Rebirth In Hollywood

Chapter 707 Territorial Protection

After the trip to the film school, Ryan took a plane to the south and embarked on a journey to Shanghai.

Before leaving, he had a brief conversation with Chen Jiazheng. As time went on, the differences between the two sides became more and more obvious, and it was difficult to return to the former student days. Compared with Darren? Boseman and others, Chen Jiazheng's development was not smooth, and Ryan finally left the sentence "Disney's door will be opened to him at any time".

After all, everyone has their own goals and paths to achieve them.

Perhaps, Chen Jiazheng once had the ideal of revitalizing Chinese films, but there is a huge difference between what he thinks and what he does.

This is a world in which Western culture and values ​​are rampant. If there is no breakthrough in cultural background, how can Chinese films really go global?

Sitting on the plane, Ryan couldn't help thinking of the last question in the auditorium. Those students who had not completely lost their naivety asked why Hollywood movies were becoming less and less socially responsible, but he was dragging them back to the point. s answer.

Although movies can never get rid of the influence of the political and social environment, commercial films such as "Transformers" or "Captain America" ​​actually reflect the American theme, but giving too much responsibility and educational significance to the film will only force People stay away from consumer products that are essentially entertainment.

Besides, why do Hollywood give the main theme to some big productions, do they really have a sense of responsibility? It's just to meet the needs of the market. They know what the audience wants to see. Even if they really preach something, such as "Argo", it will be hidden behind the entertainment that attracts the audience the most.

As for the social responsibility of Hollywood movies, a more euphemistic way to say it is - nonsense!

Hollywood producers never think about social responsibility and educational significance. These companies, including him and Disney, only think about commercial interests and rely on movies to control advanced social and family concepts. It is extremely funny and stupid. thing.

Often the simpler the entertainment, the more attractive the audience is. Loading the film with too many factors outside the entertainment realm will only overwhelm the audience and even the film itself.

After arriving in Shanghai, Ryan participated in a series of formulaic activities, the highlight of which was the groundbreaking ceremony of Disneyland. China's strategic layout.

After that, there were reception banquets, banquets held by Shanghai Municipal Government, Shanghai City Federation of Industry and Commerce, etc. This was a very normal business relationship. This is also a society full of social interactions. Ryan will not refuse these activities. Accompanied by the head of Disney's Far East Branch and Greater China, he,

Attended several formal receptions in succession.

During the period, countless people expressed their intention to cooperate with Disney, but the Disney headquarters has long been handed over to Disney Far East Branch to be responsible for these specific tasks.

For example, brand and character image authorization, such as Disney doll OEM, etc., many of Disney's derivatives are produced in China. If someone travels thousands of miles to Disney Adventure Park in California or Disney World in Florida to buy some souvenir dolls and other goods, there is a high probability that exports will be sold domestically.

OEM production, commodity OEM, etc. are all effective measures to reduce costs and increase profits. Of course Disney will.

In addition, Ryan signed a cooperation agreement with Oriental Entertainment Media Group on behalf of Disney, and Disney China Branch and the other's smg film and television will be under the technical support of the Disney Animation Department. Start the production and distribution of two animated series, which involve not only TV broadcasts, but also plans to generate big movies and peripheral products if the market reflects well.

The initial ideas for both series also came from Ryan. They are the stories of several sheep, wolves and two smelly bears.

Such animation does not conform to Disney's brand strategy and image, so Disney will only be the manipulator behind the scenes, and smg is the one who is pushed to the foreground.

During the period, Ryan also accepted an interview with the Shanghai media. This time, it was a professional film journal "Watching Movies". They were undoubtedly aimed at a group of Chinese people who like movies very much. Therefore, during the interview, Ryan strongly recommended Disney Films that are coming soon and are sure to be introduced to China.

Such as "Iron Man", "Pirates of the Caribbean 3", "Cars" and "Transformers" and so on.

There is nothing too surprising about the interview process, it is just a repetition of the previous few days. As Disney's mascot, Ryan will definitely bring the whole group company closer to China. Although Disney has a certain influence in China, it has established A good brand image requires a lot of long-term work.

