060: Human research, biochemical monsters, blow up the lab! (Please)

Su Chen left the prison building, and the other prisoners fled with him.

They dismantled the prosecution and dismantled all the alarm equipment.

Went to the monitoring room again.

Knock all the people inside unconscious.

Even if the prison director discovers the situation, there is no way to control the situation.

The deputy warden took Su Chen to the sewer next to the square.

"Su Chen, here's where human experiments are done..."

That Bruce like Frankenstein.

Every appearance is from the sewers.

I thought it was just this guy's quirk.

Unexpectedly, this is really the entrance to the human laboratory.

"You go down first..."

"What? I don't want to go down........"

The deputy warden kept shaking his head and retreating, but he was grabbed by Su Chen and said to him: "Do you think you have a choice now?" "

In the middle, Su Chen asked him to wrap a bandage.

This guy can die ....

But it can't be achieved in.

The deputy warden was extremely entangled, looked at the sewers, looked at himself again, and explained humbly: "Su Chen, it's not that I don't want to go down, it's just that my two arms, you see, can't grab the ladder at all, or you go down, I'll help you release the wind on it?" "

It seems that he is afraid that Su Chen will not be at ease, and he also specially explained: "Don't worry, I also hate the warden very much, this guy is acting as a blessing in prison, I have long seen him unpleasantly, if you kill him, I will also be very happy!" "


What the deputy warden said was reasonable, and he even scolded it in front of Su Chen.

The spit spewed out.

"Do you think I look like something?"

Su Chen's eyes narrowed, this one-eyed dragon was sinister and cunning, and it was inhumane.

To believe his word is to be a fool.

Push him to the side, open the manhole cover, see that he is unwilling to go down, and help him go down.

"Ah!!! ~"

A total of seven or eight meters from the entrance of the cave to the bottom, the deputy warden screamed, and when he landed, he found that it didn't hurt at all.

The left hand touched the body.

There was nothing missing, and I was relieved.

"Su Chen, this bastard, don't see that you are flaunting your might now, really see the warden, so that you know what despair is!!"

There was a sudden softening under him, and a questioning voice came from behind him: "What did you just say?" "

"Nothing, nothing~"

The deputy warden hurriedly got up and said flatteringly: "This is where the warden conducts human experiments..."

Because it's under the sewers, it's pitch black.

The feet are soft, and I don't know what to step on.

Find the switch by the wall.

One opens.

The scenery in front of him made Su Chen's brows furrow.

It's a huge underground lab, surrounded by machines needed for various experiments, as well as various reagents.

Inside the incubator on the left, poppies can be clearly seen.

There is also a computer next to it that records the data of this poppy, as if preparing to study some new variety.

The right is also an incubator, but inside it is not a plant, but a person!

They carry ventilators and close their eyes.

If it weren't for the numbers on the heart rate tester, Su Chen would have thought that these people were dead.

"Huh! ~~"

The deputy warden looked at what was under the hole.

It's a bunch of residual value broken arms.

There is no whole person.

The place where they fell and stepped on just now was their bodies.

Deputy warden: "How can there be so many dead people?" "

Su Chen lifted him up: "These people died in prison, you tell me I don't know how to die??? After that, he threw him into the pile of corpses and smashed the contents everywhere.

"The prison rule is actually that no one can die, how can they be here, I really don't know!"

The deputy warden crawled out of it, although he felt that it was not a pity for these garbage to die, but now his little life was in Su Chen's hands, and he had to be forgiven by him.

Besides, the warden regarded these prisoners as his labor, how could he let these guys die so easily.

Isn't that going to make a lot less money?

However, when he carefully identified, he found that these people were all people who had been released after serving their sentences.

"It turns out that the people who were released before have all been arrested?!"

The deputy warden was afraid.

If he said so, the warden said that one day, he would return to the Eagle Sauce Country, so wouldn't he also die in such an unknown way?

"Su Chen, you must save me, I don't want to die here............."

"Get out!"

Su Chen's shoulder resisted and knocked this guy aside.

Seeing that Su Chen ignored him, the deputy warden turned his head and ran.

I can't understand things here either.

Su Chen planned to burn this place with a torch just like last time.

Although there is no gasoline and torches, there are wires everywhere, and a few random tears can start a fire.

Nourish !!

Su Chen tore off one high-voltage line with his bare hands and prepared to tear off another.

The alarm in the laboratory suddenly went off.

The incubator doors on the left and right sides opened, and the contents fell out.

Followed by.

A scene that drove SAN crazy appeared.


In the incubator, the creature whose life and death were unknown got up from the ground and opened its mouth to breathe.

The saliva fell to the ground, instantly corroding a large hole.

And next to the poppy.

Take root.

