Rebirth In Hollywood

Chapter 654 2 Hot Topics

On December 13, Taylor's fifteenth birthday, her self-titled album "Taylor Swift" was officially released.

This is the moment that belongs to Taylor Swift. Ryan and others did not appear on the observation platform of the Empire State Building, but prepared a grand party in the ballroom of the Waldorf Astoria Hotel. A small celebration party, but also her birthday party.

Of course, there is no shortage of superstars in the debut of her album. In order to fulfill the original promise, Leonardo DiCaprio made a gorgeous appearance as a backup dancer.

This premiere ceremony not only gathered a large number of media, but also broadcast live to the United States through Disney TV.

"Why does your face always look bad?"

Walking to the corner of the banquet hall, Drew Barrymore sat beside Ryan and said deliberately, "Is there any problem that I need to help you solve? Or do you need me to convey anything?"

"Dru!" Ryan made a threatening gesture to wipe her throat, and the other party shrugged indifferently, "You're still so boring, I'll go find Gwyneth."

This was one of the most pivotal moments in Taylor's life. Almost all of the people who belonged to Ryan's circle arrived, Melanie Sloan and Scarlett Johansson, Julie Stewart and Kristen Stewart, Scott The Swifts, Pie Kingsley and her new boyfriend, Drew Barrymore and Gwyneth Paltrow, the Paris Hilton sisters, the James Camerons...

Also, as someone who loves Taylor, Nicole will definitely not be absent.

In addition, not only Charlize Theron, who was busy opening a store on Fifth Avenue, but also Natalie, who was busy preparing for Dilemma, also appeared in the banquet hall.

They were both among the people who had the best relationship with Taylor.

However, the three of them, as in the past, did not have any communication.

It was inappropriate to stand on either side, Ryan simply sat alone in this corner, watching Taylor, who was shining brightly on TV.

Although "safe\u0026" was voted the most beautiful ballad by Rolling Stone's renowned music critic Jody Rosen, most of Taylor's songs included "ry" and "My Season." Obviously more popular.

"Hi Ryan."

"Hi, Gwyneth."

Drew took Gwyneth Paltrow and walked back again,

Ryan pointed to them at the chair across the table. "Just sit down."

"Where's Apple?" Ryan asked about her and Chris Martin's daughter, the Apple lady.

"In the room, under the care of the babysitter."

Just after Gwyneth finished speaking, Drew stabbed her and teased, "You are now the winner of your life. Your husband, daughter, and family are all enviable."

"Then when are you going to marry yourself again?" Gwyneth countered unceremoniously.

"I didn't think about it." Drew picked up the glass and took a sip. "Now that I feel good alone, I don't need to think about anyone. All my energy can be devoted to my career."

"By the way, Drew." Ryan suddenly remembered the film he handed over to Flower Pictures, "How's Ann Lee's progress?"

"To Montana with two cowboys, Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal."

After seeing Ryan nod, she said to Gwyneth Paltrow again, "I heard you signed a long-term contract with Surprise?"

"Signed six contracts."

Here are their own people. Gwyneth Paltrow didn't shy away, and said directly, "Three Iron Mans, and three more to be decided. If nothing else, it will be the "Avengers" that Ryan said."

"Pepper Potts?" Drew put down his glass and asked Ryan, "When will filming start?"

"After the new year." Ryan's eyes were taken back from the three women who had no contact in the distance. "We're waiting for Jon Favreau to finish his current job."

The director was so impressed with Ryan that he also made a cameo appearance as Tony Stark's bodyguard Happy in his previous life.

As for Little Pepper, Ryan's initial candidate was Charlize, but unfortunately she just wanted to keep shooting one movie a year so she could focus more on her fashion career, so she had to agree with Gwyneth Patt, who was finalized by Marvel. Lo.

"What about you. Drew."

When it comes to work, Ryan is a lot more serious, "I heard that your persuasion work has progressed?"

"Sylvester Stallone promised that if I could convince others, he would take a pay cut and act as a director." Drew frowned, seeming to have a headache. "Arnold Schwarzenegger's cameo is not a big problem, but others are more troublesome. Bruce Willis still has a film contract for "Die Hard", and Jett Lee insists on a $15 million salary. "

"What do you want to do?" Gwyneth asked curiously.

"Bring all the veteran action superstars together." Ryan clenched his fists and gestured for a free fight, "shooting a super action blockbuster."

"You two are crazy..."

"Taylor is back."