The other party is a professional film magazine, and the questions asked are more targeted, including some differences between Chinese and American film companies.

The interview is located in the Peace Hotel on the Bund where Ryan is staying. Sitting at the small table in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, the female reporter opposite asked, "Mr. Jenkins, many people know that you are the chairman of the Disney Group, but they ignore another identity. You are still the chief creative officer and creative director of the Disney Group, but there is no such position in the Chinese film industry. As a chief creative officer, what is your main job?"

"Most of my time at Disney is working with the film production team, including directors, producers, writers, story directors, art directors, etc., to help them make the film the best it can be. It's up to me to decide what film to make, although sometimes I'll come up with a lot of ideas and have other people turn those ideas into movies, but I won't tell people what to do, it's my job to maintain a creative partnership between the film's creative team, which is very important."

Holding up the coffee cup, Ryan made a gesture of invitation to the female reporter opposite. After the two put down the cup, the female reporter asked curiously, "Can you be more specific?"

"It takes a long time to make an excellent film. You must be patient. It takes at least a year for us to make a film from project preparation to completion of post-production work."

Ryan tapped the table, "During this period, the directors and producers of the film sometimes lost their objectivity because they got too caught up in it, and one of my tasks was to help them stay awake, to help them solve their problems, and sometimes they Getting too deep and trying to make changes to the film, I'll stop them in time and tell them that's fine."

Especially in those big commercial productions, directors often fall into self-entanglement under huge pressure. Not everyone is James Cameron, and not every director has a big heart. They will doubt it. Own work, and frequently modify the work, this will increase the possibility of failure of the film.

For those big-budget commercial films produced by Disney, after finishing the first version of the editing, Ryan will go to the preview meeting. If the film meets his requirements, he will stop anyone from making unnecessary changes.

"I'm also a writer and producer myself, and I'm a storyteller, which also allows me to see from a better perspective." Ryan continued, "I don't blindly order other people to do things, just want to Do your best to help each team make a great movie."

"At Disney, whether it's Touchstone or Pixar, a lot of ideas come from different teams, and I want them to own these ideas, because I believe the best movies are movies that incorporate their emotional soul."

After taking another sip of coffee, Ryan showed a faint smile, "It's very important to incorporate your family, friendship, and travel experience into it, and I also insist that every film production team conduct large-scale research for their films. Work, consulting with professionals, business trips, interviews, so that every film can be more authentic, no matter what the genre is.”

"So..." the female reporter asked in a timely manner, "Is this a very unique position?"

"Yes, my position is very unique, it grew out of the soil of Walt Disney." Ryan considered for a few seconds, "The last person to sit in this position was Walt Disney himself, That's the founder of the Disney Group."

"In layman's terms, I'm both a cheerleader, a creative and storyteller, and a coordination expert." Sitting on the sofa, Ryan used his gestures to match the language, "I will give all The film's creative team encouraged and told them the truth. The foundation of teamwork is to tell the truth and share ideas. All people at Disney dare to speak up, whether it is useful or not, because the worst thing in making a movie is to tell people with your mouth. It was great, but I didn’t feel good at all.”

"I believe that Disney's work will make the world a better place!"

These are the last words Ryan said in the interview, which is also the last activity of his trip to China.

The next day, he left China by plane, but before he left, he still received some good news.

With the efforts of Disney's business negotiation team, China will issue fines to some of the infringing companies listed by Disney with solid evidence. Although the punishment is more symbolic, it is also a kind of progress, and it also has a little bit of copyright protection. Positive effect, after all, for the market on the other side of the ocean, there is still a long way to go in this regard.

Besides, Disney is still an American business, and it's impossible to avoid vigilant scrutiny.

Ryan believes that these symbolic punishments would not have occurred if the trip had not reached a series of cooperation plans with many Chinese companies.

Territorial protection is too normal, and it is common on both sides of the Pacific and around the world. (To be continued..) ()

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