068: Eagle Sauce Country moves to kill and uses hot weapons to kill Su Chen (please)

Matthew's video was subtitled by the young people who saw the sheep.

Successful fermentation on the extranet.

The sensation obtained is not lower than in Huaxia, and countless netizens leave messages below.

Netizens from the country of white elephants.

[What's going on, the most powerful country in the world can't even guarantee the most basic human rights, except for the people of the Eagle Sauce Country, people from other countries can be caught and killed at will??? 】

[Hurry up and kick the Eagle Sauce Country out of the P5, let our country go up, and do definitely better than them! ] 】

[The Huaxia people are really miserable, but you and the Eagle Sauce Country originally did not deal with each other, and went to so many people, isn't this deserved? ] 】

[I have to say that that Huaxia kid can really toss, I heard that a prison was slaughtered, sentenced to more than two thousand years, and still disobeyed discipline in the new prison, this guy, God! ] 】

[God is a fart, just a little fart child, no matter how powerful can there be a thermal weapon? ] You are not afraid of knives and guns, and you are not afraid of aircraft artillery? The power of the aircraft cannons of the Eagle Sauce Country is not unknown.......】

[If nothing else, this news has been exposed, that Huaxia kid is dead............]


The same netizens of the country are also mocking below.

[Hehe, Eagle Sauce Country has done a lot of hatred, this is just bursting, not more that has exploded, and it is more terrifying. ] 】

[That's it, what kind of global information monitoring, in order to do experiments, poison water sources in an area, and put poison in the food of veterans, this is what they do........]

[That kid from Huaxia Country is really powerful, and one person has unlocked the shady curtain of Eagle Sauce Country about prisons...]

[Yes, if it weren't for him, who knows that there are so many tricks in the private prison of Eagle Sauce Country, on the one hand, with official subsidies, on the other hand, he does not treat prisoners as people, gee, is this considered to show the face of Eagle Sauce Country from the side......]

[Huaxia kid wants to live! ] Don't be killed by this group of bastards.......】

[I see the suspension, even if I can make a dozen a hundred, can I get a dozen a thousand? ] And this thousand people are also armed to the teeth, who can stand this? 】

[Hehe, I would like to know what the reaction of the group of blacks in the Eagle Sauce Country is, to say it, the number one enemy of the Huaxia boy, but they ah! ] 】


In addition to these mocking ones, there are also some kneeling licks.

For example, netizens from Xiao Baga.

[The Huaxia people above are the people, the Huaxia people know how to hack others, how can this be the case in prison, they talk about human rights! ] 】

[That's it, every day will transfer the contradiction out............]

[I think it's all Su Chen's ghost, and I want to use my own strength to move the Eagle Sauce Country to............]

[You say so, it's really like ah! ] 】

[Instead of targeting the Eagle Sauce Country, it is better to target the Hairy Bear Country, these days are the days of their nuclear leakage, be careful that he does it again............]

[I fully support Eagle Sauce Country Dad, it must be all rumors! ] 】


Although netizens from Kimchi Country do not deal with each other with Xiaobaga's people, their heads are similar.

[This is all Huaxia's conspiracy, don't believe it.......]

[This kind of video, we can appear here every year, are all fake, and the people in it may be acting (BJCD) members........]

[Who can still believe what a drunk driver said, he must have disobeyed discipline inside and came out to deliberately take revenge! ] 】

[Suspended animation, such ridiculous words can be said, no one will think that martial arts are real. ] 】

[Taekwondo is the most powerful in the world, we have never heard of any ability to fake death, it's all fake! ] 】

[Korean medicine also thinks so.......]

The scale on the Internet shows a trend, and most netizens in Western countries mock the leaders of Eagle Sauce Country on the Internet, and even Netizens in Eagle Sauce Country themselves are also mocking.

And these eastern countries, especially those around Huaxia, have targeted Huaxia one by one.

Resolute users of their Eagle Sauce Country Dad.

Although Huaxia does not allow it to climb over the wall, there are also a considerable number of netizens' homes in Agen.

One by one, they came up and scolded.

[Yo yo, little baga, this starts calling?] 】

[Also pay attention to the nuclear leakage of the Mao Bear Country, your country itself discharges nuclear wastewater! ] 】

[It was the Eagle Sauce Country that threw the atomic bomb back then, you really gave the ancestors a face, and I want me to say that you don't call you Xiao Baga, just call the dog country how good and appropriate........]

