Rebirth in America: Great Slave Owner

Vol 2 Chapter 120: apprenticeship

"Master, Miss Diana Gugino is waiting for you in the living room!" This morning, Rob reported to Tangning.

"Miss Diana Gugino? I don't know her!" Tangning asked with a frown.

Rob explained: "Miss Gugino's father was the cafe owner who was killed for a fake painting..."

Hearing what Rob said, Tangning suddenly realized, "Oh, I remembered, because someone wrote a novel about what happened to her father, and then she stabbed the novelist with a knife, right?"

Rob nodded and replied, "That's right, it's her!"

"She was released from prison so soon?" Tangning asked in surprise.

"Maybe the jury felt that her experience was pitiful, so the sentence was lighter!" Rob guessed.

Tangning nodded in agreement, "Uh, it's possible! Actually, I sympathize with her too! Alright, then I'll go see her."

Tangning originally thought that a girl who could stab an enemy with a knife should be neutral, but she didn't expect Diana to be a petite, weak, innocent-looking blond beauty.

As soon as he met Diana, he apologized to Tangning, "Mr. Tangning, first of all, I apologize to you for my father. If he would have listened to you in the first place, then he would not have suffered like that!"

Tangning waved her hands quickly and said, "Miss Gugino, please don't say that. First of all, my judgment may not be accurate, that painting may be really valuable; second, even if your father, Mr. Gugino, thinks that painting is valuable, this is not the case. There is nothing wrong, it is the greedy murderers who are at fault!"

"Thank you, Mr. Tangning!" Deanna thanked, and then said a little embarrassedly, "Mr. Tangning, I actually have one more thing I want to ask of you today!"

"Oh, tell me!" Tangning replied casually.

"I want to worship you as my teacher!" Diana said in a deep voice.

"What did you say? You want to take me as your teacher?" Tangning couldn't believe her ears for a while.

Deanna nodded and replied, "Yes, I just want to take you as my teacher!"

"But what do you learn from me?" Tangning asked in confusion.

"Learn oil painting appraisal, so that I won't make the same mistakes as my father again!" Deanna explained.

Although she agreed with Diana's reason, Tangning still refused, "Miss Gugino, it's not that I don't want to teach you, but I don't know how to appraise oil paintings!"

"Mr. Tangning, you are too modest. Through Mr. Faison and my father, you are now the most famous oil painting appraiser in New Orleans! Recently I have seen a lot of people come to you for help in appraising oil paintings!" Deanna insisted.

Hearing Deanna's last sentence, Tangning was really bitter and couldn't say it. Indeed, because of these two things, she had somehow become a so-called master of oil painting appraisal in New Orleans. Take the oil painting to ask yourself to identify, let yourself be troubled.

At this time, Deanna said again: "And I have inquired about it. Apart from you, there is no oil painting appraisal master in New Orleans!"

"Then you can go to other cities to find teachers. For example, there is a Master Cassace in New York. I can write a letter of recommendation for you!" Tangning refused.

Deanna shook her head and replied, "Thank you for your kindness, Mr. Downing, but I can't live without New Orleans, because the cafe still needs me to take care of it. This cafe is my father's hard work, and I can't watch him go bankrupt. Therefore, it is most suitable to study oil painting appraisal with you, and please accept me as a student. Although I don’t have much money, please give me some time, and I will definitely pay you the tuition fee!”

Tangning quickly explained, "Miss Gugino, you misunderstood. I'm not charging tuition fees. You know, I'm not short of money..."

But no matter how Tangning refused, Dianna insisted so much. In the end, even Heidi couldn't stand it anymore and came over to persuade, "Tony, teach Miss Gugino, she's doing it for her father too!"

Tangning reluctantly agreed, "Hey, that's fine!" Then she agreed to come to learn painting every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday morning, because she would visit the store at other times.

Because of the need to teach students, Tangning began to pick up paintbrushes. In the process, he had an unexpected discovery, that his son, Locke, seemed to like painting very much.

"Tony, I don't think you're very happy that Locke likes to draw?" Heidi asked curiously.

Tangning nodded and replied, "Yes, to be honest, I really don't really expect Locke to like painting."

"Why? Is it bad to draw?" Heidi asked inexplicably.

Tangning explained, "It's not that I'm not good at painting, it's that Locke's identity is not suitable for being a painter. Because artists generally can't keep their family business, if Michael likes to then I Will definitely support it!”

"That's why you didn't become a painter?" Heidi guessed.

"That's right!" But then Tangning changed her tone and said, "Of course, it may be too early for us to think about this now. After all, Locke is still young, maybe he just likes to draw now, and he won't like it when he grows up. So there is no need to restrain him now, just let his temperament do it.

And in fact, painting as a hobby is also very good, it can hone one's mood and exercise one's observation ability! "

Heidi breathed a sigh of relief upon hearing Tangning say this, "Tony, you scared me to death just now. I even started to imagine that Little Locke would become a painter like Uncle Jules who lost all his fortune!"

Tangning laughed dumbly and said, "It's too early for you to think!"

"Hmph, how do you know the heart of a mother!" Heidi said in a sullen voice.

While the two were chatting, Joanna knocked on the door and walked in, saying to Tangning, "Mr. Tangning, I want to take a long vacation to travel. After all, I've been in the United States for so long, and I've never been to anywhere except New Orleans. Woolen cloth!"

Tangning also knew the reason why Joanna said this. First, she really had nothing to do right now. Little Locke was not interested in piano, but Michael, who was interested, went to Brazil. She was new to the United States, didn't know much about it, and was worried that Scotland Yard would catch up to the United States. Now that these worries are gone, and she still has a bribe that Kelly gave her before she left, she is naturally unwilling to stay in her own home all day.

ps: I have a hunch that the starting point is that there will be a lot of follow-up novels related to "Walking on the Moon Alone", and this post will be the proof!

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