is that Le's legacy is not only his paintings, but also some other painters' oil paintings. Of course, those who can be received by him and left as an inheritance are definitely not well-known painters, such as Courbet's which he boasted before. There are no paintings, of course, if there were, he wouldn't have to cheat money everywhere.

Although they were all works by "unknown painters", there were a few paintings that made Tangning exclaim in surprise.

"This, this is Paul Cezanne's work?!"

"This, this is Zola's poem?!"

"No way, it's actually Claude Monet's woman in green?!"


Seeing Tangning's surprised expression, Heidi asked curiously, "Tony, are the works of these painters particularly valuable?"

"It's not worth much now, but it will be worth a fortune in the future. It can be left to Jason as a family heirloom!" Tangning said, there was a reason. Although he does not like the style of Impressionism very much, this does not affect his appraisal of the works of the two Impressionist masters, Claude Monet and Paul Cézanne, especially Monet, which means that he has not yet become famous. At that time, after ten or twenty years, there was no problem at all when this woman in green bought half of her manor, and it became more and more valuable as it went on. After a hundred years, it would be worth tens of millions of dollars. It seems that Uncle Yule has not been a fool all these years in Paris, and he has met a few future masters who are temporarily down. There are actually more than one picture of the woman in green that Monet used his daughter-in-law as a model

Although Tangning was very excited here, Heidi took a closer look at the woman in green before frowning and said, "Tony, although I don't know how to draw, I really can't see how good this painting is. And it’s a lot different from the oil paintings I usually see, even yours!”

"You don't understand this. This is a new oil painting genre that has just emerged in Paris, called Impressionism!" Tangning explained.

"What is Impressionism?" Heidi asked curiously.

To be honest, this question really stopped Tangning, he was stunned for a moment, and then replied, "If you talk about it, it will be complicated. The simple understanding is that the paintings are painted outdoors, and they are captured in the outdoor sunlight. real scenes and feelings.”

"Uh, although I don't understand it well, I trust your judgment, Tony. Rob, put these paintings away!" Heidi ordered.

Tangning thought to herself, if Danina was here now, she would definitely be able to understand the benefits of these paintings, hey, people are not perfect!

Just when Tangning was thinking about it, Heidi's mother came to see her again with a bunch of things. It just so happened that Catherine came over at this time, so Tangning went over to greet her alone.

Seeing that Catherine came alone, Tangning was a little surprised, "Where's Jonathan?"

I saw Catherine replied with some displeasure: "Who knows what he is busy with, he has always been mysterious recently!"

Nicole had reminded before that Jonathan might not believe her explanation about Catherine, so Tangning felt that there was no need to talk casually about other people's husband and wife matters, so she said perfunctorily, "Maybe she is planning to give you a surprise! "

Then he changed the subject and said, "By the way, Catherine, are you coming today?"

Catherine took out a piece of city report and replied, "Oh, I'm a little curious about this piece of soul breaking Atlanta, so I came over to ask Mr. Tangning for your advice!"

"Uh, why are you curious?" Tangning asked in a somewhat unconfident manner, because after all, this was not written by herself.

Unexpectedly, Catherine asked very directly, "Mr. Tangning, did you really write this piece of Soul Breaking Atlanta?"

"Why do you ask that?" Tangning didn't answer directly, but instead asked.

Catherine explained: "Because I have watched your Gone with the Wind many times, I feel that the wording habits and writing logic are completely different, so I have this question."

"It's also possible that I provided the plot idea, and then Miss Anderson wrote it! It's not the first time I've done this kind of thing. For example, Downing Manor is like this!" Tangning and Catherine still waved her hand. : "No, no, no, the plot setting is not your style either!"

"I didn't expect you to know me so well, Catherine! Well, I admit it"

But before Tangning could finish her sentence, Catherine interrupted, "You don't need to say anything, your justification has already been clearly expressed. But don't worry, I won't tell anyone about this. This is our little secret!"

"But it's not suitable for us to have any little secrets right now!" Tangning complained in her heart, and then changed the subject, "I didn't expect you, Catherine, to have such a high level of appreciation, so you must be writing often?"

Unexpectedly, Catherine waved her hand again and said, "No, I just like it, but I don't like writing!"

"oh, I see!"

"Actually, my favorite isn't your work, Mr. Tangning!" Catherine continued.

"Then who is your favorite writer?" Tangning asked curiously.

"Earling Poe!" Catherine replied, word by word.

Hearing this answer, Tangning echoed with interest, "What a coincidence, my favorite is Edgar Allan Poe's, especially the Murder on Mogue Street!"

"My favorite is the fall of Usher!" Catherine replied. You can take a look at the copy of the House of Usher in Thriller Paradise, it's very exciting!

"I also liked that book. In fact, I have tried to write this type of story." Then, Tangning casually told two classic horror stories.

: After reading nearly 200 chapters, I reconfirmed that Chicago 1990 was a sketch that Lao Qi used to write and play. This way of advancing the plot is too casual, but I have to admit that Lao Qi's skills are not great even when writing and playing. Most writers can compare, at least I'm far behind

. Zero Chinese Network

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