Rebirth In Hollywood

Chapter 145 Lolita Kills the Killer

In some ways, Roger Albert represents the voice of a large number of mainstream film critics, and his views will affect the evaluation of other mainstream media to a certain extent, plus Ryan is not Luc Bay. Song, the latter is just an outsider to America, a European director who wants to break into Hollywood.

Ryan's reputation accumulated over the past few years has also played a big role. Even if the mainstream media will not praise it, at least it has not criticized it with great fanfare like in the previous life. From this aspect, it is already a victory.

"Ryan Jenkins uses the identity of a killer to tell us an unusual relationship, one of friendship, gratitude, and a touch of attachment, so moving and beautiful, despite the inevitable ending of the movie Bringing a tragic color, but showing silent warmth, perhaps lonely people, after finding their own spiritual support, their lives will change!"

--Mick Taylor, Los Angeles Times

"Leon the Killer is definitely a movie worth seeing, it's the most unique work I've ever seen in depicting fringe characters, the script and the shooting are excellent, and it's a near-perfect control of emotions. movie of!"

- "Vanity Fair"

The latter's comments somewhat reflect the views of some media. The emotions in the film will further violate the bottom line of mainstream society, and if they take a step back, they will be dull.

Of course, there are also many voices of criticism. The New York Post put a black and bold headline on the front page.

"Are Leon and Matilda in love?"

"After watching the movie "Killer Leon", many people must have such questions in their hearts. Although the movie gives a fairly clear answer to the above questions, Leon and Matilda are more like friends and fathers Women, not lovers, but when the audience sees them getting along, they always have the 'evil' idea that they are more like lovers. Perhaps this is exactly what Ryan Jenkins intended. Through this specious booing, Attract more audiences into theaters.”

"Matilda is played by Miss Natalie Portman. She is not only cute. She is also powerful, cute and can melt tigers all over the world into butter, and powerful can make butter melted all over the world. Become a tiger! I think such a movie character will definitely become the idol of many people!"

The New York Post also represents the views of a considerable number of people, especially some middle-aged people.

When Ryan was in and out of the hotel, he was stopped by a paparazzi, that acquaintance Garcia Rodriguez. It was the first time that this guy asked him a question. In addition, Ryan was in a good mood, so he said a little bit. sentence.

"It's not love between the two of them.

It's just two people who depend on each other to keep each other warm and attached to each other. "

Just surprising. The news that appeared in the Los Angeles Free Press the next day. But it has nothing to do with Ryan's interview.

"Leon the Killer" tells the story of a killer who was killed by a Lolita. The Lolita in the movie has a sister's heart, but the middle-aged killer has a childlike heart. When evil meets innocence. In order to be gentle, the tragedy happened like this. Leon is romantic, but he didn't realize what a difficult little girl he met... So, this movie reminds us not to provoke Lori around him Tower, or they could take out their guns and shoot you at any time, or easily capture your pounding heart..."

Originally, it was difficult for Ryan to see this news in New York. Who knew that Garcia took the initiative to find George, and specially sent a copy of the "Los Angeles Free Press", which made Ryan feel embarrassed after reading it.

All right! The era of national entertainment is coming, and the power of brain supplement is invincible! He could only sigh.

"By the way, George. Why did that guy do that?" Ryan asked the paparazzi.

"Oh... he said, the more popular you are, the more money he makes, and the higher his status in the newspaper office. I don't want you to have any problems." George's face was a little weird, obviously unable to understand the other party's idea.

"Is that so..." Ryan seemed to grasp something.

After the premiere is the weekend, Ryan is not in a hurry to go back to Los Angeles. At this time, he will not run out stupidly and attract the firepower of the media. Anyway, it has become the norm to ask for leave from school. The big deal is to ask for leave before Christmas. , and after the first week of the box office came out, he has to talk to Harvey Weinstein.

The present Natalie met Ryan at an important stage of her growth. Under his influence, many changes have been made. She quietly hid at home all weekend, although the news she saw in the newspapers made her very happy, But keep a clear mind.

She hadn't forgotten what Ryan had said in her heart, and always remembered the general situation of the circle he described.

Hollywood and entertainment media have always been tolerant or good at advocating for child stars. As long as young actors can make wonderful performances, they often can't wait to put the hat of genius on their heads. When they encountered difficulties in transformation, they couldn't wait to use the word depravity on them.

