Rebirth In Hollywood

Chapter 805 Earth's Strongest Team

The office of Marvel Films in Burbank is not big, it’s just a small two-story building. If you just look at the exterior, it’s hard to imagine that this is a film company that has produced several super blockbuster movies that have been screened worldwide. On the contrary, it is even more Like the kind of movie studios run by Hollywood stars that can close at any moment.

On a new Monday, this place became a gathering place for Marvel heroes, and the paparazzi who followed several stars almost broke the shutter of the camera.

Black Widow Scarlett Johansson, Pepper Gwyneth Paltrow, Iron Man Robert Downey Jr., Hulk Mark Ruffage, Hawkeye Jeremy Renner, One-Eyed Samuel jackson...

There are still not released, but already well-known Thor Chris Hemsworth, Rocky Tom Hiddleston.

Finally, the paparazzi captured the less and less media-facing Ryan Jenkins, Captain America.

What are they going to do?

More and more entertainment reporters gathered here, and those brainy people immediately thought of the big plan of Marvel Comics. Could it be that the Avengers have begun to assemble?

A reporter from the Los Angeles Times, relying on a good relationship with him over the years, tried to stop Ryan.

"Jenkins husband."

Before the bodyguard pushed him away, he shouted loudly, "Is the "Avengers" going to start?"

After waving to the bodyguard and letting the reporter walk to him, Ryan replied cheerfully, "That's right, the strongest team on Earth is about to assemble."

While Ryan was answering questions, more reporters rushed to his side, throwing all kinds of questions.

After answering a few casually, Ryan hurried into the small office building of Marvel Films under the cover of bodyguards, and the reporters behind surrounded Joss Whedon who had just got off the car. The director of "The Avengers" announced by the media is not as lucky as Ryan.

The entertainment reporter threw out questions like knives. Most of them are voices of doubt. After all, although Joss Whedon has a good resume, his last film "Firefly" was a hodgepodge of complete failures.

Faintly listening to the questions asked by the reporter, Ryan walked towards the conference room on the second floor under the leadership of the front desk staff.

Although "The Avengers" is a movie that many comic fans and superhero fans are looking forward to, but in the hearts of most people in the industry,

This movie is not a sought-after favorite, and the reason is actually very simple-too many heroes, too many different superpowers, too difficult to mix together.

For example, Jon Favreau, the director of Marvel's original preference for "Iron Man", not only turned down the job. He also called Ryan himself to explain.

"I can't direct this movie because it's too difficult. I created a high-tech Iron Man in the movie, but now he has to fight with the Avengers. There are people like Thor here. Mythical characters, there are also some supernatural abilities that are not compatible with high technology, etc. It is actually very difficult to mix these elements together. There may be no problem with expressing this way in comics, but in movies, shooting me like this It won't work."

Frankly speaking, "The Avengers" is also a hodgepodge, which once messed up Joss Whedon's mishmash. Certainly a lot of experience can be summed up.

Walking into the meeting room, Ryan nodded to Robert Downey Jr. and Samuel Jackson who came to say hello one after another, and then walked towards the two people who were sitting still.

"what's the topic?"

Unlike those who are just working, these two have been friends for many years. Ryan pulled a chair and sat next to Scarlett, "It seems very enthusiastic?"

"Gwynnie complained to me that Black Widow stole Pepper's limelight in "Iron Man 2." Scarlett shrugged, "So she strongly asked me not to appear in "Iron Man 3" again."

"Scarlett." Gwyneth Paltrow brushed her long blond hair. "The Black Widow series you should have."

"I think I should win an Oscar for Best Actress first." Scarlett looked at Gwyneth and whispered.

"You shouldn't say that to me." Gwyneth pointed to Ryan's side, "The person who can help you get the Oscar statuette is over there."

These were all jokes, and Ryan chatted with the two of them a few words. Marvel's Kevin Feige and director Joss Whedon walked in, they came over to say hello to Ryan, and then called everyone to start a meeting.

This is the preparatory meeting of the crew, and there is nothing special about it. In fact, most of the affairs have been communicated with relevant people as early as when the script was handed over to the relevant people. The preparatory meeting is more like a meeting and coordination meeting. Possible problems in face-to-face communication between personnel.

Group play is a very troublesome thing. There are many characters in the film, and each character is a "popular star". In addition, the screenwriter can't distribute the roles equally, so it is inevitable that there will be a phenomenon of "preferring one to another", which will easily lead to open and secret fights among actors. .

