Rebirth in America: Great Slave Owner

Vol 2 Chapter 244: "Farewell My Concubine"

"Miss Foster, have you been in China for a long time?" Tangning asked what she cared about most.

Hannah nodded and replied, "Well, I traveled to China for nearly a year last year. It's the most beautiful country I've ever seen. If you have time, Mr. Tangning, I recommend you to visit!"

"Uh, actually I've been to China too, but I didn't spend as long there as you. I only stayed in Shanghai for a month!" Tangning explained.

"Oh, Shanghai is also a very beautiful city, but it's still too westernized. You should still go to those cities in the inland to have a look. That's the real China!" Hannah recommended.

"I will definitely go there when I have time. By the way, which provinces have you been to?" Tangning asked curiously.

Hannah thought for a moment, then replied, "I've been to Zhili, Huguang, Guangdong and Guangxi!"

"What about Shaanxi?" Tangning asked.

Hannah shook her head and replied, "Shan-Gan, I've never been there! Mr. Tangning, do you want to go?"

"Actually, a friend of mine wanted to find a place in Shaanxi, but he couldn't find it, so I thought that if Miss Foster has been there, you can give her some clues!" Tangning then added astrologer Rachel's Tell her about it again.

Hannah said with emotion: "Oh, so that's what happened, Miss Foley's experience is really bizarre!" Then she guessed: "Will it be possible for an astrologer to have some experience that no one else has?"

"Haha, maybe!" Tangning echoed with a smile.

At this time, Hannah suddenly thought of a question, so she asked, "Mr. Tangning, since you have also been to China, why haven't you painted works with Chinese elements?"

Tangning thought to herself, what I wanted to paint was to travel through China before, not China now, but on the surface, she said in a perfunctory manner, "Actually, Miss Foster, you just mentioned that the Shanghai I went to was too westernized. So there are not many Chinese elements that can be painted!"

Hannah suddenly realized: "Oh yes yes, I almost forgot!"

The two were chatting when Heidi happened to be back, so Tangning helped introduce her, and Heidi signed her autograph without saying anything. After chatting for a while, Hannah said goodbye and left.

After Hannah left, Tangning thought for a while and felt that she had a point. She should paint two works with Chinese elements, otherwise it would not match her liking for Chinese culture. As for what to paint, he also thought about it. Now, let's just use Rembrandt's routine to paint Peking Opera, such as painting a clip of "Shilang Visits His Mother" or "Suo Lin Sac", the appearance in it is enough to surprise these old New Orleans haters ......

Facts proved that Tangning's idea was correct. When he brought his first Peking Opera oil painting "Farewell My Concubine" to the gallery, Sterling was shocked: "Tony, you, what you painted is What? Beauty and the Beast?"

"Beauty and the Beast, this is Farewell My Concubine! There is a very well-known story in China. The overlord here is one in the last years of China's Qin Dynasty..." Tangning then roughly described Farewell My Concubine "The story is told again.

Sterling couldn't help but exclaimed: "MYGOD! I didn't expect such a tragic and touching story behind this painting!"

But then he recovered his businessman nature: "Tony, this story alone can double the price of this painting! But you have to help me write this story!"

Seeing Sterling's businessman's face, Tangning couldn't help but want to tease him, so she pretended to be surprised, "Who said I was going to sell this painting?"

"No, I don't sell it, so why did you take this painting with me?" Sterling asked in confusion.

Tangning explained, "Didn't you say last time that no one bought the hyperrealism I painted, so I just wanted you to see if there is a market for this Peking Opera oil painting with Chinese elements, but that doesn't mean I want to sell it? him!"

But Stirling is so smart, he reacted in an instant, so he pleaded with a bitter face: "Oh Tony, don't make fun of me, this painting must stay with me, and I promise to sell you a good one. The price! Ah, no, I know Tony, you are not short of money, but don't you want everyone's approval? Your painting might even truly create a genre of painting, it's a waste to stay in your studio!"

Tangning was very satisfied with Sterling's attitude, so she "reluctantly" agreed, "That's fine!"

Seeing Tangning's agreement, Sterling breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time he asked, "Tony, can you paint a few more paintings of this type? I remember you know a lot of Chinese legends!"

Although Tangning did have this idea, she still wanted to take a look at Sterling, so she waved her hand and said, "You know how lazy I am, I occasionally draw one or two pictures when I'm interested, so I don't want to do it any time soon. Count on me!"

"Then if someone offers a high price, ah, no, uh, is there a beautiful woman who asks you to paint?" Sterling aimed at Tangning's weakness and Wood."

As expected, Tangning hesitated immediately, "It depends on what kind of beauty she is!"

"Well, you'll find out in two days!" Sterling replied mysteriously, but in fact, one was that he didn't have such a beautiful woman, so he had to go and find it according to Tangning's preferences; We'll have to see if this "Farewell My Concubine" will sell for as high a price as he predicted...

After returning home from the gallery, before Tangning could sit down for a cup of coffee, Heidi asked him, "Tony, where's the Farewell My Concubine you just painted?"

"I've sent it to Sterling Gallery!" Tangning replied casually while instructing Marlene to make her coffee.

"Sent to the gallery? Are you short of money now?" Heidi asked in confusion.

"There is no shortage of money, but I want to see if this method of painting will be recognized by the market and the public!" Tangning explained.

"Oh, then you can paint another painting and send it to the gallery, why do you have to send that "Farewell My Concubine"?" Heidi said a little displeased.

"Why, do you like that "Farewell My Concubine" very much?" Tangning asked curiously.

Heidi nodded and replied, "Yes, what a tragic and touching love story, and Tony, you draw so well!"

"You said you liked it earlier, then wait for me for a while and I'll go to the gallery to get it back!" Tangning stood up and said.

PS: The book "Catch the Sword" is a rare pure martial arts. It's not the kind of infinite flow that goes through the golden age. The only disadvantage is that the number of words is a bit small, but it seems to be returning recently!

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