Natalie herself has also analyzed that it has something to do with the child star's starting point being too high and the space for future growth is too narrow, and it has something to do with the unscrupulous media constantly hyping and creating stars in order to attract attention.

She doesn't want to be a shooting star, she wants Hollywood to remember her name forever.

On Monday morning, as usual, she changed into her school uniform, carried her schoolbag, and walked out of the house. Since the school was not far away, she only needed to walk.

"Nate, do you want to take a few days off?"

Perhaps the surname Portman played a role. No reporters have come to the door these days, but Mrs. Shelly is still a little worried. God knows whether entertainment reporters will be blocked at the school gate.

"No need, Mom!" Natalie beckoned indifferently and turned onto the road.

After saying hello to the oncoming people, Natalie walked quickly towards the school.

Even without the film, she's somewhat well-known in the community, and most people know that the Hirschlers have a genius who regularly performs impressively in community theaters.

"Hi, Mrs. Henry, here's a copy of The New York Times." Natalie stopped by a newsstand.

"It's Nate." The middle-aged woman took the change and handed over a newspaper, "Nate, your performance is amazing. Yesterday I went to see "Leon the Killer" and it was very exciting."

Unlike her classmates at school, people in the community are very familiar with her and can naturally recognize who plays Matilda.


It's always a pleasure to be praised, and this is Natalie's best performance.

After putting away the newspaper, they didn't go very far when a couple walked over to face her. After a distance, they waved to her, "Natalie. Well done! As expected of the best actor in our community theater!"

"Thank you. Mr. Wood. And Mrs. Wood." Natalie waved politely. Mr. Wood is a veteran actor of the Community Theater, and he used to go to Hollywood when he was young.

"Nate, you're a big star now. You've done what we didn't do when we were young." Mrs. Wood sighed a little, and even had a little envy in her eyes, thinking that she once wanted to be a big star when she was young .


Like most people in the West, this proud girl has very little modesty, waving goodbye to them after taking the compliments.

The way to go to school today has become the way Natalie has greeted the most people in her life, people she knows or the other party knows her. They all took the initiative to greet her, mentioned "Killer Leon", and said words of praise.

Is this what it feels like to be famous? Is this what it's like to be a star? It seems really wonderful...

Natalie was a little intoxicated and enjoyed it very much, she was not yet twelve years old after all. Clever precocious still with innocence.

"Hi, Natalie."

When approaching the school, several classmates chased up from behind. Natalie looked back and saw that she was a few people at the same level and was not familiar with it.

Frankly speaking, she was not popular at school. As an overly intelligent child, she was often rejected and ridiculed by people around her.

These people are not even a nodding acquaintance, why would they take the initiative to say hello?

"Natalie, is that the girl in Leon the Killer?" a boy asked.

Although the other party was asking questions, it was clearly confirmed that Natalie rolled her eyes secretly and nodded helplessly.

"Wow, I didn't expect our school to have a big star!" Several people screamed.

"Natalie, so you've been to Hollywood? How many stars do you know? Can you take me with you next time you play a role... You know, I'm the best in the school troupe, is there anything that suits me? Role……"

The one who spoke was a girl, the star of the school. At this time, instead of the habit of looking at people with her nostrils, she gathered near Natalie and chatted non-stop.

"I'm sorry, I don't know many stars. As for the roles, it's up to the producer and director to decide..."

Before Natalie could finish her words, she was interrupted by other people, "Natalie, the newspapers say that you and Ryan are friends, is that true? That's Ryan!"

"Yes." Natalie has seen this situation too much this year.

"I heard that Ryan is in New York, can you bring him to our school..." More people shouted, "Or take us to meet him..."

Is he that good? Natalie muttered to herself, but she wisely didn't say it. Fortunately, the school arrived at this time.

However, seeing more than a dozen guys with cameras at the school gate, Natalie knew the real trouble had just begun.

Sure enough, before she could sneak into the school, she was discovered by sharp-eyed reporters, who rushed over like flies that smelled blood.

"Natalie, are you studying at this school?"


Heck! Natalie was helpless and couldn't help but think of the scene when she laughed at Ryan.

"Are you Natalie's classmates?" Some reporters cleverly found a few people around, and it was easier to get the news from the classmates.

"Interview me, interview me, I'm Natalie's classmate, I'm Natalie's friend..."

"Natalie, I'm a reporter for The New York Post, I wonder what you think of Miss Liv Taylor's remarks about the audition for Leon the Killer..."

A reporter's question caught Natalie's attention. (m)

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