"What are you doing? It's nothing more than conveying an idea, but what is going on to scare people?"

At this time, Bai Yu was being criticized in a shameless manner by Shancun.

Bai Yu had already expected this, and just smiled and patiently scolded.

It can be seen that Bai Yu still has a hippy smile, and Shancun's anger is not even hitting a spot.

"I tell you, no matter what your purpose is, the most important thing now is to convey a good idea and do a good job of your identity as a demonstrator."

Bai Yu nodded very obediently.

"I understand Senior, but then again, isn't the effect just now pretty good?"

"What's called is not bad, almost..."

Jincun was very annoyed when he thought of it, but when he was half annoyed, he suddenly felt that... there was nothing to be annoying.

"I don't care, anyway, for the next meeting, you have to do what I say!"

"Okay, okay, I will do it, and I will listen to your old orders~"

Bai Yu felt a little regretful in his heart.

It is said that the hospital has a total of ten team leaders and eight deputy ministers. He wants to change the medical system. It is not enough to change only one or two people.

With the mentality of giving it a try, Bai Yu asked again.

"Senior, do you have any relatives?"

The village, who was finishing the manuscript, was about to tear up the manuscript written by Bai Yu when he was interrupted by this sudden question."Yes? What do you ask this for?"

"Since there are relatives, do you worry that they will die because of the village's unreasonable medical system after being injured?"

Hearing Bai Yu's question, Jiancun was stunned at first, then as if he had discovered something, he helped his glasses.

"I said what's the matter with your kid, I remember that you were put in jail because you were dissatisfied with the village's Xia Ren selection system, right?

Why, now even the medical system has to be mixed up?"

After being seen through his mind, although it was expected, Bai Yu scratched his head shyly.

"I'm thinking that everyone's medical standards will improve in the future. Is this system inconsistent with the actual situation?

Among just two hundred people, there are nearly one hundred that can stop the bleeding. As long as you work hard, you may soon be able to reach the level of each group leader.

Then the village will have nearly two hundred medical ninjas at the level of team leader. Wouldn't the medical department's treatment capacity be doubled as a whole? "

"This... is indeed the case. But there are only more than two hundred people. How can it be enough at a critical time?"

Zhencun looked as though his mind was broken, and the vicissitudes and sorrows in his eyes made Bai Yu very puzzled.

He thought about it, but couldn't understand how this big hospital seemed to be occupied by something every day and not shit, what was going on.

"Senior, can you tell the boy when is the critical time? I feel that the hospital doesn't seem to be very busy normally?"

Seeing Bai Yu's questioning like this, Shancun's expression became more serious.

"Have you heard of the Whaling Team?"

Bai Yu was slightly stunned.

"I heard it, but I haven't touched it in detail."(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)"A blue whale can produce more than 60 tons of oil, which is equivalent to the total fat of 3,400 pigs or 16,000 sheep. The internal organs and bones of the whale can be used as medicine. It can be said that the whole body is a treasure. A blue whale can be said to be valuable on the ground. Therefore, whaling has become an important source of income for the village.

But do you know how many ninjas the village needs to send to sea to hunt whaling? "

Bai Yu was a little confused and shook his head again and again.

"do not know……"

Seeing Bai Yu's reaction, Shancun sighed involuntarily.

"Young man, some things are not as simple as imagined.

In order for the village to have a stable income, about three thousand-man ninja troops are dispatched every week to maintain the whaling operation.

Counting down this way, it is three thousand people. But who can tell the truth about things at sea? It may be possible that the team that is currently whaling at sea is suffering from a crisis that we can hardly imagine.

This critical moment refers to their safety!"

After listening to what Zangcun said, Bai Yu completely understood.

However, this situation did not dispel him from changing the village's heart. In fact, if he wanted to investigate the root cause of all suffering, it was only a word of "money."

As long as the village has other sources of income, there is no need for anyone to hunt whaling.

After making up his mind, Bai Yu thought about how to make money.

The behavior of part-time work like doing this task today, even if you can do the task, I am afraid that it will not affect the entire village for a lifetime.

If you want to change the entire village, you have to start from industries suitable for the development of the village.

In fact, Bai Yu prefers sailing. After all, if he discovers new high-value crops, the income is not comparable to catching a blue whale.And even if there are no new crops, looking for mineral gems and the like to resell them is great.

If you discover mainstream precious mineral veins, you will get rich every second.

But nowadays, it is very difficult for the village to have the consciousness of navigating and reclaiming wasteland.

After thinking about this for a long time, Bai Yu realized that he still had to improve his voice in the village first, and after he had enough status, he could carry out these big business of making money.

After thinking about it again, Bai Yu put away his mind.

Then he participated in another meeting with Shancun.

Under the close gaze of Jincun, Bai Yu did not act as a demon again this time, but completed the communication of the idea in a serious manner.

Although it was not as rude and deeply rooted for the first time, after patiently answering many people's questions, the new concept was successfully communicated.

However, in order to improve the level of the medical department as soon as possible, nearly half of the medical workers soon followed the village to the laboratory full of fish to practice.

Bai Yu was also stayed, occasionally instructing everyone.

In this process, some medical ninjas have done a great job. Generally speaking, just tell them the correct treatment feeling in the state of consciousness, and they will be able to complete the treatment accurately in a short time.

Seeing the rapid progress of many people, Bai Yu took advantage of the time to write his own experience on the pamphlet and handed it to Shancun.

The well-informed Zangcun almost got excited after reading a few pages of pamphlets.

For this reason, he also added double the bonus for the task to the team, making the team complete this task equivalent to completing two.

The final profit of the mission was 90,000 taels, and the remuneration for two high-end D-class missions made Yubingwei almost dance happily.

But when we divide the money...

Bai Yu, Guiyu and Youye were extremely depressed.Yubingwei smiled openly, and after sending out three people's money, he stretched out his hand to ask for it again.

"It's not that I said, if it weren't for me, you might have to go to jail. So, this money can be regarded as repaying me~"

Bai Yu sneered at this, knowing that he was deliberately disgusting the three of them, and immediately let Yu Bingwei withdraw the money.

Ghost shark frowned a little bit dissatisfied, but still let go of his hand.

But when Yuye arrived, Yubingwei frowned.

"You Ye, you can let go. In fact, all of this is caused by you. You should have compensated the entire amount, understand?"

But You Ye didn't seem to hear it, and she kept tightly covering the banknotes she had just received.

"No, I earned it myself, not for you!"

"If you can't make money by yourself, let go quickly, or you will be hungry in a water polo ball!"

Yubingwei fiercely slapped Yu Ye, and immediately let go of the little hand that was holding the banknote and wrestling with him.

After a long time of tiredness, Yu Ye was a little embarrassed, and her watery eyes were covered with a layer of mist after she had no money, and her petite and weak appearance became even more pitiful.

But Yubingwei, who had found the handle of Yuye, became even more proud at this time.

After watching for a long time, I really couldn't see the ass-like Bai Yu, walked up to him and patted him on the shoulder.

"Captain, you took all the rewards the first time you did the task. This will dampen our enthusiasm for doing the task.

I think it’s better to leave some for us, it’s really not good to have a treat for dinner~"

Suddenly asked for a treat, Yubingwei's expression became a little irritable. After looking at the lost expressions of Guiyu and Youye, he looked at Bai Yu very tired.

"Is this supposed to be good? Not long after the formation of the team, I lost the prison 1.15 million taels. Shouldn't you keep your memory long?"

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