The vast amount of pollen floats down from above, and it is difficult to touch when you look at it.

"What are the two gangs of science and academia studying!"

"Biochemical Virus ???"

These two things made Su Chen think of several disaster movies.

I have seen people with power who want to live forever.

I haven't seen someone with power who wants to destroy the world, is this warden a brain wreck?

Without waiting for Su Chen to think. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The biochemical man in front of him rushed towards Su Chen.

With the sound of moisture, step by step black footprints.

The mucus on his body is very terrifyingly corrosive.

Even if he is not afraid of ordinary guns now, he is still a little resistant in the face of this strong acid and alkali.

Dodge attacks sideways.

The cyborg's foot slipped and crashed headlong into the computer host behind him.

Nourish !!

All kinds of slime stuck to the machine, and even several computers were silent.


The biochemical man turned his target and chased Su Chen over.

Su Chen continued to hide.

Behind him is another huge black pit.

"This guy has no brains, I can use it to destroy things here!"

Think and do it.

This space is not small, and Su Chen's nuclear, biochemical people tossed and turned here, and quickly destroyed most of the machines here.


The biochemical people met again, and Su Chen just wanted to dodge, and his feet tightened.

It turned out to be poppy vines wrapped around his ankle.

"Yes, this guy has become a good !!"

There was no time to think, Su Chen grabbed the stool next to him and blocked it in front of him.

The terrifying monster is on the opposite side, and there is a strange flower that will sneak up on the foot, and ordinary people are absolutely dead or alive when they come here.

But he is Su Chen!

Although the monster is terrifying, its strength is only a little stronger than that of ordinary people.

With a little force, push it away, and then change the direction, and when this guy rushes over again, Su Chen stepped on the vine with his right foot, kicked his legs, and went further into the air.

I saw the cyborgs crashing all the way into poppies.

Nourish !!

After a puff of white smoke, the poppies disappeared.


The voice of the shout changed, the biochemical man was obviously angry, and Su Chen did not plan to continue playing with this guy.

Although it is impossible to get close.

But he can attack remotely.

Pick up an aluminum plate from the ground, the debris of the computers that have just been hit, and throw it hard with the head of a baseball player.

The cyborgs were instantly headshot.

The mucus in the body burst out, and it had to be everywhere.

Su Chen hooked his feet, and an aluminum alloy plate flew into his hand to block in front of him.

At this time.

The hole behind him hurriedly ran out of a fat figure.

It was the escaped deputy warden.

"Why are you back, running away and getting lost?"

Su Chen planned to burn this place with a torch, naturally he was not afraid of this guy escaping.

Who knew that the deputy warden sat on the ground in horror and pointed behind him: "After... There are ghosts in the back! "

I saw that at the entrance of the cave, black shadows walked over slowly, and their feet were full of white corrosive gas.

"So many cyborgs! How did you mess them all out!!! "

"I don't know, I just want to escape, who knows where these things come from."

The deputy warden was very frightened and pulled Su Chen.

Without saying a word, Su Chen pulled out the wire, found some oil in the machine that had just been corroded, and swiped it on it.

The computer is set on fire.

Pulling back directly below the hole, Su Chen planned to jump out.

The deputy warden hugged his thigh: "Su Chen, please save me, I don't want to die yet, help me out, I'll show you the way, take me out.........."

The warden's body was instantly covered in blood.

The broken eye doesn't even know it's lost.

Even if I go out now, I won't live more than two days.

Grabbing him and throwing him towards the sewer entrance, the deputy warden's head hit the sewer cover and flew out.

Immediately afterwards, Su Chen also jumped out.

Before the deputy warden could breathe a sigh of relief, he saw Su Chen grabbing him and hurrying away.

Immediately after, there was an explosion.

The whole prison shook with it, and the surrounding waves surged even more.

When the sound of the explosion disappeared, Su Chen came to the mouth of the sewer and took a look, and there was no more movement inside.

That's reassuring.

【Ding! ~Congratulations to the host for destroying the black industry, organ trafficking, human dismantling, living genetic modification, virus research......... In the laboratory, the talent of anti-gang and evil elimination is upgraded, the proficiency of ghost back is increased by ten percent, and the skill is converted once. 】

[Skill conversion: Existing skills can be reconverted, and the level remains unchanged from the original skill level.............]

"There is no lottery this time, is it a skill change?"

Look at your skills.

"Ghost back, anger outburst, rejuvenation technique, invincibility, high-level copper and iron bone, intermediate boxing technique..."

"These skills are useful, and changing them to something else may not be suitable for me..."

"Then there is only one that can be exchanged..."

Su Chen said: "Junior basketball technique re-extraction.........."

【Ding! ~Congratulations to the host for obtaining the primary swimming technique】

Su Chen: ????? Six?.

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