Drew, who was sitting facing the door, reminded him, and Ryan and the others stood up and walked over there.

The 6-foot-10 girl was dressed in gorgeous clothes, and she was as eye-catching as a elf. After entering the banquet hall, she hugged her relatives and friends one by one and accepted their blessings.

"Honey, we are so proud of you."

Ryan hugged her gently, "Perfect starter."

This kind of moment should belong to Taylor and her parents. Ryan quickly stepped aside and watched the girl hug her father, mother and brother excitedly.

"Alison has grown up."

Nicole's voice came from her side, and she said emotionally, "She's about to spread her wings and fly into the sky."

"Isn't this what we've been hoping for?"

Maybe it originated from bad taste at first, but people have feelings. After more than ten years of getting along, Ryan has long regarded her as a family member.

After Tyler hugged Austin Swift, he suddenly turned around and walked over, first hugging Ryan, and then he got into Nicole's arms as he did when he was a child, and said loudly, "I love you both! "

"Honey, we love you too!"

The party didn't last long. Taylor, who had held the album launch, was obviously a little tired. In addition, he was going to embark on a publicity tour across the United States starting tomorrow. After more than half an hour, everyone dispersed.

In the end, Ryan kept Taylor.

"Alison..." Ryan solemnly made his final instructions, "Nicole said that her Boeing plane is temporarily for your use, and Pat will accompany you in the first few stops of the promotion. If you have any questions, ask her more. ."

"My dear brother Ryan." Sitting on the sofa chair with his arms crossed, Tyler rolled his eyes, "You're really old, and you've become more verbose than before."

"Because you've grown up." Ryan walked over and rubbed her blonde hair, "I won't have the chance to be long-winded in the future."

"And..." Ryan still said earnestly after dissipating his faint feelings, "Don't leave the bodyguard's sight when you go out, I have contacted. After the album's first-week sales are announced, Time Magazine will have a cover interview. , back in Los Angeles, and Annie's talk show."

"Yeah~" The girl nodded her head vigorously, "I remember!"

"Okay, let's rest now."

Ryan pulled her up from the chair, walked out of the banquet hall together, and passed the special elevator to the suite on the top floor.

"go to sleep."

After leaving the elevator, Ryan patted her on the back, Taylor hesitated for a while, but still said, "I'll go to Scarlett's place first. She just said she had something to do with me."

"Don't make it too late!"

The two girls grew up fighting and sometimes playing out of control.

The next day, from Times Square as the starting point, Taylor began the necessary publicity tour across the United States for every singer to release a record. The Disney Group, which dominates the teenage market, has invested numerous media resources in her, and every time she arrives In one place, there will always be a heavyweight to help her out.

Scarlett Johansson, Natalie Portman, Charlize Theron, Nicole Kidman, Drew Barrymore and others have appeared at her autographs in different cities, even Los Angeles At that stop, Ryan himself came on stage to accompany her. Although there were a few out of tune in the middle, it caused a sensation.

Although some media say sour words, the treatment that Taylor enjoys is unprecedented in the history of pop music by a rookie singer.

These also led to record horror sales.

"Taylor Swift" sold 1.287 million copies in its first week, making it the second-highest-selling solo album of a female singer in history. It was well received and recommended by most music critics, among which "Rolling Stone" gave Four and a half stars, or nine points.

Although album sales dropped to more than 400,000 copies in the second week, it must be said that this is a miracle when the record industry is rapidly falling.

"Vanity Fair", "Time Magazine", "The Annie Talk Show", "Good Morning America" ​​and other famous programs, all of Taylor's figure appeared afterwards. In a week, it swept North America.

Of course, her vast network of relationships was also exposed, and inevitably some people began to say that Taylor Swift's rapid popularity was all because of a good family...

However, there is one question that cannot be avoided. If Taylor's music is not good enough, can she be so popular with teenagers in the United States?

In the second half of 2004, two hot topics swept the United States.

One is the Iranian incident caused by "Argo", and the other is the popularity of the album "Taylor Swift".

"At the age of eight, she began to practice the guitar hard, at least four hours a day, often playing until her fingers broke and bleed. At the age of eleven, she began to try to compose, and she was determined to enter the music world. At the age of thirteen, she sold two songs. When she was training at Warner Records before going to Hollywood Records, she actually showed more talent than anyone her age."

The music director of Warner Records talked about Taylor in an interview, and his tone was full of regret. Such an excellent singer did not stay at Warner Records in the end. ()

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