[And this group of bastards in the pickle country, what do you call the dog?] Or is it our conspiracy that we will deliberately throw a student into such a horrible prison? What about your brains? 】

[That's it! If it weren't for the fact that Eagle Sauce Country wanted to divert the targets of those chimpanzees this time, our Su Chen came back, maybe a Nobel Prize winner in physics, how could he be in prison! 】

[I can't imagine that the West is mocking, these guys around us are barking dogs, really disgusting, want me to say, Su Chen came back and went directly to these countries to go around and let them also know how powerful .......]

[Have the ability to come! ] A broken student, what are we afraid of ?! 】

[That's it, what a dozen and a hundred, watch too many movies, I'm still a superhero! ] 】


There are a lot of verbal battles under the video, but it also tops the traffic of this video, and almost everyone around the world sees the face of Eagle Sauce Country Prison.

At the same time, he also had a new understanding of the name Su Chen.

In the past, they only knew that an unlucky egg was affected by blacks, but now they know that this unlucky egg is called Su Chen, and he has killed many people in prison...

But they remain suspicious of this matter, a Chinese person, so thin.

In a place like a prison, how could he have beaten blacks, whites, who were so much stronger than him.

It's so fake.........

The video traffic rose, and the person in charge of the YouTube smiled happily.

In this way, as long as the capitalists make money, they don't care who owns the black material in it, even if it is their own.

As long as the property will not be liquidated, it will only make them earn more and more...

In ancient times, merchants without a country meant this. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Not long after being happy, he received a call from Bai Gong's side, asking him to take the video off the shelves.

"I'm really sorry, our website is uploaded by the video author himself, as long as it does not involve child pornography, we will not stop it........"

These words sound like a favor to Huaxia's side.

But in fact, only for their own benefit.

There have been terrorist organizations, sending out some horror videos, they have also appeared a lot, and they have also frightened many people, causing a very big impact.

It's all just for the money..........

The person on the other end of the phone was silent for a long time, and came over with a somewhat old voice: "Your roots are in the country of eagle sauce, if we have a bad life, what do you think will happen to your stock price?" "

"Mr. President, don't threaten me with this kind of thing, now is the era of money talking, even if I take down the video, what can I do, the impact has appeared, what you have to do, how to solve the problem, or how to solve the problem of the person, it has nothing to do with me~"

The head of tubing is not stupid either.

You have two messes now, one Su Chen and one hungry gas leak in Haio, instead of wasting time here, it is better to think of a solution.

Eagle sauce country white worker.

"Fak! This group of vampires! "

"If it weren't for the fact that you guys have been causing trouble, you would still use me to wipe your ass there!!

"If I had the chance, I would really like to rip off your scalp and make a lantern!!!

President Eagle Sauce threw the phone away.

These people should really be thankful, now is the Internet age, everything can be worn quickly, otherwise he really has to learn the methods of the emperor of the Ming Dynasty of China to treat corrupt officials and cook these people.

After venting, adjust your mood and look at the others at the table.

"What to do now, we have agreed to do a live broadcast on Sunday in Huaxia, if we don't solve the problem as soon as possible, our reputation will come to the lowest ever, which will deal a serious blow to our economy..."

The people below looked at each other.

It's hard to imagine that a young man can force Eagle Sauce Country like this.

"This matter is mainly caused by Su Chen, my suggestion, kill him before this matter is completely exposed, and clear the prison..."

One of them spoke, and said, or went around to the execution.......

Others talked.

"It has long been said that he should be executed."

"It wasn't that you were afraid that this opening would be implicated yourself..."

"Hmph, I didn't agree at the beginning, but you are the only one, don't think about throwing off the black pot!"


The people of the think tank quarreled.

This kind of picture often appears, but for a few days the president of Eagle Sauce Country had a very headache and slapped him on the table.

"Enough, now I want you to come up with a solution, not let you quarrel!"

"Just do as he says, since you can't solve the problem, then solve the person who raised the problem, Su Chen must die!"

"But you can't die on the bright side........"

One of them asked a little nervously: "I heard that Su Chen can't get in, how are we going to solve it?" "

"If the knife and gun do not enter, then use the cannon! With airplanes!! !! with missiles I don't believe that a person can be more powerful than these thermal weapons! "

"When the time comes, the terrorists will attack and the whole prison will be razed to the ground!!

With a wave of his hand, hundreds of prisoners were going to be buried with Su Chen.

The eyes of the people below narrowed.

Agree to this request.............

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