Fortunately, most of the actors are male actors, and the battles between men will not be as entangled as women.

In order to prevent those bad things that may appear in the future from hindering the filming, after the routine reading of the script, Ryan stood up and said a few words.

"Movies are the art of regret. No matter in what aspect, at any time, there will be regrets. In terms of the plot, Surprise, Jon and the screenwriters have done their best and tried, and have done everything possible to average. "

Looking across everyone in the conference room, Ryan said seriously, "Unfortunately, this is an unrealistic idea. Therefore, some superheroes can only be regarded as supporting roles in this movie."

As soon as Ryan finished speaking, Kevin Feige said again, "However, this will not disappoint, because there are many action scenes in the film. Although there are so many superheroes together, this movie is still a movie. Action movies. Just pay attention to the big action scenes, because this is the flesh and blood of this movie."

In fact, these people can't say anything on the surface. Ryan's Captain America doesn't have a lot of roles in the script. Although it is the brain of the Avengers, it is definitely not the most brilliant one, and it is even more like a decoration.

In this regard, Ryan, as the biggest player in the entire crew, has no complaints, and the others can't say anything.

This is a very normal thing. When a group of superheroes gather together, it is inevitable that some will stand out and some will be reduced to decorations.

According to the setting of the script, Iron Man Tony Stark definitely took advantage of it. He is humorous, venomous and conceited. In the end, he became a "fighter" among superheroes because of his courage to dedicate himself. In addition to taking on the most dangerous combat missions , Iron Man also gave full play to the huge energy of comedians, all kinds of ridicule, all kinds of "out of shape".

To be precise, the division of labor in the script is clear, Iron Man is in charge of playing tricks, Captain America is in charge of being handsome, Black Widow is in charge of flirting, One Eye is in charge of scheming, and Hawkeye is in charge of showing off his arms...

As for Thunder God, I still continue to abuse my brother thousands of times, and I treat my brother like first love.

As for the X-Men, because the new "X-Men" series has also been put on the daily, they will not appear in the "Avengers" for the time being, and the Wolverine who was originally scheduled to join, because Hugh Jackman insisted The $20 million salary was not let go, and had to be temporarily given up by Marvel.

Another reason is that if there are too many characters, the script is really difficult to measure.

Even, Joss Whedon once asked Ryan and Kevin Feige for advice, hoping to remove the unsightly character of Thor, but got a negative answer. After all, what Marvel wants to do is a panoramic display of these comics character videos.

Subsequently, Marvel Pictures held an official press conference on "The Avengers."

As the film's leading actor, producer, and the most critical instigator of the entire plan, Ryan naturally became the target of reporters' siege, and he was also willing to cooperate so that the media could hype and publicize the project.

"The film has a very comic script, and it looks like these Avengers members have come out of their respective movies, and these things are mixed together, and it looks silly and funny."

Facing the reporter's microphone, while maintaining the mystery of the movie, Ryan also broke the news a little bit, "There are mythical characters here, there are American soldiers from World War II, and there are also arms dealers and lone rangers like Tony Stark. It was very difficult to put these characters together."

"Fundamentally, this group of people doesn't belong in a movie, and we want to tie them together with a story that will appeal to superhero fans around the world."

The director of the film, Joss Whedon, talked about the general idea of ​​the film in the face of doubts from many reporters.

"One advantage of such a movie is that the audience is familiar with the characters in it, because they have seen the previous movies, so we don't need to explain or interpret these characters in this movie, we can easily Cut directly into the plot and tell the story."

"Whether it is the character of the characters or their position, it has long been a well-known fact. In this case, we have nothing to avoid, and there is nothing too much nonsense to say. Just tell the story without doing anything. Any foreshadowing, so that the audience can see the climax from the beginning, and maintain this high emotion, it will be fine."

In the cold wave caused by the financial crisis, the news that "The Avengers" is about to launch has injected a shot in the arm for the somewhat icy movie market. A large number of movie fans left messages on the Internet, expressing that they can't wait to see Iron Man, Black Widow , the Hulk, and Captain America fight side by side.

Although it is not without media suspicion that the film will be made into a nondescript hodgepodge, it cannot stop Disney Pictures from spending 230 million US dollars on the production cost of the film. (to be continued...)


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